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Commit 7dc03899 authored by Timon Idema's avatar Timon Idema
Browse files

Attempt at adding applet

parent 42a00b96
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
...@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ bibtex_bibfiles: ...@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ bibtex_bibfiles:
# We don't use this option as we go for local references instead, adding them to individual 'chapter' pages. # We don't use this option as we go for local references instead, adding them to individual 'chapter' pages.
# The sphinx_proof extension requires installing the sphinx-proof package, see # The sphinx_proof extension requires installing the sphinx-proof package, see
# Likewise, the sphinx_exercise requires installing the sphinx-exercise package. # Likewise, the sphinx_exercise requires installing the sphinx-exercise package.
# The local extension allows us to include applets (developed by Julia van de Kris and Abel de Bruijn for the linear algebra open textbook; source See about the local extensions.
sphinx: sphinx:
config: config:
# html_js_files necessary for interactive plot in ch. 2, but breaks applet in ch. 3.
html_js_files: html_js_files:
- -
mathjax3_config: mathjax3_config:
...@@ -50,11 +52,15 @@ sphinx: ...@@ -50,11 +52,15 @@ sphinx:
"inprod" : "\\innerproduct" "inprod" : "\\innerproduct"
"diff" : "\\pdv" "diff" : "\\pdv"
# bibtex_reference_style: unsrt # bibtex_reference_style: unsrt
local_extensions: # For the applet inclusion.
applet: _ext/
extra_extensions: extra_extensions:
- sphinx_proof - sphinx_proof
- sphinx_exercise - sphinx_exercise
- sphinx_togglebutton
# - sphinx_tojupyter # - sphinx_tojupyter
# Parse, for processing LaTeX-style math. See and # Parse, for processing LaTeX-style math. See and
parse: parse:
myst_enable_extensions: myst_enable_extensions:
import os
from urllib.parse import quote
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from sphinx.directives.patches import Figure
from utils import parse_options, generate_style, ReviewStatus
class AppletDirective(Figure):
option_spec = Figure.option_spec.copy()
'url': directives.unchanged_required,
'fig': directives.unchanged_required,
'title': directives.unchanged,
'background': directives.unchanged,
'autoPlay': directives.unchanged,
'position': directives.unchanged,
'isPerspectiveCamera': directives.unchanged,
'enablePan': directives.unchanged,
'distance': directives.unchanged,
'zoom': directives.unchanged,
'height': directives.unchanged,
'width': directives.unchanged,
'status': directives.unchanged
required_arguments = 0
def run(self):
url = self.options.get('url')
fig = self.options.get('fig')
assert url is not None
assert fig is not None
self.arguments = [fig]
self.options['class'] = ['applet-print-figure']
(figure_node,) =
# Generate GET params and inline styling
params_dict = parse_options(self.options)
params = '&'.join([f'{key}={quote(value)}' for key, value in params_dict.items()])
status = ReviewStatus.parse(self.options.get('status', ''))
style = generate_style(self.options.get('width', None), self.options.get('height', None), status)
base_url = os.environ.get('BASE_URL', DEFAULT_BASE_URL)
full_url = f'{base_url}{url}{"?" if params else ""}{params}'
applet_html = f'''
<div class="applet" style="{style}">
<noscript class="loading-lazy">
<iframe src="{full_url}" allow="fullscreen" loading="lazy" frameborder="0"></iframe>
applet_node = nodes.raw(None, applet_html, format='html')
# Add applet as the first child node of figure
figure_node.insert(0, applet_node)
return [figure_node]
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('applet', AppletDirective)
return {
'version': '0.1',
'parallel_read_safe': True,
'parallel_write_safe': True,
import enum
from typing import Optional
class ReviewStatus(enum.Enum):
def parse(s: str):
match s:
case 'in-review':
return ReviewStatus.IN_REVIEW
case 'reviewed' | 'approved':
return ReviewStatus.REVIEWED
case _:
return ReviewStatus.UNREVIEWED
def generate_style(height: Optional[str], width: Optional[str], status: ReviewStatus):
Given a height and width, generates an inline style that can be used in HTML.
styles = ''
if height:
styles += f'height: {height};'
if width:
styles += f'width: {width};'
if status == ReviewStatus.UNREVIEWED:
styles += 'border: dotted red;'
elif status == ReviewStatus.IN_REVIEW:
styles += 'border: dotted yellow;'
return styles
def parse_value(val: str) -> str:
Parses a string value to a string that can be used in a URL query parameter. This is a hacky way to use boolean in docutils.
