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Commit 3f07253d authored by Jan Thorbecke's avatar Jan Thorbecke
Browse files


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* decomposition.c
* Kees Wapenaar "Reciprocity properties of one-way propagators"
* GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 63, NO. 4 (JULY-AUGUST 1998); P. 1795–1798
* Created by Jan Thorbecke on 17/03/2014.
* Copyright 2014 TU Delft. All rights reserved.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef COMPLEX
typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
float r,i;
} complex;
typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
double r,i;
} dcomplex;
#endif/* complex */
complex firoot(float x, float stab)
complex ciroot(complex x, float stab);
complex cwp_csqrt(complex z);
void decud(float om, float rho, float cp, float dx, int nkx, complex *pu);
void kxwfilter(complex *data, float k, float dx, int nkx,
float alfa1, float alfa2, float perc);
void kxwdecomp(complex *rp, complex *rvz, complex *up, complex *down,
int nkx, float dx, int nt, float dt, float fmin, float fmax,
float cp, float rho)
int iom, iomin, iomax, ikx, nfreq;
float omin, omax, deltom, om, kp, df;
float alpha, eps;
complex *pu, w;
complex ax, az;
df = 1.0/((float)nt*dt);
deltom = 2.*M_PI*df;
omin = 2.*M_PI*fmin;
omax = 2.*M_PI*fmax;
nfreq = nt/2+1;
eps = 0.01;
alpha = 0.1;
iomin = (int)MIN((omin/deltom), (nfreq-1));
iomin = MAX(iomin, 1);
iomax = MIN((int)(omax/deltom), (nfreq-1));
pu = (complex *)malloc(nkx*sizeof(complex));
for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
om = iom*deltom;
decud(om, rho, cp, dx, nkx, alpha, eps, pu);
kxwfilter(dpux, kp, dx, nkx, alfa1, alfa2, perc);
kxwfilter(dpuz, kp, dx, nkx, alfa1, alfa2, perc);
for (ikx = 0; ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
ax.r = 0.5*rp[iom*nkx+ikx].r;
ax.i = 0.5*rp[iom*nkx+ikx].i;
az.r = 0.5*(rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].r*pu[ikx].r - rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].i*pu[ikx].i);
az.i = 0.5*(rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].i*pu[ikx].r + rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].r*pu[ikx].i);
down[iom*nkx+ikx].r = ax.r + az.r;
down[iom*nkx+ikx].i = ax.i + az.i;
up[iom*nkx+ikx].r = ax.r - az.r;
up[iom*nkx+ikx].i = ax.i - az.i;
void decud(float om, float rho, float cp, float dx, int nkx, float alpha, float eps, complex *pu);
int ikx, ikxmax1, ikxmax2, filterpoints, filterppos;
float mu, kp, kp2, ks, ks2, ksk;
float kx, kx2, kzp2, kzs2, dkx;
float kxfmax, kxnyq, kpos, kneg, alfa, kfilt, perc, band, *filter;
complex kzp, kzs, cste, ckp, ckp2, ckzp2;
/* with complex frequency
ckp.r = wom.r/cp;
ckp.i = wom.i/cp;
ckp2.r = ckp.r*ckp.r-ckp.i*ckp.i;
ckp2.i = 2.0*ckp.r*ckp.i;
stab = eps*eps*(ckp.r*ckp.r+ckp.i*ckp.i);
kp = om/cp;
kp2 = kp*kp;
dkx = 2.0*M_PI/(nkx*dx);
stab = eps*eps*kp*kp;
/* make kw filter at maximum angle alfa */
alfa = 90.0;
perc = 0.10; /* percentage of band to use for smooth filter */
filter = (float *)malloc(nkx*sizeof(float));
kpos = kp*sin(M_PI*alfa/180.0);
kneg = -kpos;
kxnyq = M_PI/dx;
if (kpos > kxnyq) kpos = kxnyq;
band = kpos;
filterpoints = (int)fabs((int)(perc*band/dkx));
kfilt = fabs(dkx*filterpoints);
if (kpos+kfilt < kxnyq) {
kxfmax = kpos+kfilt;
filterppos = filterpoints;
else {
kxfmax = kxnyq;
filterppos = (int)(0.15*nkx/2);
ikxmax1 = (int) (kxfmax/dkx);
ikxmax2 = ikxmax1 - filterppos;
// fprintf(stderr,"ikxmax1=%d ikxmax2=%d nkp=%d nkx=%d\n", ikxmax1, ikxmax2, (int)(kp/dkx), nkx);
for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax2; ikx++)
for (ikx = ikxmax2; ikx < ikxmax1; ikx++)
filter[ikx] =(cos(M_PI*(ikx-ikxmax2)/(ikxmax1-ikxmax2))+1)/2.0;
for (ikx = ikxmax1; ikx <= nkx/2; ikx++)
filter[ikx] = 0.0;
/* end of kxfilter */
for (ikx = 0; ikx <= (nkx/2); ikx++) {
kx = ikx*dkx;
kx2 = kx*kx;
kzp2 = kp2 - kx2;
kzp = firoot(kzp2);
/* with complex frequency
kzp2.r = kp2.r - kx2;
kzp2.i = kp2.i;
kzp = ciroot(kzp2, stab);
if (kzp2 != 0) {
pu[ikx].r = filter[ikx]*om*rho*kzp.r;
pu[ikx].i = filter[ikx]*om*rho*kzp.i;
// pu[ikx].r = om*rho*kzp.r;
// pu[ikx].i = om*rho*kzp.i;
else {
pu[ikx].r = 0.0;
pu[ikx].i = 0.0;
/* operators are symmetric in kx-w domain */
for (ikx = (nkx/2+1); ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
pu[ikx] = pu[nkx-ikx];
/* compute 1/x */
complex firoot(float x, float stab)
complex z;
if (x > 0.0) {
z.r = 1.0/sqrt(x+stab);
z.i = 0.0;
else if (x == 0.0) {
z.r = 0.0;
z.i = 0.0;
else {
z.r = 0.0;
z.i = 1.0/sqrt(-x+stab);
return z;
complex ciroot(complex x, float stab)
complex z, kz, kzz;
float kd;
if (x.r == 0.0) {
z.r = 0.0;
z.i = 0.0;
else {
kzz = cwp_csqrt(x);
kz.r = kzz.r;
kz.i = -abs(kzz.i);
kd = kz.r*kz.r+kz.i*kz.i+stab;
z.r = kz.r/kd;
z.i = -kz.i/kd;
return z;
complex cwp_csqrt(complex z)
complex c;
