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Commit 40b281c5 authored by joeri.brackenhoff's avatar joeri.brackenhoff
Browse files


parent 28b82f5a
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#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
long applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, long verbose);
long storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, long verbose);
long reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, long verbose);
long boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, long itime, long verbose);
long boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, long itime, long verbose);
long acoustic4_3D(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long iysrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roy, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose)
The captial symbols T (=P) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T
symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
one cel (iz,ix)
V extra column of vx,txz
------- V
| txz vz| txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz
| |
| vx t | vx t vx t vx t vx t vx t vx
txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz
vx t vx T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T vx t vx
| | | | | | |
txz vz txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz Txz-Vz txz vz txz
| | | | | | |
vx t vx T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T vx t vx
| | | | | | |
txz vz txz Vz Txz-Vz Txz-Vz Txz-Vz txz vz txz
| | | | | | |
vx t vx T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T vx t vx
| | | | | | |
txz vz txz Vz Txz-Vz Txz-Vz Txz-Vz txz vz txz
| | | | | | |
vx t vx T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T vx t vx
txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz
vx t vx t vx t vx t vx t vx t vx
txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz vz txz <--|
extra row of txz/vz |
Jan Thorbecke (
The Netherlands
float c1, c2;
long ix, iy, iz;
long n1, n2;
long ioXx, ioXy, ioXz, ioYx, ioYy, ioYz, ioZx, ioZy, ioZz, ioPx, ioPy, ioPz;
c1 = 9.0/8.0;
c2 = -1.0/24.0;
n1 = mod.naz;
n2 = mod.nay;
/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
for (iy=mod.ioXy; iy<mod.ieXy; iy++) {
#pragma ivdep
for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
vx[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] -= rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]*(
c1*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] - p[iy*n2*n1+(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
c2*(p[iy*n2*n1+(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[iy*n2*n1+(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
/* calculate vy for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
for (iy=mod.ioYy; iy<mod.ieYy; iy++) {
#pragma ivdep
for (ix=mod.ioYx; ix<mod.ieYx; ix++) {
for (iz=mod.ioYz; iz<mod.ieYz; iz++) {
vy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] -= roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]*(
c1*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] - p[(iy-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(p[(iy+1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] - p[(iy-2)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]));
/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) schedule(guided,1)
for (iy=mod.ioZy; iy<mod.ieZy; iy++) {
#pragma ivdep
for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
vz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] -= roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]*(
c1*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] - p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz-1]) +
c2*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz+1] - p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz-2]));
/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
boundariesP3D(mod, bnd, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
/* Add force source */
if (src.type > 5) {
applySource3D(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
/* this is needed because the P fields are not using tapered boundaries (bnd....=4) */
if ( mod.ioPz += bnd.npml;
if ( mod.iePz -= bnd.npml;
if (bnd.fro==2) mod.ioPy += bnd.npml;
if (bnd.bac==2) mod.iePy -= bnd.npml;
if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx += bnd.npml;
if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx -= bnd.npml;
/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) schedule(guided,1)
//#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) schedule(dynamic)
#pragma ivdep
for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
#pragma ivdep
for (iy=mod.ioPy; iy<mod.iePy; iy++) {
for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
p[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]*(
c1*(vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
c1*(vy[(iy+1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] - vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vy[(iy+2)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] - vy[(iy-1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
c1*(vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+2] - vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1]));
if ( mod.ioPz -= bnd.npml;
if ( mod.iePz += bnd.npml;
if (bnd.fro==2) mod.ioPy -= bnd.npml;
if (bnd.bac==2) mod.iePy += bnd.npml;
if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx -= bnd.npml;
if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx += bnd.npml;
/* Add stress source */
if (src.type < 6) {
applySource3D(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
storeSourceOnSurface3D(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, verbose);
/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
boundariesV3D(mod, bnd, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
/* restore source positions on the edge */
reStoreSourceOnSurface3D(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, verbose);
return 0;
void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
#define c1 (9.0/8.0)
#define c2 (-1.0/24.0)
* Add's the source amplitude(s) to the grid.
* For the acoustic schemes, the source-type must not be txx tzz or txz.
