Colin Murtaugh authoredColin Murtaugh authored
django_auth_lti is a package that provides Django authentication middleware and backend classes for building tools that work with an LTI consumer.
To use LTI authentication with a Django app, edit settings.py as follows:
add 'django_auth_lti.middleware.LTIAuthMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, making sure that it appears AFTER 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware'
add 'django_auth_lti.backends.LTIAuthBackend' to your BACKEND_CLASSES
configure the OAuth credentials - add something like this to your project configuration:
'test': 'secret',
'test2': 'reallysecret'
The LTIAuthMiddleware will ensure that all users of your app are authenticated before they can access any page. Upon successful authentication, a Django user record is created (or updated) and the user is allowed to access the application.