We enjoyed seeing you in class today, and hope you are also excited to get this year off to a great start!
Most important: **please fill out this survey by 7 PM TODAY!**[forms.office.com/e/4j3wx6ZdEE](https://forms.office.com/e/4j3wx6ZdEE){:target="_blank"}
This will be used to help us choose groups. Email MUDE staff (MUDE-CEG@tudelft.nl) if you are not sure about whether or not you will participate in a group.
A few other things to know about for now:
- The lecture slides have been posted to the module website here: [mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Week_1_1/](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Week_1_1/){:target="_blank"}
- The Collegerama Recording of lecture is available [here](https://https//collegeramavideoportal.tudelft.nl/catalogue/cegm1000/?academicYear=2024-2025-cegm1000){:target="_blank"}
- Visit the this website and start getting familiar with course policies!
- Read the book chapters for this week! (use link in top right)
- You can also get a head start for tomorrow by installing Miniconda and VS Code (see book chapters)
Keep an eye on Brightspace: sometime tomorrow morning we will update you with your group number and give you the room where you should attend the in-class session.