* Jan Thorbecke (
* The Netherlands
long applySource3D(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long iysrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *tzz, float *tyy, float *txx, float *txz, float *txy, float *tyz, float *rox, float *roy, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, long verbose)
long is0, ibndz, ibndy, ibndx;
long isrc, ix, iy, iz, n1, n2;
long id1, id2, id3;
float src_ampl, time, scl, dt, sdx;
float Mxx, Myy, Mzz, Mxz, Myz, Mxy, rake;
static long first=1;
if (src.type==6) {
ibndz = mod.ioXz;
ibndy = mod.ioXy;
ibndx = mod.ioXx;
else if (src.type==7) {
ibndz = mod.ioZz;
ibndy = mod.ioZy;
ibndx = mod.ioZx;
else if (src.type==2) {
ibndz = mod.ioTz;
ibndy = mod.ioTy;
ibndx = mod.ioTx;
if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.fro==2) ibndy += bnd.ntap;
if ( || ibndz += bnd.ntap;
else {
ibndz = mod.ioPz;
ibndy = mod.ioPy;
ibndx = mod.ioPx;
if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.fro==2) ibndy += bnd.ntap;
if ( || ibndz += bnd.ntap;
n1 = mod.naz;
n2 = mod.nax;
dt = mod.dt;
sdx = 1.0/mod.dx;
/* special txz source activated? */
if (( && (src.type==2)) {
iz = izsrc + ibndz;
if (iz==ibndz) {
if (src.orient != 1) {
if (first) {
vmess("Only monopole Txz source allowed at surface. Reset to monopole");
first = 0;
* for plane wave sources the sources are placed
* around the central shot position
* the first source position has an offset in x of is0
* itime = 0 corresponds with time=0
* itime = 1 corresponds with time=dt
* src[0] (the first sample) corresponds with time = 0
is0 = -1*floor((src.n-1)/2);
#pragma omp for private (isrc, src_ampl, ix, iy, iz, time, id1, id2, id3, scl)
for (isrc=0; isrc<src.n; isrc++) {
/* calculate the source position */
if (src.random || src.multiwav) {
ix = src.x[isrc] + ibndx;
iy = src.y[isrc] + ibndy;
iz = src.z[isrc] + ibndz;
else { /* plane wave and point sources */
ix = ixsrc + ibndx + is0 + isrc;
iy = iysrc + ibndy + is0 + isrc;
iz = izsrc + ibndz;
time = itime*dt - src.tbeg[isrc];
id1 = floor(time/dt);
id2 = id1+1;
/* delay not reached or no samples left in source wavelet? */
if ( (time < 0.0) || ( (itime*dt) >= src.tend[isrc]) ) continue;
// fprintf(stderr,"isrc=%li ix=%li iz=%li src.x=%li src.z=%li\n", isrc, ix, iz, src.x[isrc], src.z[isrc]);
if (!src.multiwav) { /* only one wavelet for all sources */
src_ampl = src_nwav[0][id1]*(id2-time/dt) + src_nwav[0][id2]*(time/dt-id1);
else { /* multi-wavelet sources */
src_ampl = src_nwav[isrc][id1]*(id2-time/dt) + src_nwav[isrc][id2]*(time/dt-id1);
if (src_ampl==0.0) continue;
if ( ((ix-ibndx)<0) || ((ix-ibndx)>mod.nx) ) continue; /* source outside grid */
if ( ((iy-ibndy)<0) || ((iy-ibndy)>mod.ny) ) continue; /* source outside grid */
if (verbose>=4 && itime==0) {
vmess("Source %li positioned at grid ix=%li iy=%li iz=%li",isrc, ix, iy, iz);
/* cosine squared windowing to reduce edge effects on shot arrays */
if ( (src.n>1) && src.window) {
scl = 1.0;
if (isrc < src.window) {
scl = cos(0.5*M_PI*(src.window - isrc)/src.window);
else if (isrc > src.n-src.window+1) {
scl = cos(0.5*M_PI*(src.window - (src.n-isrc+1))/src.window);
src_ampl *= scl*scl;
/* source scaling factor to compensate for discretisation */
/* old amplitude setting does not obey reciprocity */
// src_ampl *= rox[ix*n1+iz]*l2m[ix*n1+iz]/(dt);
/* in older version added factor 2.0 to be compliant with defined Green's functions in Marchenko algorithm */
/* this is now set to 1.0 */
src_ampl *= (1.0/mod.dx)*l2m[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
if (verbose>5) {
vmess("Source %li at grid [ix=%li,iy=%li,iz=%li] at itime %li has value %e",isrc, ix, iy, iz, itime, src_ampl);
/* Force source */
if (src.type == 6) {
vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*rox[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]);
/* stable implementation from "Numerical Techniques for Conservation Laws with Source Terms" by Justin Hudson */
//vx[ix*n1+iz] = 0.5*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz]+vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz])+src_ampl*rox[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
else if (src.type == 7) {
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*roz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]);
/* stable implementation from "Numerical Techniques for Conservation Laws with Source Terms" by Justin Hudson */
/* stable implementation changes amplitude and more work is needed */
//vz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.5*(vz[ix*n1+iz-1]+vz[ix*n1+iz+1])+src_ampl*roz[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
