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Commit d73626a8 authored by Jan Willem Thorbecke's avatar Jan Willem Thorbecke
Browse files

adding basis for raytime3d (not yet functional)

parent f528715e
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#include <DELPHI_IOc.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <raytime.h>
/* Plane-wave modeling externals */
void plane_wave(float *tfinal,float *slowness, char *candidate, struct i_xyz *ndim, float scale, int order);
/* Vidale modeling externals */
extern void vidale(float *ttime, float *slow, struct i_xyz *nm, struct i_xyz *isrc, struct f_xyz *scale, int order);
/* Graph_Theory modeling externals */
extern void dijkstra(float *tfinal, float *slowness, char *candidate, int *raypath, XYZIndex *ndim, int order, int big, struct s_stencil *template);
extern struct s_stencil *make_stencil(int order, XYZIndex *nm, XYZPosition *scale);
extern void getrecpos(int *xi, int *zi, int *nrec, int nx, float h, float ox, float oz, int verbose);
extern float setzsrc(int nb, int *boundary, float **inter, float *slow, int ni, float zsrc1, float dzsrc, float dz, float oz, int nx, int nz, float xsrc, float dx, float ox, int id, int verbose);
void rm_head(float *slow, struct i_xyz *ndim, struct i_xyz *isrc, int mzrcv, struct f_xyz *scale, float **inter, int ni, int *nzm);
extern void draw_rays(char *file_eps, int *raypath, struct i_xyz *ircv, int nx, int nz, float *slow, float dx, float dz, int nrec, float **inter, int ni, int hom, int verbose);
extern void opint(float **data, int nrec, int Ns, int ix, float **dataT, float Tmin, float Tmax, float dT, int nT);
/*********************** self documentation **********************/
char *sdoc[] = {
" ",
" raytime - modeling of one-way traveltime for CFP operators",
" ",
" raytime file_vel= xsrc1= zsrc1= [optional parameters]",
" ",
" Required parameters:",
" ",
" file_vel= ................ gridded velocity file (DELPHI format)",
" file_svel= ............... gridded velocity file (DELPHI format)",
" xsrc1= ................... x-position of the source (m)",
" zsrc1= ................... z-position of the source (m)",
" ",
" Optional parameters:",
" ",
" file_out= ................ output file with traveltimes",
" file_amp= ................ output file with approximate amplitudes",
" file_int= ................ input file describing the interfaces (makemod)",
" file_ray= ................ postscript file with rays (only method=graph)",
" onegath=0 ................ 1; writes operators in one gather",
" method=fd ................ calculation method (fd, plane or graph) ",
" sbox=1 ................... radius of inner straight ray (fd method)",
" order= ................... accuracy plane(=2)[0-2] and graph(=8)[1-10]",
" radius=0 ................. radius in plane method",
" dT=0 ..................... put traces on one-way time grid with step dT",
" Tmin=0 ................... minimum time of one-way time grid (0 not used)",
" Tmax=Tmin ................ maximum time of one-way time grid",
" hom=1 .................... 1: draw straight rays in homogeneous layers",
