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Commit d5352228 authored by JanThorbecke's avatar JanThorbecke
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EAGE WS15 2019

parent 0e9b45da
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*1* Source the script that you can find on
source /home/users/jan/WS15/
The script completes the following tasks:
-a-Set PATH to find Seismic Unix and Marchenko code
export CWPROOT=/home/users/jan/SeisUnix/
export PATH=.:$CWPROOT/bin:/lus/scratch/$USER/OpenSource/bin:$PATH:
-b- Create working directory
-c- set up compilation environment with the Intel compiler
-d- Get the Marchenko software (and other utilities modeling code))
git clone
*2* after the set-up the code can be compiled
cd OpenSource
cp Make_include_swan Make_include
make clean
After succesfull complication the code can be used running the exercises and demo's
*3* Running jobs
To run example jobs must be submitted to the Workload Manager PBSpro.
An example script can be found on:
in job.pbs leave the number of nodes set to 1, the code is not MPI parallel and cannot use more than 1 node. The number of OMP_NUM_THREADS can be changed and is currently set to 40.
Add the ...scr command as the last line in the aprun command line and submit the job to the queue with 'qsub job.pbs'
*4* Usefull job monitor commands specific for Cray
apstat : status of applications running
xtnodestat : placement of application on system
xtprocadmin -A : details of installed nodes
Marchenko demo/twoD: reproduce the figures from the paper, but woth a 2D model.
cd /lus/scratch/$USER/OpenSource/marchenko/demo/twoD
cp ~jan/WS15/job.pbs .
# Copy pre-computed shots
cp -rp /lus/scratch/jan/OpenSource/marchenko/demo/twoD/shots .
#PBS -N Marchenko
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l place=scatter,select=1
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -q bw44-sm
# PBS -q sk40-sm
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
set -x
ulimit -s unlimited
starttime=`date +%s%N`
aprun -n1 -d $OMP_NUM_THREADS
endtime=`date +%s%N`
runtime=$(echo "scale=9; 1.0*10^(-9)*(${endtime}-${starttime})" | bc -l)
echo "Runtime = $runtime seconds"
export CWPROOT=/home/users/jan/SeisUnix/
export PATH=.:$CWPROOT/bin:/lus/scratch/$USER/OpenSource/bin:$PATH:
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel
module list
mkdir -p /lus/scratch/$USER
cd /lus/scratch/$USER
#git clone
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