"<div style=\"background-color:#ffa6a6; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%\"><p><b>Note:</b> population size <code>pop_size</code> was 10 originally. If you change this, you will see different results. This is problem-dependent!</p></div>"
"<div style=\"background-color:#ffa500; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%\"><p><b>Note:</b> population size <code>pop_size</code> is 10 originally. If you change this, you will see different results. This is problem-dependent!</p></div>"
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
"id": "0491cc69"
"source": [
"<div style=\"background-color:#ffa6a6; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%\"><p><b>Note:</b> termination is set here as a keyword argument (see note above).</p></div>"
"<div style=\"background-color:#ffa500; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%\"><p><b>Note:</b> termination is set here as a keyword argument (see note above).</p></div>"
_Note: part of the background material for this project was already available in [Chapter 5.11 of the textbook](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2023/book/optimization/project.html)._
* We showed in the previous notebook how to use MILP to solve the Road Network Design (RND) Problem
* You saw that due to a large number of binary variables it takes long to reach a low gap
* Think about larger problems, like the road network of Amsterdam or Shanghai, and it will be even harder!
* Here we show how a metaheuristic such a the genetic algorithm can be used to find good (not necessarily optimal) solutions for the problem in potentially less time
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## Libraries
To run this notebook you need to have installed the following packages:
Luckily, they're all part of this weeks environment!
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``` python
#if you did not install pymoo yet, run the following in your Anaconda Prompt: conda install -c anaconda autograd
# Genetic algorithm dependencies. We are importing the pymoo functions that are imporant for applying GA (the package can also apply other methods)
As we discussed, it is challenging to use MILP for large-scale NDPs. Therefore, in this assignment, we’re going to use a genetic algorithm to address this problem.
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are powerful optimization techniques inspired by the process of natural evolution. They have gained prominence in solving complex problems across various fields, ranging from engineering and economics to artificial intelligence. Here, we give a brief overview of Genetic Algorithms, highlighting their fundamental principles, components, and applications in solving optimization problems.
At the heart of a Genetic Algorithm are populations of potential solutions, represented as individuals or chromosomes. These individuals evolve over generations to improve their fitness with respect to the given optimization objective.
Basic Components of a Genetic Algorithm:
***Population**: A collection of individuals representing potential solutions to the problem.
***Objective Function** (or fitness function): Quantifies the quality of each individual’s solution with respect to the optimization objective.
***Selection**: Individuals are chosen based on their fitness to serve as parents for the next generation.
***Crossover**: Genetic material from parents is combined to create offspring with potentially improved traits.
***Mutation**: Random changes are introduced in offspring to maintain diversity and explore new solution spaces.
***Replacement**: New offspring replace some of the least fit individuals in the population.
***Termination Criteria**: Conditions under which the algorithm stops, e.g., a maximum number of generations or satisfactory fitness level.
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### GA steps
Reminding you about the GA steps …
* Initialization (start): A population of random individuals is generated to start the algorithm.
* Evaluation (fitness assessment): The fitness function assesses the quality of each individual’s solution.
* Selection: Individuals with higher fitness have a higher chance of being selected as parents.
* Crossover: Genetic material (part of the solutions) from selected parents is combined to create offspring.
* Mutation: Random changes are introduced to some offspring to maintain diversity.
* Replacement: New offspring replace some individuals in the population.
* Termination (end): The algorithm stops when a termination criterion is met.

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### PyMOO
PyMOO is a Python library that provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use framework for multi-objective optimization (MOO). For this case, we are going to deal with only one objective; nevertheless, this is an useful tool if you have more objectives. In addition, PyMOO easily allows us to define our optimization problem by specifying the objectives, constraints, and decision variables.
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## Problem definition and formulation
Here is the problem formulation as presented in the previous Jupyter notebook
& \sum_{j \in N; (i,j) \in A}{ x_{ijs}} - \sum_{j \in N; (j,i) \in A}{ x_{jis}} = d_{is} \quad \forall i \in N, \forall s \in D \\
& y_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}\quad \forall (i,j) \in A \\
& x_{ij} \geq 0 \quad \forall (i,j) \in A \\
& x_{ijs} \geq 0 \quad \forall (i,j) \in A, \forall s \in D \\
You can check the NDP notebook for details. But here we deal with it slightly differently to be able to use GA. Essentially, we break down the problem into two sub-problems: 1) the traffic assignment (TA) problem: the route choices of the drivers, and the 2) the road network design problem (NDP): where we select which links should be upgraded. We solve the problem by iteratively going between the Traffic assignment and the Design Problem. The idea is for the GA to move to better networks as generations pass which are evaluated by the traffic assignment process that you have learned.
