updated README file
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The focus of this assignment is to use a neural network to create a surrogate model of a pipe network that predicts pressures as a function of pipe diameter. The context is that the model that is used to compute pressures in the system is time-consuming to run, so we would like to train a neural network to make calculations faster (i.e., use the surrogate model).
For this week, we recognize that many may be working remotely. As such, we've made the project files available in advance to allow you all the ability to work on it beforehand and make arrangements with your group-mates to work effectively and cooperatively. Teachers will still be present, in-person, on Friday and it is still expected that the project report be submitted at the end of the session Friday. If there are any announcements to be made, we will add them to presentation, which you can view remotely at [this link](https://tud365.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/MUDE/EcZ-L1gD2ABEhlOb0p83OGIBl4N-Jr4OqP2TRNRL9CEYiQ?e=3Uuueo).
**You need to download the data for this project!** Two data files are needed: `features_BAK.pk` and `targets_BAK.pk`, which should added to your repository in a subdirectory `./data`, which is located in the same directory as `P10.ipynb`. **Download the data [using this link](https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/UmjdZCAAlbvaKRO/download).**
**You need to download the data for this project!** A single file `bridges.csv` is needed, which should be added to your repository in a subdirectory `./data`, which is located in the same directory as `Analysis.ipynb`. **Download the data [using this link](https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/3g1FiVVWPLCTRIi/download).**
@@ -26,8 +20,7 @@ The environment you used earlier in the week will be sufficient, as long as it h
@@ -38,10 +31,10 @@ You are always expected to provide well-formatted figures and Markdown text in y