" xsrc2=xsrc1 .............. x-position of last source",
" dxsrc=0 .................. step in source x-direction",
" zsrc2=zsrc1 .............. z-position of last source",
" dzsrc=0 .................. step in source z-direction",
" boundary=0 ............... boundary to place the sources (overrules zsrc)",
" add=0 .................... 1: adds all defined sources",
" head=0 ................... 1: calculate head waves near source position",
" xrcv=0,(nx-1)*dx ......... x-position's of receivers (array)",
" zrcv=0,0 ................. z-position's of receivers (array)",
" Rboundary=0 .............. boundary to place the receivers (overrules zrcv)",
" dxrcv=dx ................. step in receiver x-direction",
" dzrcv=0 .................. step in receiver z-direction",
" dxspr=0 .................. step of receiver spread in x-direction",
" lint=1 ................... linear interpolate between the rcv points",
" verbose=0 ................ verbose option",
" ",
" raytime calculates the first arrival time at the defined receiver array ",
" for the defined shots at different depth and lateral positions.",
" Note that one output gather consists of shots which are defined at the",
" same lateral position but with different depth positions.",
" Every new lateral position (with dxsrc) gives a new output gather.",
" The parameter dT defines the one-way time between two shot records. The",
" defined shot records (at depth) are used to get the interpolated values ",
" at time steps of dT. ",
" ",
" AUTHOR: Joseph R. Matarese ",
" Copyright (c) 1993: Joseph R. Matarese and ",
" Massachusetts Institute of Technology ",
" ",
" Translated to DELPHI environment: Jan Thorbecke 16-02-1996",
" ",
/**************** end self doc ***********************************/
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
float32 *slowness, *slowness_S;
uint8 *candidate;
float32 *ttime, *ttime_p, slow_src;
struct i_xyz *ndim, *isrc, *ircv;
struct f_xyz scale;
int id, nd, iz, ix, is, ir, ie, i;
int iz_min, iz_max, ix_min, ix_max;
int node_src, idz, idx, idp, sign;
int *raypath;
struct s_stencil *stencil;
intn seqnr[MAX_KEYS];
int32 type, dom1, dom2;
int error, n1, n2, ret, size, verbose, nkeys, a;
int k, nx, nz, sbox, Ns, nrec, ni, add, hom, ib, Nb;
int *xi, *zi, j, ispr, ik, nzm, head, nT, mzrcv;
int Nd, nb, *boundary, onegath, order, radius, Rboundary;
float xsrc1, xsrc2, dxsrc, zsrc1=0, zsrc2, dzsrc, sx, sz, sl;
float d1, d2, f1, f2, *tmpdata, dx, dz, dxspr, **data;
float xsrc, *zsrc, drcv, dxrcv, dzrcv, t0, t1, t2, x, z, r, signz;
float ox, oz, **inter, dT, Tmin, Tmax, **dataT, *trueslow;
char *file_vel, *file_out, *file_int, *file_amp, *file_svel;
char *keys[MAX_KEYS], *method, *file_ray, file_base[256], *pf;
segyhdr *hdrs, *hdrsT;
t0 = cputime();
initargs(argc, argv);
* Read input parameters and query for any that are needed but missing.
if(!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
if(!getparstring("file_vel", &file_vel)) saerr("file_vel not defined");
if(!getparstring("file_svel", &file_svel)) file_svel=NULL;