//vz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.25*(vz[ix*n1+iz-2]+vz[ix*n1+iz-1]+vz[ix*n1+iz]+vz[ix*n1+iz+1])+src_ampl*roz[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
} /* src.type */
/* Stress source */
if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
/* Compressional source */
if (src.type == 1) {
if (src.orient != 1) src_ampl=src_ampl/mod.dx;
if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
if (iz > ibndz)
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1]+= 0.5*src_ampl;
if (iz <
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= 0.5*src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
else { /* Elastic scheme */
/* Compressional source */
if (src.type == 1) {
if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
txx[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
if (iz > ibndz) {
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1]+= 0.5*src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1]+= 0.5*src_ampl;
if (iz < {
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= 0.5*src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= 0.5*src_ampl;
else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
txx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
else if (src.type == 2) {
/* Txz source */
if ((iz == ibndz) && {
txz[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl;
txz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl;
else {
txz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
/* possible dipole orientations for a txz source */
if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
txz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
txz[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
else if (src.orient == 4) { /* dipole +/O/- */
/* correction: subtrace previous value to prevent z-1 values. */
txz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= 2.0*src_ampl;
txz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] += src_ampl;
else if (src.orient == 5) { /* dipole + - */
txz[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
/* Tzz source */
else if(src.type == 3) {
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
/* Txx source */
else if(src.type == 4) {
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
* pure potential shear S source (experimental)
* Curl S-pot = CURL(F) = dF_x/dz - dF_z/dx
else if(src.type == 5) {
src_ampl = src_ampl*rox[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]);
if (src.orient == 3) src_ampl = -src_ampl;
/* first order derivatives */
vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vx[(iy-1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz-1] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vz[(iy-1)*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
/* second order derivatives */
vx[ix*n1+iz] += c1*src_ampl*sdx;
vx[ix*n1+iz-1] -= c1*src_ampl*sdx;
vx[ix*n1+iz+1] += c2*src_ampl*sdx;
vx[ix*n1+iz-2] -= c2*src_ampl*sdx;
vz[ix*n1+iz] -= c1*src_ampl*sdx;
vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] += c1*src_ampl*sdx;
vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= c2*src_ampl*sdx;
vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz] += c2*src_ampl*sdx;
/* determine second position of dipole */
if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
iz += 1;
vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vx[(iy-1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vz[(iy-1)*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
ix += 1;
vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vx[(iy-1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vz[(iy-1)*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
* pure potential pressure P source (experimental)
* Divergence P-pot = DIV(F) = dF_x/dx + dF_z/dz
else if(src.type == 8) {
src_ampl = src_ampl*rox[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]);
if (src.orient == 3) src_ampl = -src_ampl;
vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vy[(iy+1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] += src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
/* determine second position of dipole */
if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
iz += 1;
vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vy[(iy+1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
ix += 1;
vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vy[(iy+1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl*sdx;
vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
else if(src.type == 9) {
rake = 0.5*M_PI;
Mxx = -1.0*(sin(src.dip)*cos(rake)*sin(2.0*src.strike)+sin(src.dip*2.0)*sin(rake)*sin(src.strike)*sin(src.strike));
Mxz = -1.0*(cos(src.dip)*cos(rake)*cos(src.strike)+cos(src.dip*2.0)*sin(rake)*sin(src.strike));
Mzz = sin(src.dip*2.0)*sin(rake);
txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= Mxx*src_ampl;
tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= Mzz*src_ampl;
txz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= Mxz*src_ampl;
} /* src.type */
} /* ischeme */
} /* loop over isrc */
return 0;
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -589,51 +589,41 @@ shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbos ...@@ -589,51 +589,41 @@ shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbos
// vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose); // vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
// break; // break;
case -1 : /* Acoustic dissipative media FD kernel */ case -1 : /* Acoustic dissipative media FD kernel */
acoustic4_qr(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("Acoustic dissipative not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
break; break;
case 1 : /* Acoustic FD kernel */ case 1 : /* Acoustic FD kernel */
if (mod.iorder==2) { if (mod.iorder==2) {
acoustic2(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("Acoustic order 2 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
} }
else if (mod.iorder==4) { else if (mod.iorder==4) {
if ( { if ( {
acousticSH4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("SH order 4 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
} }
else { else {
acoustic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, acoustic4_3D(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, src_nwav,
vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose); vx, vy, vz, tzz, rox, roy, roz, l2m, verbose);
} }
} }
else if (mod.iorder==6) { else if (mod.iorder==6) {
acoustic6(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("Acoustic order 6 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
} }
break; break;
case 2 : /* Visco-Acoustic FD kernel */ case 2 : /* Visco-Acoustic FD kernel */
viscoacoustic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("Visco-Acoustic order 4 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, tss, tep, q, verbose);
break; break;
case 3 : /* Elastic FD kernel */ case 3 : /* Elastic FD kernel */
if (mod.iorder==4) { if (mod.iorder==4) {
elastic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("Elastic order 4 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
} }
else if (mod.iorder==6) { else if (mod.iorder==6) {
elastic6(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("Elastic order 6 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
} }
break; break;
case 4 : /* Visco-Elastic FD kernel */ case 4 : /* Visco-Elastic FD kernel */
viscoelastic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("Visco-Elastic order 4 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul,
tss, tep, tes, r, q, p, verbose);
break; break;
case 5 : /* Elastic FD kernel with S-velocity set to zero*/ case 5 : /* Elastic FD kernel with S-velocity set to zero*/
elastic4dc(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, vmess("DC-Elastic order 4 not yet available");
vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
break; break;
} }
* Stores the wavefield at the receiver positions.
* On a staggered grid the fields are all on different positions,
* to compensate for that the rec.int_vx and rec.int_vz options
* can be set.
* Jan Thorbecke (
* The Netherlands
int getRecTimes3D(modPar mod, recPar rec, bndPar bnd, int itime, int isam, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *tzz, float *tyy, float *txx, float *txz, float *txy, float *tyz, float *l2m, float *rox, float *roy, float *roz, float *rec_vx, float *rec_vy, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tyy, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, float *rec_txy, float *rec_tyz, float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, int verbose)
int n1, n2, ibndx, ibndy, ibndz;
int irec, ix, iy, iz, ix2, iy2, iz2, ix1, iy1, iz1;
float dvx, dvy, dvz, rdz, rdy, rdx;
float C000, C100, C010, C001, C110, C101, C011, C111;
float *vz_t, c1, c2, lroz, field;
ibndx = mod.ioPx;
ibndy = mod.ioPy;
ibndz = mod.ioPz;
if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.fro==2) ibndy += bnd.ntap;
if ( || ibndz += bnd.ntap;
n1 = mod.naz;
n2 = mod.nax;
c1 = 9.0/8.0;
c2 = -1.0/24.0;
if (!rec.n) return 0;
* velocity or txz or potential registrations issues:
* rec_x and rec_z are related to actual txx/tzz/p positions.
* offsets from virtual boundaries must be taken into account.
* vx velocities have one sample less in x-direction
* vz velocities have one sample less in z-direction
* txz stresses have one sample less in z-direction and x-direction
* Note, in the acoustic scheme P is stored in the Tzz array.
