huibbaetsen authoredhuibbaetsen authored
_config.yml 3.90 KiB
# Book settings
# Learn more at https://jupyterbook.org/customize/config.html
# Book Settings
title: "\"How-To\" Manual"
author: TU Delft Applied Sciences OIT team
description: Manual for all the professors that want to publish their books with Jupyter books implementation.
copyright: Delft University of Technology, CC BY-SA 4.0
logo: content/images/tudelft.png
exclude_patterns: [ _build, Thumbs.db, .DS_Store, "**.ipynb_checkpoints" ]
only_build_toc_files: true
# Execution settings
execute_notebooks: force
cache: ""
exclude_patterns: [ ]
timeout: 30
run_in_temp: false
allow_errors: false
stderr_output: show
# Parse and render settings
- amsmath
- colon_fence # To allow for ::: instead of ``` blocks.
- deflist
- dollarmath
- html_admonition
- html_image
- linkify
- replacements
- smartquotes
- substitution
- tasklist
myst_url_schemes: [ mailto, http, https ]
myst_dmath_double_inline: true
# HTML-specific settings
favicon: "content/images/favicon.ico"
use_edit_page_button: true
# use_repository_button: true -> moved downwards to be compatible with the darkmode TU delft logo
use_issues_button: false
use_multitoc_numbering: true
extra_navbar: Powered by <a href="https://www.tudelft.nl/">TU Delft</a>
extra_footer: ""
google_analytics_id: ""
home_page_in_navbar: true
baseurl: ""
hypothesis: false
utterances: false
# LaTeX-specific settings
latex_engine: pdflatex
use_jupyterbook_latex: true
targetname: book.tex