if(!getparstring("file_out", &file_out)) file_out=NULL;
if(!getparstring("file_int", &file_int)) file_int=NULL;
if(!getparstring("file_ray", &file_ray)) file_ray=NULL;
if(!getparstring("file_amp", &file_amp)) file_amp=NULL;
if(!getparstring("method", &method)) method="fd";
if(!getparfloat("xsrc1", &xsrc1)) saerr("xsrc1 not defined");
if(!getparfloat("xsrc2", &xsrc2)) xsrc2=xsrc1;
if(!getparfloat("dxsrc", &dxsrc)) dxsrc=0;
if(!getparfloat("Tmin", &Tmin)) Tmin=0;
if(!getparint("Rboundary", &Rboundary)) Rboundary=0;
if (Rboundary) {
if(file_int == NULL) saerr("file_int must be specified for Rboundary");
nb = countparval("boundary");
if(nb == 0 && Tmin == 0) {
if(!getparfloat("zsrc1", &zsrc1))
saerr("zsrc1 and boundary not defined, one must be defined");
else if (Tmin == 0) {
if(file_int == NULL) saerr("file_int must be specified for boundary");
boundary = alloc1int(nb);
getparint("boundary", boundary);
if (verbose) samess("source definition on boundary");
if(!getparfloat("zsrc2", &zsrc2)) zsrc2=zsrc1;
if(!getparfloat("dzsrc", &dzsrc)) dzsrc=0;
if(!getparint("head", &head)) head = 0;
if(!getparint("sbox", &sbox)) sbox = 1;
if(!getparint("onegath", &onegath)) onegath = 0;
if(!getparint("add", &add)) add = 0;
if(!getparint("hom", &hom)) hom = 1;
if(equal(method,"fd")) {
if (verbose)
samess("finite_difference (Vidale, 1988, BSSA V. 78 #6, p. 2062)");
else if(equal(method,"graph")) {
if (verbose)
samess("graph_theory (Moser, 1991, Geophysics V. 56 #1, p. 59)");
else if(equal(method,"plane")) {
if (verbose)
samess("plane_wave (Matarese, 1993, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT)");
else {
samess("unknown method: %s",method);
samess("Possible choices include:\n\n");
samess("\tfd based on Vidale's finite difference method\n");
samess("\t (Vidale, 1988, BSSA V. 78 #6, p. 2062)\n");
samess("\tgraph based on Moser's graph theoretical method\n");
samess("\t (Moser, 1991, Geophysics V. 56 #1, p. 59)\n");
samess("\tplane based on Matarese's plane wave extrapolation\n");
samess("\t (Matarese, 1993, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT)\n");
if (file_ray != NULL) {
pf = strrchr(file_ray, '.');
*pf = '\0';
if(!equal(method,"graph")) {
sawarn("If file_ray is defined then method=graph");
sawarn("So, method is set to graph");
method = "graph";
if(equal(method,"plane")) {
if(!getparint("order", &order)) order = 2;
if(order < 0 || order > 2) {
sawarn("order must be within [0-2]");
sawarn("order set to 2");
order = 2;
if(!getparint("radius", &radius)) radius = 0;
else if(equal(method,"graph")) {
if(!getparint("order", &order)) order = 8;
if(order < 1) saerr("order must be within [1-10]");
if(order > 10) sawarn("Attempting an order > 10. Good luck!");
if(equal(method,"plane") && add) {
if (radius) {
sawarn("Plane wave method with non-zero radius requires one source.");
samess("Continuing with radius = 0.");
radius = 0;
if(add && equal(method,"fd"))
saerr("Finite difference methods don't support extended source.");
* Input the slowness grid.
* It's gotta be 2-D and the variable is named "slowness".
