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Commit 8c79c788 authored by Jan Thorbecke's avatar Jan Thorbecke
Browse files

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parent 474f5c1d
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......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ nw, int nw_low, int nw_high, int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpos, int np
*reci_xsrc, int *reci_xrcv, float *ixmask, int verbose);
void synthesisPosistions(int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, int *xnx,
float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos, int *npos, int *isxcount, int reci, int verbose);
float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos, int *npos, int *isxcount, int countmin, int reci, int verbose);
int linearsearch(int *array, size_t N, int value);
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
" scale=2 .................. scale factor of R for summation of Ni with G_d",
" pad=0 .................... amount of samples to pad the reflection series",
" reci=0 ................... 1; add receivers as shots 2; only use receivers as shot positions",
" countmin=0 ............... 0.3*nxrcv; minumum number of reciprocal traces for a contribution",
" file_green= .............. output file with full Green function(s)",
" file_gplus= .............. output file with G+ ",
......@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
int i, j, l, ret, nshots, Nfoc, nt, nx, nts, nxs, ngath;
int size, n1, n2, ntap, tap, di, ntraces, pad;
int nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn;
int reci, mode, n2out, verbose, ntfft;
int reci, countmin, mode, n2out, verbose, ntfft;
int iter, niter, tracf, *muteW;
int hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpos, npos, ix;
int nshots_r, *isxcount, *reci_xsrc, *reci_xrcv;
......@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
nw_high = MIN((int)(fmax*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
nw = nw_high - nw_low + 1;
scl = 1.0/((float)ntfft);
if (!getparint("countmin", &countmin)) countmin = 0.3*nx;
/*================ Allocating all data arrays ================*/
......@@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* dry-run of synthesis to get all x-positions calcalated by the integration */
synthesisPosistions(nx, nt, nxs, nts, dt, xsyn, Nfoc, xrcv, xsrc, xnx, fxse, fxsb,
dxs, dxsrc, dx, nshots, ixpos, &npos, isxcount, reci, verbose);
dxs, dxsrc, dx, nshots, ixpos, &npos, isxcount, countmin, reci, verbose);
if (verbose) {
vmess("synthesisPosistions: nshots=%d npos=%d", nshots, npos);
......@@ -442,12 +444,13 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* N_k(x,t) = -N_(k-1)(x,-t) */
/* p0^-(x,t) += iRN = (R * T_d^inv)(t) */
for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
energyNi = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
j = 0;
ix = ixpos[i];
Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
pmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] += iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
energyNi = iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j]*iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
energyNi += iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j]*iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+nts-j];
pmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] += iRN[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
......@@ -828,7 +831,7 @@ nw, int nw_low, int nw_high, int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpos, int np
} /* end of parallel region */
if (verbose>3) vmess("*** Shot gather %d processed ***", k);
if (verbose>4) vmess("*** Shot gather %d processed ***", k);
} /* end of nshots (k) loop */
} /* end of if reci
......@@ -862,14 +865,14 @@ nw, int nw_low, int nw_high, int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpos, int np
for (i = 0; i < inx; i++) {
il = reci_xrcv[ixsrc*nxs+i];
ik = reci_xsrc[ixsrc*nxs+i];
//ix = ixrcv[ik*nx+ik];
ix = NINT((xsrc[il] - fxsb)/dxs);
//if (j==nw_low) {
//fprintf(stderr,"ixsrc=%d with il=%d and ik=%d and ix=%d mask=%f\n", ixsrc, il, ik, ix, ixmask[ixsrc]);
// fprintf(stderr,"ixsrc=%d with il=%d and ik=%d and ix=%d mask=%f\n", ixsrc, il, ik, ix, ixmask[ixsrc]);
sum[j].r += Refl[ik*nw*nx+m*nx+il].r*Fop[l*nw*nxs+m*nxs+ik].r -
sum[j].i += Refl[ik*nw*nx+m*nx+il].i*Fop[l*nw*nxs+m*nxs+ik].r +
sum[j].r += Refl[il*nw*nx+m*nx+ik].r*Fop[l*nw*nxs+m*nxs+ix].r -
sum[j].i += Refl[il*nw*nx+m*nx+ik].i*Fop[l*nw*nxs+m*nxs+ix].r +
......@@ -899,7 +902,7 @@ nw, int nw_low, int nw_high, int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpos, int np
void synthesisPosistions(int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, int *xnx,
float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos, int *npos, int *isxcount, int reci, int verbose)
