@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ We hope you enjoyed meeting your groups today, and working on the Ice Classic. H
- The book chapter for next week is ready! [Chapter 2: Propagation of Uncertainty](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/book/propagation_uncertainty/overview.html)
- The solution from the Group Assignment today is posted in the MUDE files page: [mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Week_1_1/](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Week_1_1/)
- The BuddyCheck has been released. You can access it 2 ways: 1) click on the link you got in your email or 2) go to "Course Information" on the Brightspace page to find the Buddycheck. We will give you more information about BuddyCheck and how the results will be used next week.
- Files from the Wednesday workshop are available for viewing in the [Week 1.1 folder of the MUDE Files page](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2024/files/Week_1_1/) and available for download at [`gitlab.tudelft.nl/mude/2024-week-1-1`](https://gitlab.tudelft.nl/mude/2024-week-1-1)(click blue "Code" button, then download this repository as "zip"; unzip the files in your _working directory_).