%%%%%%% THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS COMMON PUBLIC LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. A copy of this license can be found in the file 'Common_Public_License.txt' in the directory where you have found this README. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php Some routines are from Seismic Unix and include the SU LEGAL_STATEMENT in the source code. %%%%%%% REFERENCES --------- -1- If the Finite Difference code has helped you in your research please refer to our paper in your publications: Finite-difference modeling experiments for seismic interferometry Jan Thorbecke and Deyan Draganov 2011, Geophysics, Vol. 76, no 6 (November-December); p H1--H18, doi: 10.1190/GEO2010-0039.1 -2- If the Machenko code has helped you in your research please refer to our paper in your publications: Hopefully, a published reference to the paper can be put here. These papers can be downloaded from: http://janth.home.xs4all.nl/Publications/Publications.html INSTALLATION ------------- 1) To compile and link the code you first have to set the ROOT variable in the Make_include file which can be found in the directory where you have found this README. 2) Check the compiler and CFLAGS options in the file Make_include and adapt to the system you are using. The default options are set for a the GNU C-compiler on a Linux system. A Fortran or C++ compiler are not needed to compile the code. The Makefile has been tested with GNU make. 3) If the compiler options are set in the Make_include file you can type ==> Please make sure that SU is compiled without XDR (in $CWPROOT/Makefile.config make sure that XDRFLAG is NOT set). The SU output files of fdelmodc are all based on local IEEE data. > make clean > make and the Makefile will make: - FFT library - fdelmodc - marchenko - utils The libraries will be placed in the lib/ directory and the executables in the bin/ directory. To use the executables don't forget to include the pathname in your PATH: export PATH='path_to_this_directory'/bin:$PATH: setenv PATH 'path_to_this_directory'/bin:$PATH: Finite Difference Modeling: FDELMODC ------------------------------------ If the compilation has finished without errors and produced an executable called bin/fdelmodc you can run one of the demo programs by running > ./fdelmodc_plane.scr in the directory fdelmodc/demo/ The demo directory contains scripts which demonstrate the different possibilities of the modeling program. To reproduce the Figures shown in the GEOPHYICS manuscript "Finite-difference modeling experiments for seismic interferometry" the scripts in FiguresPaper directory can be used. Please read the README in the FiguresPaper directory for more instructions and guidelines. Marchenko method : MARCHENKO ---------------------------- If the compilation has finished without errors and produced an executable called bin/marchenko you can run one of the demo programs by running > ./ in the directory marchenko/demo/ To reproduce the Figures shown in the GEOPHYICS manuscript "Implementation of the Marchenko method" the scripts in marchenko/demo/oneD directory can be used. Please read the README in the FiguresPaper directory for more instructions and guidelines. MISC ---- Other make commands which can be useful: make clean : removes all object files, but leaves libraries and executables make realclean: removes also object files, libraries and executables. UPDATES AND LATEST VERSION -------------------------- The latest version of the source code and manual can be found at: http://www.xs4all.nl/~janth/Software/Software.html or at github: git clone https://github.com/JanThorbecke/OpenSource.git The code is used by many different people and if there is a request for a new option in the code cle) then I will try to implement, test and make it available.
Name | Last commit | Last update |
FFTlib | ||
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extrap | ||
extrap3d | ||
fdelmodc | ||
fdemmodc | ||
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marchenko | ||
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.gitignore | ||
Common_Public_License.txt | ||
Make_include | ||
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Makefile_all | ||