We use Gurobi to solve the Traffic Assignment sub-problems, which provide us with the objective function (or fitness function within the context of GA) value of the decision problem (which will be dealt with using GA). This is usually referred to as the iterative-optimization-assignment method since we iteratively improve the objective function value of the NDP using the assignment problem.
So let's see how that works.
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### The network design sub-problem
The network desing is where we use the genetic algorithm. As explained before, GA uses a population of solutions and iteratively improves this population to evolve to new generations of populations with a better objective function value (being that minimization or maximization). In this problem, the decision variables are links for capacity expansion and the objective function value is the total system travel time that we want to minimize.
Where the values of $x_{ij}$ are not decision variables anymore, they will be obtained from solving the Traffic Assignment problem with Gurobi which evaluates the travel times on the network. This part of the problem will not be solved mathematically anymore, the $y_{ij}$ variables are decided by the genetic algorithm through the process you learned.
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### The traffic assignment sub-problem
This is just part of the original NDP that assigns traffic to the network based on a set of given capacity values, which are defined based on the values of the DP decision variables (links selected for capacity expansion). The main difference (and the advantage) here is that by separating the binary decision variables, instead of a mixed integer programming problem, which are hard to solve, here we have a quadratic programming problem with continuous decision variables, which will be transformed to a linear problem that Gurobi can solve very fast.
& \sum_{j \in N; (i,j) \in A}{ x_{ijs}} - \sum_{j \in N; (j,i) \in A}{ x_{jis}} = d_{is} \quad \forall i \in N, \forall s \in D \\
& x_{ij} \geq 0 \quad \forall (i,j) \in A \\
& x_{ijs} \geq 0 \quad \forall (i,j) \in A, \forall s \in D \\
Where the values of $y_{ij}$ are constant and are defined by GA.
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### Summarizing
The following is a diagram that shows what you are finally doing to solve the same problem but with a meta-heuristic approach:

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## Data preprocessing
Our data preprocessing steps are similar to the previous notebook. We use some networks from the well-known transportation networks for benchmarking repository as well as a small toy network for case studies of NDPs. the following functions read data from this repository and perform data preprocessing to have the input and the parameters required for our case studies.
G,pos=network_visualization(link_flow=fftts,coordinates_path=coordinates_path)# the network we create here will be used later for further visualizations!
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Now we are ready to build our models!
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### Modeling and solving the traffic assignment sub-problem with Gurobi
In this section we build a Gurobi model to solve the Traffic Assignment sub-problems. The decision variables, objective function, and the constraints of this problem were described before.
Here we wrap the code in a function so that we can use it later within the GA.
# In the GA part the only variables are the binary decision variables, don't forget that the traffic assignment that
# produces the travel time on the network is done in the evaluation of the solution
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Now, let's initiate an instance of the problem based on the problem class we defined, and initiate the GA with its parameters. Note that depending on the problem size and the number of feasible links, you might need larger values for population and generation size to achieve good results or even feasible results. Of course this increases the computation times.
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<divstyle="background-color:#ffa6a6; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%"><p><b>Note:</b> population size <code>pop_size</code>was 10 originally. If you change this, you will see different results. This is problem-dependent!</p></div>
<divstyle="background-color:#ffa500; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%"><p><b>Note:</b> population size <code>pop_size</code>is 10 originally. If you change this, you will see different results. This is problem-dependent!</p></div>
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``` python
# initiate an instance of the problem with max number of selected links as budget constraint
# initiate the GA with parameters appropriate for binary variables
# replace HalfUniformCrossover() by PointCrossover(2) for two-point crossover
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Now we are ready to minimize the NDP problem using the GA method we defined.
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<divstyle="background-color:#ffa6a6; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%"><p><b>Note:</b> termination is set here as a keyword argument (see note above).</p></div>
<divstyle="background-color:#ffa500; color: black; vertical-align: middle; padding:15px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%"><p><b>Note:</b> termination is set here as a keyword argument (see note above).</p></div>
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``` python
termination=("time","00:05:00"),#5 minute maximum computation time
print("Best Objective Function value: %s"%opt_results.F)
print("Constraint violation: %s"%opt_results.CV)
print("Best solution found: %s"%opt_results.X)
#To better interpret the results, this is the legend:
#n_gen: Number of generations
#n_eval: Number of function evaluations
#cv_min: Minimum constraint violation
#cv_avg: Average constraint violation
#f_avg: Average objective function value
#f_min: Minimum objective function value
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### Convergence curve
Let's first define some functions (to use later) to get the results and plot them.
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``` python
number_of_individuals=[]# The number of individuals in each generation
optimal_values_along_generations=[]# The optimal value found in each generation
# retrieve the optimum from the algorithm
# filter out only the feasible solutions and append and objective space values