AMagherini references
References added to the Probabilistic Design book.
in the Lecture Notes it cites Deltares, 2013 (pag. 76, Cost Benefit Analysis), but in the reference list it is listed as Deltares, 2014. However, none of the document was found, so the citation was changed with Jeuken at al., 2013 (reference to value of a statistical life of €6.7 million per fatality);
CUR 2015 reference document not found (pag. 90 and 98 of the Lecture Notes). Maybe it is an update of CUR 1997 (report 190)?
Merge request reports
Still missing CUR 2015 document (maybe that's just an update of CUR 1997?).
In section Cost Benefit Analysis, Jeuken at al. 2013 (reference to "statistical life of €6.7 million per fatality") was previously cited as Deltares 2013, but paper wasn't found. In the 2016 version of Lecture Notes references there is a Deltares 2014 document but also this was not found.
requested review from @rlanzafame
mentioned in issue interactivetextbooks-citg/risk-and-reliability#1 (closed)
mentioned in issue interactivetextbooks-citg/risk-and-reliability#30