@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Both exams (and resits) are paper-based. Scrap paper is provided, but answers wi
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Both exams (and resits) are paper-based. Scrap paper is provided, but answers wi
Programming-specific questions will make up a maximum of 10% of the total exam grade and will be based on the topics and applications covered in the weekly Programming Assignments and Group Assignments. However, note that questions related to the non-programming part of the course may rely on code and programming concepts (for example, illustrating a numerical result in the form of Python output), so if you skip the programming part of the course entirely, you may impact much more than 10% of your exam grade. In other words: _complete your Programming Assignments and participate actively in the Group Assignments and you won't have a problem._
Programming-specific questions will make up a maximum of 10% of the total exam grade and will be based on the topics and applications covered in the weekly Programming Assignments and Group Assignments. However, note that questions related to the non-programming part of the course may rely on code and programming concepts (for example, illustrating a numerical result in the form of Python output), so if you skip the programming part of the course entirely, you may impact much more than 10% of your exam grade. In other words: _complete your Programming Assignments and participate actively in the Group Assignments and you won't have a problem._
As the exam is closed-book, we will provide equations as needed either with a **formula sheet** or directly in the printed exam document. You can find a sample exam [here](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Exams/){:target="_blank"} in the course files, which was printed on A4 paper for the exam.
As the exam is closed-book, we will provide equations as needed either with a **formula sheet**(Q1) or directly in the printed exam document (Q2). You can find a sample exam [here](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Exams/){:target="_blank"} in the course files, which was printed on A4 paper for the exam.
If you have questions about which formulas may be provided during the exam, use the Answers Platform (link in top right).
If you have questions about which formulas may be provided during the exam, use the Answers Platform (link in top right).
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ Exams and resits from previous years available on the MUDE Files Page: [mude.cit
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ Exams and resits from previous years available on the MUDE Files Page: [mude.cit
1. Blank exam (PDF): this file shows the exam format that the student can expect in the exam (i.e., if printed on A4 paper, this is exactly where the answers would be written).
1. Blank exam (PDF): this file shows the exam format that the student can expect in the exam (i.e., if printed on A4 paper, this is exactly where the answers would be written).
2. Exam Solution (HTML): the HTML files illustrate the exam questions and answers.
2. Exam Solution (HTML): the HTML files illustrate the exam questions and answers.
### 2024-2025 Students: Known Issues Old Exams
If you are a current student preparing for exams, this section compiles a list of things you should keep in mind when reviewing old exams. Note the additional information provided below for interpreting the 2022-2023 exams (Year 1).
Q2 Exams:
- Risk Analysis: series/parallel systems and effect of dependence on failure probability are not part of your exam. This includes: 10c and 10d on the 2022 exam and 9a and 9b on the 2023 exam.
- The FEM quetsion from the 2023 exam is missing a solution for multiple choice question 2d: the answer is C
- For optimization, remember you are expected to have a clear understanding behind the Simplex method and how to do it, but will not need to do the calculations by hand (2022 Part 5, Optimization question 2 illustrates doing it by hand).
- Previous time series questions looked at ARMA: this is not part of the exam (specifically MA = moving average; AR = autoregressive _is_ part of the exam!). In addition, the Partial ACF (PACF) may appear on previous exams, but is not required this year.
### How to interpret the 2022-2023 Exams
### How to interpret the 2022-2023 Exams
Note that for the 2022-2023 academic year the format of the module and specific topics were significantly different (see description below).
Note that for the 2022-2023 academic year the format of the module and specific topics were significantly different (see description below).