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Commit 98a6761d authored by Jan Thorbecke's avatar Jan Thorbecke
Browse files

added OpenMP + more cleaning

parent fcf889a3
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......@@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ REFERENCES
Finite-difference modeling experiments for seismic interferometry
Jan Thorbecke and Deyan Draganov
2011, Geophysics, Vol. 76, no 6 (November-December); p H1--H18, doi: 10.1190/GEO2010-0039.1
2011, Geophysics, Vol. 76, no. 6 (November-December); p H1--H18, doi: 10.1190/GEO2010-0039.1
-2- If the Machenko code has helped you in your research please refer to our paper in your publications:
Hopefully, a published reference to the paper can be put here.
Implementation of the Marchenko method
Jan Thorbecke, Evert Slob, Joeri Brackenhoff, Joost van der Neut, and Kees Wapenaar
2017, Geophysics, Vol. 82, no. 6 (November-December); p. WB29--WB45, doi: 10.1190/GEO2017-0108.1
These papers can be downloaded from:
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ include ../Make_include
LIBS += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
#LIBS += -L$L -lgenfft -lm -lc
OPTC = -g -Wall -fsignaling-nans -O0
#OPTC += -fopenmp -Waddress
#OPTC = -g -Wall -fsignaling-nans -O0
OPTC += -fopenmp -Waddress
#OPTC := $(subst -O3 -ffast-math, -O1 -g ,$(OPTC))
#PGI options for compiler feedback
#OPTC += -Mprof=lines
......@@ -20,17 +20,11 @@
* The Netherlands
float gaussGen();
int optncr(int n);
int getModelInfo(char *file_name, int *n1, int *n2, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *min, float *max, int *axis, int zeroch, int verbose);
int recvPar(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_z0, float dx, float dz, int nx, int nz);
int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, rayPar *ray, int verbose)
int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPar *ray, int verbose)
int nx, nz, nsrc, ix, axis, is0;
int idzshot, idxshot;
......@@ -42,7 +36,7 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
float dxrcv,dzrcv,dxspread,dzspread;
float xmax, zmax;
float xsrc1, xsrc2, zsrc1, zsrc2;
float *xsrca, *zsrca, rrcv;
float *xsrca, *zsrca;
float rsrc, oxsrc, ozsrc, dphisrc, ncsrc;
size_t nsamp;
int nxsrc, nzsrc;
......@@ -277,11 +271,6 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
recvPar(rec, sub_x0, sub_z0, dx, dz, nx, nz);
/* receivers are on a circle, use default interpolation to real (not on a grid-point) receiver position */
if (getparfloat("rrcv", &rrcv)) {
if (!getparint("rec_int_p",&rec->int_p)) rec->int_p=3;
if (verbose) {
if (rec->n) {
dxrcv = rec->xr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->xr[0];
......@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
void threadAffinity(void);
int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, rayPar *ray, int verbose);
int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPar *ray, int verbose);
int getWaveParameter(float *slowness, icoord size, float dgrid, fcoord s, fcoord r, rayPar ray, fcoord *T, float *Jr);
int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *velocity, float *slowness);
int readModel(modPar mod, float *velocity, float *slowness);
int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, float **src_nwav, int reverse, int verbose);
......@@ -72,15 +72,11 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
" xsrca= ............ defines source array x-positions",
" zsrca= ............ defines source array z-positions",
" wav_random=1 ...... 1 generates (band limited by fmax) noise signatures ",
" src_multiwav=0 .... use traces in file_src as areal source",
" src_at_rcv=1 ...... inject wavefield at receiver coordinates (1), inject at source (0)",
"" ,
" plane_wave=0 ...... model plane wave with nsrc= sources",
" nsrc=1 ............ number of sources per (plane-wave) shot ",
" src_angle=0 ....... angle of plane source array",
" src_velo=1500 ..... velocity to use in src_angle definition",
" src_window=0 ...... length of taper at edges of source array",
" src_random=0 ...... 1 enables nsrc random sources positions in one modeling",
......@@ -89,11 +85,6 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
" xsrc2=0 ........... right bound for x-position of sources",
" zsrc1=0 ........... left bound for z-position of sources",
" zsrc2=0 ........... right bound for z-position of sources",
" tsrc1=0.0 ......... begin time interval for random sources being triggered",
" tsrc2=tmod ........ end time interval for random sources being triggered",
" tactive=tsrc2 ..... end time for random sources being active",
" tlength=tsrc2-tsrc1 average duration of random source signal",
" length_random=1 ... duration of source is rand*tlength",
" amplitude=0 ....... distribution of source amplitudes",
" distribution=0 .... random function for amplitude and tlength 0=flat 1=Gaussian ",
" seed=10 ........... seed for start of random sequence ",
......@@ -126,10 +117,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
modPar mod;
recPar rec;
snaPar sna;
wavPar wav;
srcPar src;
bndPar bnd;
shotPar shot;
rayPar ray;
float *velocity, *slowness;
......@@ -151,7 +139,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
getParameters(&mod, &rec, &sna, &wav, &src, &shot, &bnd, &ray, verbose);
getParameters(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot, &ray, verbose);
/* allocate arrays for model parameters: the different schemes use different arrays */
......@@ -162,7 +150,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* read velocity and density files */
readModel(mod, bnd, velocity, slowness);
readModel(mod, velocity, slowness);
/* read and/or define source wavelet(s) */
......@@ -186,7 +174,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Sinking source and receiver arrays:
If P-velocity==0 the source and receiver
postions are placed deeper until the P-velocity changes.
