# In a Nutshell
After reading all the steps, it is time to summarize everything for faster code snippet searching.
1. Download the TU Delft template
```{admonition} Under Development
:class: warning, dropdown
This feature is still under development, and we are actively working on making it available as soon as possible. For more updates, please [contact the responsible department](../
2. Create the environment
conda create --name=<env-name> python=3.7
conda activate <env-name>
conda install pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Build your book
jupyter-book build --all <book-path>
4. Create and configure Git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push origin master
5. Pull, commit, and push new content
git pull origin master
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push origin master
6. Publish your book
git checkout --orphan <book-version-branch>
git reset
git add _build/html/*
git commit -m "New book version <book-version>"
git push origin <page-version-branch> --force
git update-ref -d HEAD
git reset
git checkout main --force
7. Email to TU Delft
- Email: ?????????
- Subject: "?????????"
- Provide link to previous version (If you are uploading a newer version)