* Open velocity file
error = open_file(file_vel, GUESS_TYPE, DELPHI_READ);
if (error < 0 ) saerr("error in opening file %s", file_vel);
error = get_dims(file_vel, &n1, &n2, &type);
size = n1 * n2;
tmpdata = alloc1float(size);
hdrs = (segyhdr *) malloc(n2*sizeof(segyhdr));
get_axis(&dom1, &dom2);
if (verbose) disp_info(file_vel,n1,n2,f1,f2,d1,d2,type);
ret = close_file(file_vel);
if (ret < 0) sawarn("err %d on closing input file",ret);
slowness = alloc1float(n1*n2);
if (dom2 == SA_AXIS_X) {
nx = n2; nz = n1;
dx = d2; dz = d1;
ox = f2; oz = f1;
/* look at the coordinates of gx is the f2-axis is not defined */
if (dx < 1e-9) {
sawarn("f2 and d2 axis not defined, use the gx values");
if (hdrs[0].scalco < 0) sl = 1.0/fabs(hdrs[0].scalco);
else if (hdrs[0].scalco == 0) sl = 1.0;
else sl = hdrs[0].scalco;
ox = hdrs[0].gx*sl;
dx = (hdrs[1].gx-hdrs[0].gx)*sl;
if (verbose) samess("Input model is transposed");
for(ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
for(iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) slowness[iz*nx+ix] = 1.0/tmpdata[ix*nz+iz];
else {
nx = n1; nz = n2;
dx = d1; dz = d2;
ox = f1; oz = f2;
for(iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
for(ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) slowness[iz*nx+ix] = 1.0/tmpdata[iz*nx+ix];
* Open S-wave velocity file
if (file_svel!= NULL) {
error = open_file(file_svel, GUESS_TYPE, DELPHI_READ);
if (error < 0 ) saerr("error in opening file %s", file_svel);
error = get_dims(file_svel, &n1, &n2, &type);
size = n1 * n2;
tmpdata = alloc1float(size);
hdrs = (segyhdr *) malloc(n2*sizeof(segyhdr));
get_axis(&dom1, &dom2);
if (verbose) disp_info(file_svel,n1,n2,f1,f2,d1,d2,type);
ret = close_file(file_svel);
if (ret < 0) sawarn("err %d on closing input file",ret);
slowness_S = alloc1float(n1*n2);
if (dom2 == SA_AXIS_X) {
if (n2 != nx) saerr("nx of file %s (%d) != nx of file %s (%d)", file_vel, nx, file_svel, n2);
if (n1 != nz) saerr("nz of file %s (%d) != nz of file %s (%d)", file_vel, nz, file_svel, n1);
if (verbose) samess("Input S-model is transposed");
for(ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
for(iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) slowness_S[iz*nx+ix] = 1.0/tmpdata[ix*nz+iz];
else {
if (n1 != nx) saerr("nx of file %s (%d) != nx of file %s (%d)", file_vel, nx, file_svel, n1);
if (n2 != nz) saerr("nz of file %s (%d) != nz of file %s (%d)", file_vel, nz, file_svel, n2);
for(iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
for(ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) slowness_S[iz*nx+ix] = 1.0/tmpdata[iz*nx+ix];
else {
slowness_S = alloc1float(nx*nz);
for(iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
for(ix=0; ix<nx; ix++)
slowness_S[iz*nx+ix] = slowness[iz*nx+ix];
if (NINT(dx*1000) != NINT(dz*1000)) saerr("dx must be equal to dz");
* Open interface file (if available)
if (file_int != NULL) {
error = open_file(file_int, GUESS_TYPE, DELPHI_READ);
if (error < 0 ) saerr("error in opening file %s", file_int);
error = get_dims(file_int, &n1, &n2, &type);