float x,y,w,r;
if (z.r==0.0 && z.i==0.0) {
c.r = c.i = 0.0;
return c;
} else {
x = fabs(z.r);
y = fabs(z.i);
if (x>=y) {
r = y/x;
w = sqrt(x)*sqrt(0.5*(1.0+sqrt(1.0+r*r)));
} else {
r = x/y;
w = sqrt(y)*sqrt(0.5*(r+sqrt(1.0+r*r)));
if (z.r>=0.0) {
c.r = w;
c.i = z.i/(2.0*w);
} else {
c.i = (z.i>=0.0) ? w : -w;
c.r = z.i/(2.0*c.i);
return c;
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "par.h"
#include "segy.h"
#include "fdelmodc.h"
* Writes gridded wavefield(s) at a desired time to output file(s)
* Jan Thorbecke (
* The Netherlands
FILE *fileOpen(char *file, char *ext, int append);
int traceWrite(segy *hdr, float *data, int n, FILE *fp);
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
int writeSnapTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int itime, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose)
FILE *fpvx, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss;
int append, isnap;
int n1, ibnd, ixs, izs, ize, i, j;
int ix, iz, ix2, iz2;
float *snap, sdx;
segy hdr;
if (sna.nsnap==0) return 0;
ibnd = mod.iorder/2-1;
n1 = mod.naz;
sdx = 1.0/mod.dx;
/* check if this itime is a desired snapshot time */
if ( (((itime-sna.delay) % sna.skipdt)==0) &&
(itime >= sna.delay) &&
(itime <= sna.delay+(sna.nsnap-1)*sna.skipdt) ) {
isnap = NINT((itime-sna.delay)/sna.skipdt);
if (verbose) vmess("Writing snapshot(%d) at time=%.3f", isnap+1, itime*mod.dt);
if (isnap) append=1;
else append=0;
if (sna.type.vx) fpvx = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svx", append);
if (sna.type.vz) fpvz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svz", append);
if (sna.type.p) fpp = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sp", append);
if (sna.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxx", append);
if (sna.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stzz", append);
if (sna.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxz", append);
if (sna.type.pp) fppp = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_spp", append);
if ( fpss = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sss", append);
hdr.dt = 1000000*(mod.dt);
hdr.scalco = -1000;
hdr.scalel = -1000; = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*;
hdr.fldr = isnap+1;
hdr.trid = 1;
hdr.ns =;
hdr.trwf = sna.nx;
hdr.ntr = (isnap+1)*sna.nx;
hdr.f1 = sna.z1*;
hdr.f2 = sna.x1*mod.dx+mod.x0;
hdr.d1 =*sna.skipdz;
hdr.d2 = mod.dx*sna.skipdx;
* vx velocities have one sample less in x-direction
* vz velocities have one sample less in z-direction
* txz stresses have one sample less in z-direction and x-direction
snap = (float *)malloc(*sizeof(float));
/* Decimate, with skipdx and skipdz, the number of gridpoints written to file
and write to file. */
for (ixs=sna.x1, i=0; ixs<=sna.x2; ixs+=sna.skipdx, i++) {
hdr.tracf = i+1;
hdr.tracl = isnap*sna.nx+i+1;
hdr.gx = 1000*(mod.x0+ixs*mod.dx);
ix = ixs+ibnd;
ix2 = ix+1;
izs = sna.z1+ibnd;
ize = sna.z2+ibnd;
if (sna.type.vx) {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
snap[j] = vx[ix2*n1+iz];
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpvx);
if (sna.type.vz) {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
snap[j] = vz[ix*n1+iz+1];
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpvz);
if (sna.type.p) {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
snap[j] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpp);
if (sna.type.tzz) {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
snap[j] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fptzz);
if (sna.type.txx) {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
snap[j] = txx[ix*n1+iz];
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fptxx);
if (sna.type.txz) {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
snap[j] = txz[ix2*n1+iz+1];
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fptxz);
/* calculate divergence of velocity field */
if (sna.type.pp) {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
iz2 = iz+1;
snap[j] = sdx*((vx[ix2*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz])+
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fppp);
/* calculate rotation of velocity field */
if ( {
for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
iz2 = iz+1;
snap[j] = sdx*((vx[ix2*n1+iz2]-vx[ix2*n1+iz])-
traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpss);
if (sna.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
if (sna.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
if (sna.type.p) fclose(fpp);
if (sna.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
if (sna.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
if (sna.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
if (sna.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
if ( fclose(fpss);
return 0;
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