float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos, int *npos, int *isxcount, int countmin, int reci, int verbose)
int i, j, l, ixsrc, ixrcv, dosrc, k, *count;
float x0, x1;
......@@ -951,7 +954,7 @@ float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos
/* if reci=1 or reci=2 source-receive reciprocity is used and new (reciprocal-)sources are added */
if (reci != 0) {
for (k=0; k<nxs; k++) { /* check count in total number of shots added by reciprocity */
if (isxcount[k] != 0) {
if (isxcount[k] >= countmin) {
j = linearsearch(ixpos, *npos, k);
if (j < *npos) { /* the position (at j) is already included */
count[j] += isxcount[k];
......@@ -962,6 +965,9 @@ float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos
*npos += 1;
else {
isxcount[k] = 0;
} /* end of reci branch */
} /* end of Nfoc loop */
......@@ -974,7 +980,7 @@ float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos
/* sort ixpos into increasing values */
qsort(ixpos, *npos, sizeof(int), compareInt);
// qsort(ixpos, *npos, sizeof(int), compareInt);
......@@ -26,12 +26,10 @@ int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx
int *isx, *igx, k, l, m, j, nreci;
int samercv, samesrc, nxrk, nxrm, maxtraces, ixsrc;
float scl, scel, *trace, dt;
//float fxsb,dxs;
complex *ctrace;
/* Reading first header */
//fxsb = -2250; dxs=5;
if (filename == NULL) fp = stdin;
else fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if ( fp == NULL ) {
......@@ -126,8 +124,7 @@ int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx
if ((sx_shot != || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr) ) break;
if (verbose>2) {
fprintf(stderr,"finished reading shot %d (%d) with %d traces\n",sx_shot,igath,itrace);
//disp_fileinfo(filename, nt, xnx[igath], hdr.f1, xrcv[igath*nxs], d1, d2, &hdr);
vmess("finished reading shot %d (%d) with %d traces",sx_shot,igath,itrace);
if (itrace != 0) { /* end of shot record */
......@@ -147,12 +144,13 @@ int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx
if (reci != 0) {
for (k=0; k<nshots; k++) {
ixsrc = NINT((xsrc[k] - fxsb)/dxs);
ixmask[ixsrc] = 1.0;
nxrk = xnx[k];
for (l=0; l<nxrk; l++) {
samercv = 0;
samesrc = 0;
for (m=0; m<nshots; m++) {
if (igx[k*nx+l] == isx[m] && reci == 1) { // receiver position already known as source
if (igx[k*nx+l] == isx[m] && reci == 1) { // receiver position already present as source position m
nxrm = xnx[m];
for (j=0; j<nxrm; j++) { // check if receiver l with source k is also present in shot m
if (isx[k] == igx[m*nx+j]) { // shot k with receiver l already known as receiver j in shot m: same data
......@@ -160,13 +158,13 @@ int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx
if (samercv == 0) { // source k of receiver l -> accept trace as new receiver position for source m
ixsrc = NINT((xsrc[m] - fxsb)/dxs);
if (samercv == 0) { // source k of receiver l -> accept trace as new receiver position for source l
ixsrc = NINT((xrcv[k*nx+l] - fxsb)/dxs);
if ((ixsrc >= 0) && (ixsrc < nxs)) {
reci_xrcv[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = l;
reci_xsrc[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = k;
reci_xrcv[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = k;
reci_xsrc[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = l;
isxcount[ixsrc] += 1;
ixmask[ixsrc] = 0.5; // traces are added to already existing traces and must be scaled
if (reci==1) ixmask[ixsrc] = 0.5; // traces are added to already existing traces and must be scaled
samesrc = 1;
......@@ -177,10 +175,9 @@ int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx
//fprintf(stderr,"not a samesrc for receiver l=%d for source k=%d\n", l,k);
ixsrc = NINT((xrcv[k*nx+l] - fxsb)/dxs);
if ((ixsrc >= 0) && (ixsrc < nxs)) { // is this correct or should k and l be reversed: rcv=l src=k
reci_xrcv[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = l;
reci_xsrc[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = k;
reci_xrcv[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = k;
reci_xsrc[ixsrc*nxs+isxcount[ixsrc]] = l;
isxcount[ixsrc] += 1;
ixmask[ixsrc] = 1.0;
......@@ -190,7 +187,7 @@ int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx
if (isxcount[k] != 0) {
maxtraces = MAX(maxtraces,isxcount[k]);
vmess("reciprocal receiver at %f (%d) has %d sources contributing", k, k*dxs+fxsb, isxcount[k]);
if (verbose>1) vmess("reciprocal receiver at %f (%d) has %d sources contributing", k, k*dxs+fxsb, isxcount[k]);
*nshots_r = nreci;
......@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ int getnpar (int n, char *name, char *type, void *ptr)
case 'a':
{ char *tmpstr="";
tmpstr = (char *)calloc(strlen(aval),1);
tmpstr = (char *)calloc(strlen(aval)+1,1);
*(char**)ptr = tmpstr;
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