size = n1 * n2;
tmpdata = alloc1float(size);
hdrs = (segyhdr *) malloc(n2*sizeof(segyhdr));
if (verbose>=2) disp_info(file_int,n1,n2,f1,f2,d1,d2,type);
ret = close_file(file_int);
if (ret < 0) sawarn("err %d on closing input file",ret);
ni = n2;
if (n1 != nx) saerr("n1 != nx; wrong interface file");
inter = alloc2float(nx, ni);
for(i=0; i<ni; i++) {
for(j=0; j<nx; j++) inter[i][j] = tmpdata[i*nx+j];
else ni = 0;
/*================ Read in receiver positions ================*/
zi = alloc1int(nx+nz);
xi = alloc1int(nx+nz);
if(Rboundary<=0) {
getrecpos(xi, zi, &nrec, nx, dz, ox, oz, verbose);
else {
if (verbose) samess("Placing receivers on boundary %d.",Rboundary);
if (verbose>=3) samess("receiver positions are:");
if(!getparfloat("dxrcv",&dxrcv)) dxrcv = dx;
nrec = NINT((nx-1)*dx/dxrcv)+1;
for (ir = 0; ir < nrec; ir++) {
xi[ir] = NINT(ir*dxrcv/dx);
zi[ir] = NINT(inter[Rboundary-1][xi[ir]]/dz);
if (verbose>=3) fprintf(stderr,"x=%f z=%f\n",(ox+xi[ir]*dx),(oz+zi[ir]*dz));
if(!getparfloat("dxspr",&dxspr)) dxspr= 0;
if(verbose) samess("nrec = %d", nrec);
/* ============ Check and set parameters =============== */
ispr = NINT(dxspr/dx);
if (NINT(ispr*dx) != NINT(dxspr))
saerr("dxspr is not a multiple of dx; this is not allowed");
mzrcv = 0;
for (ir = 0; ir < nrec; ir++) mzrcv = MAX(zi[ir], mzrcv);
if (mzrcv > (nz-1)) saerr("deepest receiver outside model");
if (nb) {dzsrc = 0.0; zsrc1 = inter[boundary[0]-1][0]; Nd = nb;}
else if (dzsrc == 0) Nd = 1;
else if (dzsrc != 0) Nd = NINT((zsrc2 - zsrc1)/dzsrc) + 1;
if (dxsrc == 0) Ns = 1;
else if (dxsrc != 0) Ns = NINT((xsrc2 - xsrc1)/dxsrc) + 1;
if ((zsrc1+(Nd-1)*dzsrc-oz) > nz*dz) {
sawarn("Deepest source outside model; last shot(s) not calculated");
Nd -= 1;
while( (zsrc1+(Nd-1)*dzsrc-oz ) > nz*dz) Nd--;
if (xi[nrec-1]*dx + (Ns-1)*dxspr > nx*dx)
saerr("Moving spread moves outside model");
if(!getparfloat("Tmin", &Tmin)) Tmin=0;
if(!getparfloat("Tmax", &Tmax)) Tmax=Tmin;
if(!getparfloat("dT", &dT)) dT=0;
if (NINT(1000*dT) != 0) Nd = NINT((Tmax - Tmin)/dT) + 1;
else if (Tmin) Nd = 1;
if (verbose) {
samess("Number of shot positions to generate = %d", Ns);
samess("For every shot postion %d depth positions", Nd);
samess("orig of model (x, z) = %.2f, %.2f", ox, oz);
ndim = (struct i_xyz *)jm_alloc(1,sizeof(struct i_xyz),1);
ndim->z = nz; ndim->y = 1; ndim->x = nx;
scale.x = dx; scale.y = 0.; scale.z = dz;
nd = nz*nx;
* If not finite difference method, allocate traveltime mask array(candidate).
* Allocate the traveltime asrray.
* If graph method, allocate the raypath and stencil arrays.
candidate = (uint8 *)NULL;
ttime = (float32 *)jm_alloc(nd, sizeof(float32), 0);
if(equal(method,"graph")) {
candidate = (uint8 *)jm_alloc(nd, sizeof(uint8), 0);
raypath = (int *)jm_alloc(nd, sizeof(int), 0);
stencil = make_stencil(order, ndim, &scale);
/* ============ Initializations =============== */
* Input the source locations.
* and
* Initialize the traveltime array. Place t=0 @ source position.
if (add) {
data = alloc2float(nrec, 1);
isrc = (struct i_xyz *)jm_alloc(Ns*Nd+1,sizeof(struct i_xyz),1);
