Robert Lanzafame authoredRobert Lanzafame authored
layout: page
title: Module Information
description: General information about MUDE.
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Module Information
An overview of the module and some key policies are described on this page, adding to the description provided in the Study Guide.
Updates to the material on this page will be accompanied by announcements in class during the Monday lectures and and via the Announcements page on this website.
MUDE is built on a repetetive and consistent weekly schedule, which is illustrated on the Schedule page, along with a list of topics, by week.
Your total MUDE grade consists of 3 assessments:
- Exam at end of Q1 (resit in Q2) (25%)
- Exam at end of Q2 (resit in Q3) (25%)
- Assignment Portfolio (50%)
You will pass the module if you obtained at least a 5.8 for the three individual components. There will be a resit opportunity for the exams. If the grade for your Assignment Portfolio is below 5.8, you will get the opportunity to submit a revised version for which you will get a 6.0 if judged sufficient.
The exams are described further on the Exam page of this website.
The Assignment Portfolio consists of three components:
Assignment Portfolio
Assignment Portfolio includes weekly Group Assignments (80%) and Programming Assignments (20%). Note that the BuddyChecks are also required and make up 10% of the Group Assignments (10% overall MUDE grade). The ultimate deadline to submit all of the components of the Assignment Portfolio is the last Friday of instruction for the quarter (week 8) at 12:30 (the end of the last Friday classroom session). Please note, however, that a consistent weekly schedule has been incorporated into the course activities, in particular: bi-weekly feedback on the Group Assignment reports and weekly grading of the Programming Assignments. In addition, failure to cooperate with your group members may result in the requirement that you submit the Group Assignments individually. Please see the relevant pages on this website for further details.
Assignment Portfolio
PA and GA.
MUDE Resources
There are several primary resources for this module, each of which is also available with a quick-link in the top right corner of this website:
- MUDE Textbook: this is where assigned reading is located, along with interactive exercises to practice and study the material.
- Answers Platform (answers.citg.tudelft.nl) a stack-exchange{:target="_blank"} style question and answer platform; a place to collaborate with your teachers and fellow students. Everyone is encouraged to post questions and answers!
Course Files (mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2023/files/): key files for the module are available at this URL for easy access, for example, weekly instructions, solutions or Group Assignments instructions. Often notebook files (
) will be converted to HTML for easy online viewing; however the complete set of files required for an assignment (e.g.,*.py
or data files) will only be available via GitLab. - GitLab: starting in week 3 this will be our primary platform for sharing and submitting assignments, as well as receiving feedback. In Weeks 1 and 2 you will download your assignments from GitLab, but not submit them.
- Collegerama: Our Monday lectures are available to stream online here.
- Brightspace: this platform is used to ensure students receive important annoucements about the module contents and activities in a timely manner; however, they will typically be links to announcements made on this website. General announcements such as exam registration reminders will be posted to Brightpsace only. To make sure you never miss an announcement, get the Pulse app! An overview with instructions can be found here.
Please note that content in the online textbook will be added throughout the module, and changes will be announced and documented as needed. When new content is added, it will be done in large chunks. Changes will not be made retroactively that impact the scope of the exams (in other words, you will never need to re-study material because it changed prior to the exam). Notifications of errors, corrections and suggestions for improvement are glady welcomed via the Answers platform and/or via the MUDE email address.
Questions and Answers
There are a variety of ways to obtain answers to your MUDE-y questions, described in the sections below. Please try to be considerate when asking questions and provide enough detail and context to make it easier to understand what it is you need help with. In addition, don't forget to check the Answers platform to see if someone has already asked the same question, and to use the search function in the online textbook to look for relevant key words. do your best to Jupyter Book search function. If you find a good resource online (i.e., outside the textbook), you can also share that via the Answers platform.
Answers Platform
This is your go-to place to ask a question about technical content in the course, as well as other non-technical quesions, for example, exam or absence policies. We strongly encourage you to use the platform to both ask and answer questions. The platform works by providing (and discussing) answers to questions, then voting whether or not you find the answer to be useful. You can also track statistics as you participate in the platform, giving it a bit of a competitive side: we will be periodically awarding prizes to students who make exceptional contributions to the Answers platform throughout the semester! In addition, this is also a useful metric we have for selecting future MUDE TA's.
Use the Meta tab{:target="_blank"} if you have questions for how the platform works (this is especially well-developed on the page for the math department{:target="_blank"}).
Open Question Hours (Tuesday)
Beginning in week 2, every Tuesday there is an optional question hour. Teachers and teaching assistants will be present to help you with any of your MUDE or programming questions. There are no teacher-led activities here, so you must come prepared with questions. Although we will do our best to answer them, it is recommended to post tto the Answers platform first. We will monitor the questions and be able to come to the session better prepared. Who knows---perhaps a fellow classmate or teacher will answer your question first!
Contacting MUDE Teachers
Please avoid sending general questions about the module contents to the MUDE email address or individual teachers. You will be asked to post to the Answers platform. Worse, you deprive your fellow classmates the opportunity to learn from your question and answers, and to help each other learn the material.
Personal Situations
For relatively common situations such as missing an occasional lecture or in-class session, check the Answers platform and policy information on this website. If you still have a question about your personal situation, use the email address MUDE-CEG@tudelft.nl. This is monitored by multiple instructors and is your best chance to get a quick reply.
Attendance in class is highly encouraged for the Monday and Wednesday sessions to stay on top of the material. However, attendance is mandatory only for the Group Assignment sessions on Friday. You are allowed to miss one session without obtaining prior permission (and we don't need to know the reason), but you should inform MUDE staff by sending an email to MUDE-CEG@tudelft.nl. Perhaps more importantly, you should also inform your group members in advance! You are free to arrange with each other to share the workload and catch up if a group member misses a Friday session. If you expect to miss more than one Friday session, you should inform MUDE staff immediately.
We expect all students and staff to adhere to the TU Delft Code of Conduct.
In terms of student work, we also expect an honest effort and integrity for all assignments. We will run plagiarism checks throughout the semester on your work, and incidents will be reported directly to the Board of Examiners (you can learn more about the policy here). In order to avoid this, please follow the following guidelines when working on and submitting your MUDE assignments:
- Reading and looking at each others work is OK, but avoid copy and paste of a) entire files, and b) small pieces of text or code
- Using material from fellow students or the internet is OK to get inspiration and ideas, but if this is more than a small number of sentences or lines you should be clear and honest. For example, write down the names of students with whom you worked or note whether or not you developed a piece of the code from a ChatGPT answer.
- Re-use material with a suitable license (for example, Creative Commons CC-BY allows re-use with proper acknowledgement).
- Always: a) write code yourself as much as possible, and 2) understand what it is you are writing: this is a much better strategy for learning, and, while it may be slow at first, you will find that in the long run you will need to copy/paste less often!