````{admonition} Textbook Website Under Construction
:class: warning
This website is the home of the MUDE Textbook, which will be published at the beginning of Q1.
For now, you can read the course description [here](
Material from last year is also available, but note that this should be used for general information only as **the material can change significantly!**
- Use these links to visit the [book]( and [website]( from last year.
- For more information, visit the [MUDE Archive](
%Welcome to the MUDE textbook for the 2023-24 academic year. This is where assigned reading is located, along with interactive %exercises to practice and study the module material.
%````{admonition} Interactive Pages---Use Python in your Browser!
%This online textbook has a number of pages that are set up to be used interactively. You can use the "Live Code" button under %the Rocket Ship icon in the top right to activate the interactive features and use Python interactively!
%Sometimes the interactivity will involve completing an exercise, wheras on other pages it might simply provide the %opportunity to edit the contents of code cells and execute it to explore the page contents interactively. Other pages may %provide interactive figures (e.g., widgets).
%This feature is supported by [TeachBooks](