The scripts in this directory reproduce most of the pictures used in the manual. The Figure numbers below refer to the Figures in the manual All scripts use some commands from Seismic Unix (SU) to plot results or post-process the data. ==> Please make sure that SU is compiled without XDR (In $CWPROOT/Makefile.config make sure that XDRFLAG is NOT set). The SU output files of fdelmodc are base on local IEEE data. clean: removes all *.su *.bin *.txt *.eps in the current directory eps_for_manual.scr: the results of fdelmodc rand.scr in eps, used in Figure 6, 7, 8 fdelmodcrand.scr: generation of random source signatures placed at random positions fdelmodc_srcrec.scr illustrates source and receiver positions, used in Figure 12 fdelmodc_taper.scr: the effect of (absorbing) tapering of the edges, used in Figure 5 fdelmodc_visco.scr wave propagation in visco-elastic medium, used in Figure 16 fdelmodc_circ.scr receivers placed on a circle, used in Figure18 fdelmodc sourcepos.scr: different source distributions, used in Figure 17 fdelmodc_plane.scr: plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots, used in Figure 14 fdelmodc_stab.scr illustrates dispersion and instability in snapshots, used in Figure 2 fdelmodc_topography.scr: source and receivers on topography, used in Figure19 model_flank.scr: builds a steep flank model, used in fdelmodc_srcrec.scr
Jan Willem Thorbecke