# Multiyear Students (Students from Previous Years)
# Multiyear Students (Students from Previous Years)
This page gives advice on how to pass the Exam or Portfolio assessment for MUDE for students that have not completed all assessments for the entire module. For an overview of changes to the technical content in previous years, see the [Exams page](../exams).
This page gives advice for students who are only completing a partial part of MUDE this year (e.g., Q1 or Q2 only; or, just an exam, etc.). In particular, pay attention to the advice on how to pass the Exam or Portfolio assessment for MUDE for students that have not completed all assessments for the entire module. For an overview of changes to the technical content in previous years, see the [Exams page](../exams).
If you are a student from a previous year, please inform MUDE staff of your situation and plan for completing the module by the start of each quarter. We will do our best to find ways to help you study the material and pass the exam and/or portfolio.
If you are a student from a previous year, please inform MUDE staff of your situation and plan for completing the module by the start of each quarter. We will do our best to find ways to help you study the material and pass the exam and/or portfolio.
## Getting Started in Q2
If you are starting your MUDE participation in Q2, there are several things to be aware of:
1. During Q1 we learn to use a number of software tools (e.g., Git, VS Code, Conda environments, etc). You will need to **allocate extra time to learn this** if you start in Q2
2. During Q1 we get familiar with a very regular weekly schedule, so it will seem like we start very fast in Q2 (e.g., PA, WS, GA, BC, Book, Files, wow!).
3. Each year the modules setup and programming tools change a lot, so **you will need to learn something new even if you think you learned it last year.**
4. Do not miss the opportunity to ask for help during **question hours** (see the overview on the [schedule page](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/schedule/)).
Note that it can be difficult to get an overview of what happened in Q1, so we recommend you take some time and peruse the links in the section below.
### Useful Links for Starting in Q2, 2024
- Install the [software described here](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/book/programming/week_1_1.html), noting in particular:
- you will need VS Code and Git
- Git is described in [this chapter](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/book/programming/week_1_4.html)(make sure you install Git and set up SSH)
- you will need to create a GitHub account to access assignments after week 1.3
- some of the programming assignments will not be possible to complete now, but may contain useful information for you
- Your standard working method in Q2 for assignments on GitHub should be: access assignment with link in README ([example for PA 2.1 here](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Week_2_1/)), clone repository, complete assignment, make a commit and push to repo; note that if a green checkmark is visible in the actions tab, you have passed.
## Exams
## Exams
Students resitting the exam from previous years of MUDE are expected to write the the exam as-is; no alternative exam will be prepared. Review the Programming Assignments, Group Assignments and [online textbook](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/book/intro.html) to identify the changes; you can also ask the instructors in office hours.
Students resitting the exam from previous years of MUDE are expected to write the the exam as-is; no alternative exam will be prepared. Review the Programming Assignments, Group Assignments and [online textbook](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/book/intro.html) to identify the changes; you can also ask the instructors in office hours.