for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
iz = rec.z[irec]+ibndz;
iy = rec.y[irec]+ibndy;
ix = rec.x[irec]+ibndx;
iz1 = iz-1;
iy1 = iy-1;
ix1 = ix-1;
iz2 = iz+1;
iy2 = iy+1;
ix2 = ix+1;
/* interpolation to precise (not necessary on a grid point) position */
if ( rec.int_p==3 ) {
iz = (int)floorf(rec.zr[irec]/;
iy = (int)floorf(rec.yr[irec]/mod.dy)+ibndy;
ix = (int)floorf(rec.xr[irec]/mod.dx)+ibndx;
rdz = (rec.zr[irec] - (iz-ibndz)*;
rdy = (rec.yr[irec] - (iy-ibndy)*mod.dy)/mod.dy;
rdx = (rec.xr[irec] - (ix-ibndx)*mod.dx)/mod.dx;
iz1 = iz-1;
iy1 = iy-1;
ix1 = ix-1;
iz2 = iz+1;
iy2 = iy+1;
ix2 = ix+1;
// Interpolate according to Dirk Kraaijpool's scheme
// Reference: "Seismic ray fields and ray field maps : theory and algorithms" ,
// PhD thesis Utrecht University,Faculty of Geosciences, 2003)
C00 = tzz[ix*n1+iz] + 0.5*((tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] +tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]+
tzz[(ix )*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix )*n1+iz-1])/(2.0*mod.dx));
C10 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] + 0.5*((tzz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] +tzz[(ix )*n1+iz]+
tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz-1])/(2.0*;
C01 = tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] + 0.5*((tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz+1]+
tzz[(ix)*n1+iz+2] +tzz[(ix )*n1+iz])/(2.0*mod.dx));
C11 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1]+ 0.5*((tzz[(ix+2)*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix )*n1+iz+1]+
tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+2] +tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz])/(2.0*;
if (rec.type.p){
/* bi-linear interpolation */
C000 = tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
C100 = tzz[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz];
C010 = tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1];
C001 = tzz[(iy+1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
C110 = tzz[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz+1];
C101 = tzz[(iy+1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1];
C011 = tzz[(iy+1)*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz];
C111 = tzz[(iy+1)*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz+1];
rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C000*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdy)*(1.0-rdz) +
C100*rdx*(1.0-rdy)*(1.0-rdz) +
C010*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdy)*rdz +
if (rec.type.txx) {
C00 = txx[ix*n1+iz];
C10 = txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz];
C01 = txx[ix*n1+iz+1];
C11 = txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1];
rec_txx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz + C11*rdx*rdz;
if (rec.type.tzz) {
C00 = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
C10 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz];
C01 = tzz[ix*n1+iz+1];
C11 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1];
rec_tzz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz + C11*rdx*rdz;
if (rec.type.txz) {
C00 = txz[ix2*n1+iz2];
C10 = txz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2];
C01 = txz[ix2*n1+iz2+1];
C11 = txz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2+1];
rec_txz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz + C11*rdx*rdz;
if (rec.type.pp) {
C00 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz] +
C10 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz]-vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] +
C01 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz+1]-vx[ix*n1+iz+1] +
C11 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz+1]-vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1] +
rec_pp[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz + C11*rdx*rdz;
if ( {
C00 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz2]-vx[ix2*n1+iz] -
C10 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2]-vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz] -
C01 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz2+1]-vx[ix2*n1+iz+1] -
C11 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2+1]-vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz+1] -
rec_ss[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz + C11*rdx*rdz;
if (rec.type.vz) {
C00 = vz[ix*n1+iz2];
C10 = vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2];
C01 = vz[ix*n1+iz2+1];
C11 = vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2+1];
rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz + C11*rdx*rdz;
if (rec.type.vx) {
C00 = vx[ix2*n1+iz];
C10 = vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz];
C01 = vx[ix2*n1+iz+1];
C11 = vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz+1];
rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz + C11*rdx*rdz;
else { /* read values directly from the grid points */
if (verbose>=4 && isam==0) {
vmess("Receiver %d read at gridpoint ix=%d iz=%d",irec, ix, iz);
/* interpolation of receivers to same time step is only done for acoustic scheme */
if (rec.type.p) {
if (rec.int_p == 1) {
if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Tzz times -1/2 Dt backward to Vz times */
dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2] - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