zsrc = alloc1float(Nd);
for(id=0, ttime_p=ttime; id<nd; id++, ttime_p++)
*ttime_p = Infinity;
ie = 0;
for (is = 0; is < Ns; is++) {
xsrc = xsrc1 + is*dxsrc - ox;
for (id = 0; id < Nd; id++) {
zsrc[id] = setzsrc(nb,boundary,inter,slowness_S,ni,zsrc1,dzsrc,
isrc[ie].x = NINT(xsrc/dx);
isrc[ie].y = 0;
isrc[ie].z = NINT(zsrc[id]/dz);
node_src = isrc[ie].z*nx + isrc[ie].x;
sx = isrc[ie].x*dx-xsrc;
sz = isrc[ie].z*dz-zsrc[id];
sign = -1;
if (sz < 0) sign = 1;
ttime[node_src] = sign*sqrt(sx*sx+sz*sz)*slowness[node_src];
if((isrc[ie].x > nx-1) || (isrc[ie].x < 0) ||
(isrc[ie].z > nz-1) || (isrc[ie].z < 0))
{ saerr("source %d out of bounds ix=%d iz=%d", ie, isrc[ie].x, isrc[ie].z); }
Ns = 1;
Nd = 1;
else {
data = alloc2float(nrec, Nd);
isrc = (struct i_xyz *)jm_alloc(2,sizeof(struct i_xyz),1);
zsrc = alloc1float(Nd);
/* ============ Initializations (2) =============== */
if(!getparfloat("dxrcv",&dxrcv)) dxrcv = dx;
if(!getparfloat("dzrcv",&dzrcv)) dzrcv = 0;
drcv = sqrt(dxrcv*dxrcv+dzrcv*dzrcv);
keys[0] = (char *) malloc(MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
nkeys = 1;
keys[0] = SA_OPER;
seqnr[0] = 1;
type = SA_TYPE_REAL;
dom1 = SA_AXIS_X;
if (dT > 0) dom2 = SA_AXIS_TIME;
else dom2 = SA_AXIS_Z;
if (file_ray != NULL) {
ircv = (struct i_xyz *)jm_alloc(nrec+1,sizeof(struct i_xyz),1);
if (head == 0) {
trueslow = alloc1float(nd);
for (k = 0; k < nd; k++) trueslow[k] = slowness[k];
if (file_amp != NULL) {
ret = open_file(file_amp, GUESS_TYPE, DELPHI_CREATE);
if (ret < 0 ) saerr("error in creating output file %s", file_amp);
ret = open_file(file_out, GUESS_TYPE, DELPHI_CREATE);
if (ret < 0 ) saerr("error in creating output file %s", file_out);
* Compute traveltimes and (if applicable) raypaths.
for (is = 0; is < Ns; is++) {
xsrc = xsrc1 + is*dxsrc - ox;
if (verbose) samess("**** gather %d ****", is+1);
for (id = 0, ib=0; id < Nd; id++) {
if (nb) {
if (inter[boundary[id]-1][NINT(xsrc/dx)] == 0) continue;
zsrc[ib] = setzsrc(nb,boundary,inter,slowness_S,ni,zsrc1,dzsrc,dz,
if (verbose) samess("xsrc = %f zsrc = %f", xsrc+ox, zsrc[ib]+oz);
if (!add) {
for(i=0, ttime_p=ttime; i<nd; i++, ttime_p++)
*ttime_p = Infinity;
isrc[0].x = NINT(xsrc/dx);
isrc[0].y = 0;
isrc[0].z = NINT(zsrc[ib]/dz);
if((isrc[0].x > nx-1) || (isrc[0].x < 0) ||
(isrc[0].z > nz-1) || (isrc[0].z < 0)) {
{ saerr("source %d out of bounds ix=%d iz=%d", is, isrc[is].x, isrc[is].z); }
node_src = isrc[0].z*nx + isrc[0].x;
sx = isrc[0].x*dx-xsrc;
sz = isrc[0].z*dz-zsrc[ib];
sign = -1;
if (sz < 0) sign = 1;
ttime[node_src] = sign*sqrt(sx*sx+sz*sz)*slowness[node_src];
if(equal(method,"plane")) {
iz_min = max2(0,isrc[0].z-radius);
iz_max = min2(ndim->z-1,isrc[0].z+radius);
ix_min = max2(0,isrc[0].x-radius);
ix_max = min2(ndim->x-1,isrc[0].x+radius);
node_src = isrc[0].z*ndim->x + isrc[0].x;
slow_src = slowness[node_src];
for(iz=iz_min;iz<=iz_max;iz++) {
idz = iz - isrc[0].z;
for(ix=ix_min;ix<=ix_max;ix++) {
idx = ix - isrc[0].x;
idp = iz*ndim->x + ix;
ttime[idp] = 0.5 * scale.x * sqrt(1.*idx*idx +
idz*idz) * (slow_src + slowness[idp]);
