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Merge request pipeline passed for ff21c3b1

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Merged by Rok ŠtularRok Štular 1 year ago (Aug 9, 2023 10:35am UTC)

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  • Changes merged into publish with 5ba65641.
  • Did not delete the source branch.
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170 170 ## Install and use Docker
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172 You should follow the instructions on the Docker website to install [Docker Desktop]( (for Windows the downloaded exe was over 400MB; you will need to log out of windows to complete installation). A couple "tricks" are needed to get it running smoothly:
172 You should follow the instructions on the Docker website to install [Docker Desktop]( (for Windows the downloaded exe was over 400MB; you will need to log out of windows to complete installation). These instructions were written for Windows users; if you are using a Mac or Linux you will probably have a much easier time.
173 173
174 1. Administrative privelages: make sure your user is added to the Docker users group, as described [here]( In short, open a windows command prompt as administrator and execute: `net localgroup docker-users "your-user-id" /ADD`.
175 2. You may need to use the first two answers [here]( (done by Robert). Note that the "Switch to Windows containers..." solution is not needed after you restart a few times (but if the container tab does not load, check it).
174 - there is no need to create a Docker account
175 - Windows users should use the Git Bash terminal. If you have never used it: it comes installed with git and provides Unix-like commands. You will need to make it aware of your Anaconda distribution by executing `conda init bash`. Test it by calling a Python package like `jupyter-book`.
176 - you will also need to install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL); it provides a Linux environment on your Wndows machine. Docker Desktop install instructions will guide you through this. VS Code will also do it if you try to use Docker without WSL, but it won't work: try [this]( instead.
  • 174 1. Administrative privelages: make sure your user is added to the Docker users group, as described [here]( In short, open a windows command prompt as administrator and execute: `net localgroup docker-users "your-user-id" /ADD`.
    175 2. You may need to use the first two answers [here]( (done by Robert). Note that the "Switch to Windows containers..." solution is not needed after you restart a few times (but if the container tab does not load, check it).
    174 - there is no need to create a Docker account
    175 - Windows users should use the Git Bash terminal. If you have never used it: it comes installed with git and provides Unix-like commands. You will need to make it aware of your Anaconda distribution by executing `conda init bash`. Test it by calling a Python package like `jupyter-book`.
    176 - you will also need to install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL); it provides a Linux environment on your Wndows machine. Docker Desktop install instructions will guide you through this. VS Code will also do it if you try to use Docker without WSL, but it won't work: try [this]( instead.
    177 -
    176 178
    177 Once Docker is set up correctly, you should see a default page on the Containers tab in Docker Desktop that reads "Your running containers show up here." The book contains some Docker configuration and shell scripts to semi-automate the process of using a container. The main idea is that we define the tools needed to build the book with a Docker *image* (`Dockerfile`), then we create the Docker *container* to run the scripts to build to book (``). When the container runs, `docker-compose.yml` provides the instructions for hosting the book on a local webserver so that you can view the book.
    179 One way to test whether your Docker Desktop installation is working is to run through a couple of the basic tutorials in Docker Desktop. THe first two that are advertised in the software should be sufficient as long as they take you through the process of creating a container and viewing the website in your browser.
    181 ### Docker setup on Windows
    179 A couple "tricks" are needed to get it running smoothly:
    182 180
    183 Besides the installation tricks mentioned above, which are required to get a container running, there is one other issue we (Max/Robert) had in the setup. The build would proceed as desired from `` until the `CMD` line in the `Dockerfile` was reached, where the container terminal could not find the shell script ``, terminating the process in an error. Docker Desktop would show that the container was exited. All of the commands in `` worked fine when entered in the terminal, which helped (eventually) indicate the problem was with line endings in Windows. This was fixed using `* text=auto eol=lf` in `.gitignore`.
    181 1. Administrative privelages: make sure your user is added to the Docker users group, as described [here]( In short, open a windows command prompt as administrator and execute: `net localgroup docker-users "your-user-id" /ADD`. You won't get confirmation, but it seems to work.
  • 199 193 Initial build times may take a few mintutes, but then the Docker image will be cached and not be rebuilt unless needed. This setup will also produce the `_build` folder on your machine. Trying to build locally after building in docker will cause a rebuild for some reason (maybe incompatible settings?), and visa-versa.
    200 194
    201 195 The typical workflow is:
    196 - Open Docker Desktop and make sure the empty container page loads. This means the Docker Engine is ready to build your book.
    202 197 - Run the `` script. You should see the book build output in the terminal window.
  • 199 193 Initial build times may take a few mintutes, but then the Docker image will be cached and not be rebuilt unless needed. This setup will also produce the `_build` folder on your machine. Trying to build locally after building in docker will cause a rebuild for some reason (maybe incompatible settings?), and visa-versa.
    200 194
    201 195 The typical workflow is:
    196 - Open Docker Desktop and make sure the empty container page loads. This means the Docker Engine is ready to build your book.
    202 197 - Run the `` script. You should see the book build output in the terminal window.
    203 198 - View the book at [http://localhost:8000/](http://localhost:8000/) (*not* the local build at `./book/_build/html/index.html`---the interactive features won't work!). You can also open this by clicking the link in the Container tab
    199 - note that your original terminal will be busy deploying the Python local server, so you will have to start a new one (especially to run ``, below)
    204 200 - Do whatever book tasks you have: read, edit, use, etc
    205 201 - If you need to rebuild the book to check your changes, you may need to refresh the page (contact Robert if there is a problem)
    206 202 - Once you are finished, stop the container using the `` script
  • assigned to @rstular

  • Rok Štular enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for ff21c3b1 succeeds

    enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for ff21c3b1 succeeds

  • Rok Štular mentioned in commit 5ba65641

    mentioned in commit 5ba65641

  • merged

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