Notes are added to the top of the page to indicate optional material. This is a good case study for developing automatic page-parsing tools.
Notes about scope:
change name to "Risk Analysis"
the main goal is to construct and evaluate risk curves
much of the Risk Evaluation chapter is optional, for background reading
last page, Risk Evaluation: Safety Standards: Limits..., is essential
Dam Exercise: parts 3 and 4 are required
Risk Definition, Curve and Evaluation.
For evaluation, focus is on constructing and evaluating a risk curve only, which requires a basic undertsanding of expectation and a few economic concepts; background material is to provide context only, it is not part of the exam material.
To be specific, the following pages should be read, but do not need to be memorized: steps in risk analysis, decision analysis, cost benefit, economic optimization, paint system
change main name (title) to "Risk Analysis"
change 1st chapter from "Risk Analysis" to "Risk Introduction"
switched order of dam and paint exercises
made econ example a subpage
updated descriptions on 3 intro/overview pages and added a note admonition to the non-essential pages.
added notes on 2 exercise pages
component and system, since it is covered elsewhere and small
sample exam page: not relevant enough for FN curves