/*=== avoid calculation of head waves from below zsrc ===*/
if (head == 0) {
ndim->z = nz;
for (k = 0; k < nd; k++) slowness[k] = trueslow[k];
ndim->z = MAX(nzm,2);
t1 = cputime();
if(equal(method,"plane")) {
plane_wave(ttime,slowness,(char *)candidate,ndim,
else if(equal(method,"fd")) {
else if(equal(method,"graph")) {
dijkstra(ttime,slowness,(char *)candidate,raypath,ndim,
t2 = cputime();
if (verbose>=3)
samess("CPU-time computing traveltimes = %.2f s",t2-t1);
for (ir = 0; ir < nrec; ir++) {
ik = xi[ir] + is*ispr;
data[ib][ir] = ttime[zi[ir]*nx+ik];
if(equal(method,"graph") && (file_ray != NULL)) {
sprintf(file_base, "%s_s%02dd%02d.eps", file_ray, is+1, id+1);
for(ir=0;ir<nrec;ir++) {
ircv[ir].x = xi[ir];
ircv[ir].y = 0;
ircv[ir].z = zi[ir];
samess("finished plotting raypaths in postscript file %s", file_base);
Nb = ib;
/* ================ write to output file ================*/
hdrs = (segyhdr *) malloc(Nd*sizeof(segyhdr));
f1 = xi[0]*dx + ox;
f2 = zsrc1;
d2 = dxsrc;
if (nb) f2 = 1.0;
if (onegath) seqnr[0] = 1;
else seqnr[0] = is+1;
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++) {
hdrs[i].scalco = -1000;
hdrs[i].scalel = -1000;
hdrs[i].offset = NINT(xi[0]*dx + is*ispr*dx - xsrc);
hdrs[i].sx = NINT((xsrc+ox)*1000.0);
hdrs[i].sdepth = NINT((zsrc[i]+oz)*1000.0);
if (onegath) {
hdrs[i].fldr = 1;
hdrs[i].trwf = Ns*Nd;
else {
hdrs[i].fldr = is+1;
hdrs[i].trwf = Nd;
ret = set_keys(keys, seqnr, nkeys);
if (ret < 0 ) sawarn("error on writing keys.");
ret = set_axis(dom1, dom2);
if (ret < 0 ) saerr("error on writing axis.");
if (verbose>1) disp_info(file_out,nrec,Nb,f1,f2,drcv,dzsrc,type);
ret = write_data(file_out,*data,nrec,Nb,f1,f2,
if (ret < 0 ) saerr("error on writing output file.");
if (file_amp != NULL) {
hdrs = (segyhdr *) malloc(Nd*sizeof(segyhdr));
f1 = xi[0]*dx + ox;
f2 = zsrc1;
d2 = dxsrc;
if (nb) f2 = 1.0;
if (onegath) seqnr[0] = 1;
else seqnr[0] = is+1;
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++) {
hdrs[i].scalco = -1000;
hdrs[i].scalel = -1000;
hdrs[i].offset = NINT(xi[0]*dx + is*ispr*dx - xsrc);
hdrs[i].sx = NINT((xsrc+ox)*1000.0);
hdrs[i].sdepth = NINT((zsrc[i]+oz)*1000.0);
if (onegath) {
hdrs[i].fldr = 1;
hdrs[i].trwf = Ns*Nd;
else {
hdrs[i].fldr = is+1;
hdrs[i].trwf = Nd;
for (ir = 0; ir < nrec; ir++) {
x = xsrc - (xi[ir] + is*ispr)*dx;
z = zsrc[i] - (zi[ir] + is*ispr)*dzrcv;
r = sqrt(x*x+z*z); /* cos(phi) = z/r */
if (r != 0) data[i][ir] = fabs(z)/(r*sqrt(r));
else data[i][ir] = 1.0;
ret = set_keys(keys, seqnr, nkeys);
if (ret < 0 ) sawarn("error on writing keys.");
ret = set_axis(dom1, dom2);
if (ret < 0 ) saerr("error on writing axis.");
ret = write_data(file_amp,*data,nrec,Nb,f1,f2,
if (ret < 0 ) saerr("error on writing output file.");
* Output traveltime array to a file.
ret = close_file(file_out);
if (ret < 0) saerr("err %d on closing output file",ret);
if (file_amp != NULL) {
ret = close_file(file_amp);
if (ret < 0) saerr("err %d on closing output file",ret);
t1 = cputime();
if (verbose) samess("Total CPU-time = %f",t1-t0);
0% Loading or .
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