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- Jaime Arriaga Garcia authored
To solve a first order ODE, one constraint is needed (initial value problem, IVP). In the case of a second order ODE, two constraints are needed. **If the constraints are defined at different locations of the domain, then you will be dealing with a Boundary-value problem (BVP)**. Mostly when we use time derivatives we have an IVP and when we have a derivative in space we have to deal with spacial constraints and therefore BVP's. See the following examples:
Even for higher ODE orders, the number of constrains required corresponds to the order of the ODE. It is clear that a second order ODE can either be an IVP or a BVP. The former case is common when describing time derivatives and the latter case is common when describing space derivatives. From now on, we focus on BVP.
Just like in the initial value problem section, here the derivatives are approximated numerically following a desired method and order of accuracy. Now the domain going from $a$ to $b$ is discretized using a determined number of grid points $n$ and, thus, a number of sub-intervals $N$. There is always one more point than sub-intervals, $n=N+1$. This is the grid (see Figure below) and, if the spacing is regular, then the length of the sub-interval is $\Delta x = (b-a)/N$.