The free-surface position is stored in bnd.surface[ix].
Setting the option rec.sinkvel only sinks the receiver position
(not the source) and uses the velocity
of the first receiver to sink through to the next layer. */
......@@ -256,6 +243,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
grid.z =;
grid.y = 1;
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) \
private (coordgx) \
private (irec,Time,Jr)
for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
......@@ -2,33 +2,15 @@
typedef struct _compType { /* Receiver Type */
int vz;
int vx;
int p;
int txx;
int tzz;
int txz;
int pp;
int ss;
int ud;
} compType;
typedef struct _receiverPar { /* Receiver Parameters */
char *file_rcv;
compType type;
int n;
int nt;
int delay;
int skipdt;
int max_nrec;
int *z;
int *x;
float *zr;
float *xr;
int int_p;
int int_vx;
int int_vz;
int scale;
int sinkdepth;
int sinkvel;
......@@ -36,79 +18,19 @@ typedef struct _receiverPar { /* Receiver Parameters */
float rho;
} recPar;
typedef struct _snapshotPar { /* Snapshot Parameters */
char *file_snap;
char *file_beam;
compType type;
int nsnap;
int delay;
int skipdt;
int skipdz;
int skipdx;
int nz;
int nx;
int z1;
int z2;
int x1;
int x2;
int vxvztime;
int beam;
int withbnd;
} snaPar;
typedef struct _modelPar { /* Model Parameters */
int iorder;
int ischeme;
int grid_dir;
int sh;
char *file_cp;
char *file_ro;
char *file_cs;
char *file_qp;
char *file_qs;
float dz;
float dx;
float dt;
float tmod;
int nt;
float z0;
float x0;
/* medium max/min values */
float cp_min;
float cp_max;
float cs_min;
float cs_max;
float ro_min;
float ro_max;
int nz;
int nx;
int naz;
int nax;
/* Vx: rox */
int ioXx;
int ioXz;
int ieXx;
int ieXz;
/* Vz: roz */
int ioZx;
int ioZz;
int ieZx;
int ieZz;
/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
int ioPx;
int ioPz;
int iePx;
int iePz;
/* Txz: muu */
int ioTx;
int ioTz;
int ieTx;
int ieTz;
/* attenuation / dissipative medium */
float Qp;
float Qs;
float fw;
float qr;
} modPar;
typedef struct _waveletPar { /* Wavelet Parameters */
......@@ -137,8 +59,6 @@ typedef struct _sourcePar { /* Source Array Parameters */
int circle;
int array;
int random;
float *tbeg;
float *tend;
int multiwav;
float angle;
float velo;
......@@ -158,29 +78,6 @@ typedef struct _shotPar { /* Shot Parameters */
int *x;
} shotPar;
typedef struct _boundPar { /* Boundary Parameters */
int top;
int bot;
int lef;
int rig;
float *tapz;
float *tapx;
float *tapxz;
int cfree;
int ntap;
int *surface;
int npml;
float R; /* reflection at side of model */
float m; /* scaling order */
float *pml_Vx;
float *pml_nzVx;
float *pml_nxVz;
float *pml_nzVz;
float *pml_nxP;
float *pml_nzP;
} bndPar;
typedef struct _raypar { /* ray-tracing parameters */
int smoothwindow;
int useT2;
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *velocity, float *slowness)
int readModel(modPar mod, float *velocity, float *slowness)
FILE *fpcp;
size_t nread;
......@@ -126,12 +126,7 @@ int writeSrcRecPos(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot)
dum[rec->x[is]*nz+MIN(nz-1,rec->z[is]+1)] = -1.0;
// vmess("receiver position %d at grid[ix=%d, iz=%d] = (x=%f z=%f)", ir, ix+ioPx, rec.z[ir]+ioPz, rec.xr[ir]+mod.x0, rec.zr[ir]+mod.z0);
if (rec->int_vx==3) {
fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f)\n", rec->xr[is]*dx+sub_x0, rec->zr[is]*dz+sub_z0);
else {
fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f)\n", rec->x[is]*dx+sub_x0, rec->z[is]*dz+sub_z0);
fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f)\n", rec->x[is]*dx+sub_x0, rec->z[is]*dz+sub_z0);
writesufile("", dum, nz, nx, sub_z0, sub_x0, dz, dx);
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