field = tzz[ix*n1+iz] + 0.5*l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(dvx+dvz);
dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz1] - vx[ix*n1+iz1]) +
c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz1] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz1]);
dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz1+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz1]) +
c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz1+2] - vz[ix*n1+iz1-1]);
field += tzz[ix*n1+iz1] + 0.5*l2m[ix*n1+iz1]*(dvx+dvz);
rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
else {
rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(tzz[ix*n1+iz1]+tzz[ix*n1+iz]);
else if (rec.int_p == 2) {
if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Tzz times -1/2 Dt backward to Vx times */
dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2] - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
field = tzz[ix*n1+iz] + 0.5*l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(dvx+dvz);
dvx = c1*(vx[(ix1+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix1*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix1-1)*n1+iz]);
dvz = c1*(vz[ix1*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix1*n1+iz]) +
c2*(vz[ix1*n1+iz+2] - vz[ix1*n1+iz-1]);
field += tzz[ix1*n1+iz] + 0.5*l2m[ix1*n1+iz]*(dvx+dvz);
rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
else {
rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(tzz[ix1*n1+iz]+tzz[ix*n1+iz]);
else {
rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
if (rec.type.txx) rec_txx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = txx[ix*n1+iz];
if (rec.type.tzz) rec_tzz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
if (rec.type.txz) { /* time interpolation to be done */
if (rec.int_vz == 2 || rec.int_vx == 2) {
rec_txz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(
else {
rec_txz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = txz[ix2*n1+iz2];
if (rec.type.pp) {
rec_pp[irec*rec.nt+isam] = (vx[ix2*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz] +
if ( {
rec_ss[irec*rec.nt+isam] = (vx[ix2*n1+iz2]-vx[ix2*n1+iz] -
if (rec.type.vz) {
/* interpolate vz to vx position to the right and above of vz */
if (rec.int_vz == 1) {
rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(
vz[ix*n1+iz] +vz[ix1*n1+iz]);
/* interpolate vz to Txx/Tzz position by taking the mean of 2 values */
else if (rec.int_vz == 2) {
if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Vz times +1/2 Dt forward to P times */
field = vz[ix*n1+iz] - 0.5*roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
field += vz[ix*n1+iz2] - 0.5*roz[ix*n1+iz2]*(
c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2] - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-1]) +
c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-2]));
rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
else {
rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(vz[ix*n1+iz2]+vz[ix*n1+iz]);
else {
rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = vz[ix*n1+iz2];
//rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = vz[ix*n1+iz];
//fprintf(stderr,"isam=%d vz[%d]=%e vz[%d]=%e vz[%d]=%e \n",isam, iz-1,vz[ix*n1+iz-1],iz,vz[ix*n1+iz], iz+1, vz[ix*n1+iz+1]);
if (rec.type.vx) {
/* interpolate vx to vz position to the left and below of vx */
if (rec.int_vx == 1) {
rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(
/* interpolate vx to Txx/Tzz position by taking the mean of 2 values */
else if (rec.int_vx == 2) {
if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Vx times +1/2 Dt forward to P times */
field = vx[ix*n1+iz] - 0.5*rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
field += vx[ix2*n1+iz] - 0.5*rox[ix2*n1+iz]*(
c1*(tzz[ix2*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix2-1)*n1+iz]) +
c2*(tzz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix2-2)*n1+iz]));
rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
else {
rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(vx[ix2*n1+iz]+vx[ix*n1+iz]);
else {
rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = vx[ix2*n1+iz];
} /* end of irec loop */
/* store all x-values on z-level for P Vz for up-down decomposition */
if (rec.type.ud) {
iz = rec.z[0]+ibndz;
iz2 = iz+1;
vz_t = (float *)calloc(2*mod.nax,sizeof(float));
/* P and Vz are staggered in time and need to correct for this */
/* -1- compute Vz at next time step and average with current time step */
lroz = mod.dt/(mod.dx*rec.rho);
for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
vz_t[ix] = vz[ix*n1+iz] - lroz*(
c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
vz_t[mod.nax+ix] = vz[ix*n1+iz2] - lroz*(
c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2] - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-1]) +
c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-2]));
for (ix=0; ix<mod.nax; ix++) {
/* -2- compute average in time and depth to get Vz at same depth and time as P */
rec_udvz[ix*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(vz[ix*n1+iz2]+vz[ix*n1+iz]+vz_t[mod.nax+ix]+vz_t[ix]);
rec_udp[ix*rec.nt+isam] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
return 0;
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
* Writes the source and receiver positions into a gridded file,
* which has the same size as the input gridded model files.
* Source positions have a value +1 and receivers -1.
