set up examples to verify FEM requirements
Start this once Q1 is going smoothly; it's for week 2.2. We need to make sure the interactive features can handle some specific comments from Frans from last year. We can reach out to him to get some examples once a TA assigns themselves.
Frans will have time to implement it starting October 11.
Here are the comments, we need to make sure there is theory and practice for each of these; see action plan for more context
numpy for linear algebra and matplotlib for plotting.
scipy.sparse, but they do not need to know what that does before the week.
We want to use interactive plots, that was not robust last year. Students needed to install ipympl and then still it did not work for all. For some, it also helped to change from “widget” to “tk”. I am not sure what students need to know for this, there was no single solution that worked for all students…
For week 2.2 project, we will presumably ask students to work with pre-defined code that is supplied as .py-files rather than included in notebooks.