* Jan Thorbecke (
* The Netherlands
long writesufile3D(char *filename, float *data, long n1, long n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
long writeSrcRecPos3D(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot)
FILE *fp;
float *dum, sub_x0, sub_y0, sub_z0, dx, dy, dz;
long is, nx, ny, nz, is0, ish, ix, iy, iz, ndot, idx, idy, idz;
char tmpname[1024];
ndot = 2;
nx = mod->nx;
ny = mod->ny;
nz = mod->nz;
dx = mod->dx;
dy = mod->dy;
dz = mod->dz;
sub_x0 = mod->x0;
sub_y0 = mod->y0;
sub_z0 = mod->z0;
/* write velocity field with positions of the sources */
dum = (float *)calloc(nx*ny*nz, sizeof(float));
vmess("Positions: shot=%li src=%li rec=%li", shot->n, src->n, rec->n);
/* source positions for random shots */
if (src->random) {
fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
for (is=0; is<src->n; is++) {
for (idy=0; idy<=ndot; idy++) {
for (idx=0; idx<=ndot; idx++) {
for (idz=0; idz<=ndot; idz++) {
dum[(MAX(0,src->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,src->x[is]-idx))*nz+MAX(0,src->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,src->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,src->x[is]-idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,src->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,src->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,src->x[is]+idx))*nz+MAX(0,src->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,src->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,src->x[is]+idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,src->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,src->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,src->x[is]-idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,src->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,src->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,src->x[is]-idx))*nz+MAX(0,src->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,src->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,src->x[is]+idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,src->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,src->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,src->x[is]+idx))*nz+MAX(0,src->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", src->z[is]*dz+sub_z0, src->y[is]*dy+sub_y0, src->x[is]*dx+sub_x0);
/* source positions for single shot sources with plane waves */
else if (src->plane) {
is0 = -1*floor((src->n-1)/2);
fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
for (ish=0; ish<shot->n; ish++) {
for (is=0; is<src->n; is++) {
ix = shot->x[ish] + 1 + is0 + is;
iy = shot->y[ish] + 1 + is0 + is;
iz = shot->z[ish] + 1;
dum[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,iy-1))*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,iy+1))*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+(MAX(0,ix-1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+(MIN(nx-1,ix+1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+MAX(0,iz-1)] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+MIN(nz-1,iz+1)] = 1.0;
fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f, %f)\n", ix*dx+sub_x0, iy*dy+sub_y0, iz*dz+sub_z0);
else if (src->multiwav) {
/* source positions for single shot sources with multiple wavelets */
fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
for (ish=0; ish<shot->n; ish++) {
for (is=0; is<src->n; is++) {
ix = src->x[is];
iy = src->y[is];
iz = src->z[is];
dum[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,iy-1))*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,iy+1))*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+(MAX(0,ix-1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+(MIN(nx-1,ix+1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+MAX(0,iz-1)] = 1.0;
dum[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+MIN(nz-1,iz+1)] = 1.0;
fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f, %f)\n", ix*dx+sub_x0, iy*dy+sub_y0, iz*dz+sub_z0);
else {
fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
for (idy=0; idy<=ndot; idy++) {
for (idx=0; idx<=ndot; idx++) {
for (idz=0; idz<=ndot; idz++) {
dum[(MAX(0,shot->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,shot->x[is]-idx))*nz+MAX(0,shot->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,shot->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,shot->x[is]-idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,shot->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,shot->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,shot->x[is]+idx))*nz+MAX(0,shot->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,shot->y[is]-idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,shot->x[is]+idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,shot->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,shot->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,shot->x[is]-idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,shot->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,shot->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MAX(0,shot->x[is]-idx))*nz+MAX(0,shot->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,shot->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,shot->x[is]+idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,shot->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,shot->y[is]+idy))*nz*nx+(MIN(nx-1,shot->x[is]+idx))*nz+MAX(0,shot->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", shot->z[is]*dz+sub_z0, shot->y[is]*dy+sub_y0, shot->x[is]*dx+sub_x0);
/* receiver positions */
fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
for (is=0; is<rec->n; is++) {
dum[rec->y[is]*nx*nz+rec->x[is]*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
dum[(MAX(0,rec->y[is]-1))*nx*nz+rec->x[is]*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
dum[(MIN(ny-1,rec->y[is]+1))*nx*nz+rec->x[is]*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
dum[rec->y[is]*nx*nz+(MAX(0,rec->x[is]-1))*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
dum[rec->y[is]*nx*nz+(MIN(nx-1,rec->x[is]+1))*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
dum[rec->y[is]*nx*nz+rec->x[is]*nz+MAX(0,rec->z[is]-1)] = -1.0;
dum[rec->y[is]*nx*nz+rec->x[is]*nz+MIN(nz-1,rec->z[is]+1)] = -1.0;
if (rec->int_vx==3) {
fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f, %f)\n", rec->xr[is]*dx+sub_x0, rec->yr[is]*dy+sub_y0, rec->zr[is]*dz+sub_z0);
else {
fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f, %f)\n", rec->x[is]*dx+sub_x0, rec->y[is]*dy+sub_y0, rec->z[is]*dz+sub_z0);
writesufile3D("", dum, nz, nx*ny, sub_z0, sub_x0, dz, dx);
return 0;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "par.h"
#include "fdelmodc3D.h"
#include "SUsegy.h"
#include "segy.h"
* Writes an 2D array to a SU file
* Jan Thorbecke (
* The Netherlands
#define TRCBYTES 240
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define ISODD(n) ((n) & 01)
#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
long writesufile3D(char *filename, float *data, long n1, long n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2)
FILE *file_out;
size_t nwrite, itrace;
long ns;
segy *hdr;
/* Read in parameters */
if (n1 > USHRT_MAX) {
vwarn("Output file %s: number of samples is truncated from %li to USHRT_MAX.", filename, n1);
ns = MIN(n1,USHRT_MAX);
file_out = fopen( filename, "w+" );
assert( file_out );
hdr = (segy *)calloc(1,TRCBYTES);
hdr->ns = ns;
hdr->dt = NINT(1000000*(d1));
hdr->d1 = d1;
hdr->d2 = d2;
hdr->f1 = f1;
hdr->f2 = f2;
hdr->fldr = 1;
hdr->trwf = n2;
for (itrace=0; itrace<n2; itrace++) {
hdr->tracl = itrace+1;
nwrite = fwrite( hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, file_out );
assert (nwrite == TRCBYTES);
nwrite = fwrite( &data[itrace*n1], sizeof(float), ns, file_out );
assert (nwrite == ns);
return 0;
* Writes an 2D array to a SU file
* special routine for src_nwav array which has a different number of samples for each shot
long writesufilesrcnwav3D(char *filename, float **src_nwav, wavPar wav, long n1, long n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2)
FILE *file_out;
size_t nwrite, itrace;
float *trace;
long ns;
segy *hdr;
/* Read in parameters */
if (n1 > USHRT_MAX) {
vwarn("Output file %s: number of samples is truncated from %li to USHRT_MAX.", filename, n1);
ns = MIN(n1,USHRT_MAX);
file_out = fopen( filename, "w+" );
assert( file_out );
trace = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
hdr = (segy *)calloc(1,TRCBYTES);
hdr->ns = ns;
hdr->dt = NINT(1000000*(d1));
hdr->d1 = d1;
hdr->d2 = d2;
hdr->f1 = f1;
hdr->f2 = f2;
hdr->fldr = 1;
hdr->trwf = n2;
for (itrace=0; itrace<n2; itrace++) {
hdr->tracl = itrace+1;
nwrite = fwrite( hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, file_out );
assert (nwrite == TRCBYTES);
memset(trace, 0, n1*sizeof(float));
memcpy(trace, &src_nwav[itrace][0], wav.nsamp[itrace]*sizeof(float));
nwrite = fwrite( &trace[0], sizeof(float), ns, file_out );
assert (nwrite == ns);
return 0;
* Writes an 2D array to a SU file
* special routine which used segyhdrs which have ns defined as integer (32 bit)
* to handle more than 2^16 samples per trace.
long writeSUfile3D(char *filename, float *data, long n1, long n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2)
FILE *file_out;
size_t nwrite, itrace;
SUsegy *SUhdr;
char *ptr;
/* Read in parameters */
ptr = strstr(filename, " ");
*ptr = '\0';
file_out = fopen( filename, "w+" );
assert( file_out );
SUhdr = (SUsegy *)calloc(1,TRCBYTES);
SUhdr->ns = n1;
SUhdr->dt = NINT(1000000*(d1));
SUhdr->d1 = d1;
SUhdr->d2 = d2;
SUhdr->f1 = f1;
SUhdr->f2 = f2;
SUhdr->fldr = 1;
SUhdr->trwf = n2;
for (itrace=0; itrace<n2; itrace++) {
SUhdr->tracl = itrace+1;
nwrite = fwrite( SUhdr, 1, TRCBYTES, file_out );
assert (nwrite == TRCBYTES);
nwrite = fwrite( &data[itrace*n1], sizeof(float), n1, file_out );
assert (nwrite == n1);
return 0;
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