(For some reason docutils can't parse 'true' or 'True' strings??)
if val == 'enabled':
return 'true'
elif val == 'disabled':
return 'false'
return str(val)
def parse_options(options: dict) -> dict:
# Settings keys that are passed along to the applet iframe
applet_keys = ['title', 'background', 'autoPlay', 'position', 'isPerspectiveCamera', 'enablePan', 'distance', 'zoom']
return {key: parse_value(val) for key, val in options.items() if key in applet_keys and val != ''}
.applet * {
width: 100%;
height: 500px; /* TODO: subject for discussion */
.applet-print-figure {
display: none;
@media print {
.applet iframe {
display: none;
.applet-print-figure {
display: initial;
img[data-lazy-src] {
will-change: contents;
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void 0 === e
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i +
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/(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\t| )srcset=/g,
' data-lazy-srcset='
/(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\t| )src=/g,
' src="' + i + '" data-lazy-src='
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if (
o &&
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i.tagName &&
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'picture' === i.tagName.toLowerCase()) &&
!t) ||
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'picture' === i.tagName.toLowerCase() ? n.querySelector('img') : i;
a.parentNode.insertBefore(i, a);
window.NodeList &&
!NodeList.prototype.forEach &&
(NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach),
'IntersectionObserver' in window &&
(e = new IntersectionObserver(
function (e, t) {
e.forEach(function (e) {
if (0 !== e.intersectionRatio) {
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t.unobserve(r), a(r);
{ rootMargin: '0px 0px 256px 0px', threshold: 0.01 }
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return n(e);
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'complete' === document.readyState && i();
{ prepareElement: n }
...@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ parts: ...@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ parts:
chapters: chapters:
- file: content/markdown - file: content/markdown
- file: content/interactivemarkdown - file: content/interactivemarkdown
- file: content/vectors
- file: content/testfile - file: content/testfile
- file: content/ - file: content/
- caption: Demonstrating Jupyter notebooks - caption: Demonstrating Jupyter notebooks
This diff is collapsed.
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...@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ The extended version of MarkDown that we use for our Jupyter books allows us to ...@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ The extended version of MarkDown that we use for our Jupyter books allows us to
$$ $$
\phi(a \bm{v} + b \bm{w}) = a \phi(\bm{v}) + b \phi(\bm{w}). \phi(a \bm{v} + b \bm{w}) = a \phi(\bm{v}) + b \phi(\bm{w}).
$$ (oneformlinearity) $$ (oneformlinearity1)
The number of equation {eq}`oneformlinearity` is not a MarkDown feature; if you look at this page in a MarkDown 'what you see is what you get' editor, you'll see the label I used to refer to it. The number of equation {eq}`oneformlinearity1` is not a MarkDown feature; if you look at this page in a MarkDown 'what you see is what you get' editor, you'll see the label I used to refer to it.
Multiple equations can be aligned nicely. Unfortunately, unlike in LaTeX, we can't give these equations separate numbers though Multiple equations can be aligned nicely. Unfortunately, unlike in LaTeX, we can't give these equations separate numbers though
...@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ While figures and tables can be included directly in MarkDown, it is nicer to in ...@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ While figures and tables can be included directly in MarkDown, it is nicer to in
Cartoon of the plasma membrane of a cell, consisting of a bilayer of lipids with a large number of embedded and associated proteins. On the intracellular side, the plasma membrane is supported by the cytoskeleton. On the extracellular side, it can face an extracellular fluid or extracellular tissue. Image created by [Mariana Ruiz](, obtained from [Wikimedia Commons](, public domain. Cartoon of the plasma membrane of a cell, consisting of a bilayer of lipids with a large number of embedded and associated proteins. On the intracellular side, the plasma membrane is supported by the cytoskeleton. On the extracellular side, it can face an extracellular fluid or extracellular tissue. Image created by [Mariana Ruiz](, obtained from [Wikimedia Commons](, public domain.
``` ```
We can also include a nice table&nbsp;{numref}`table:areasecondmoment`. We can also include a nice table&nbsp;{numref}`table:areasecondmoment2`.
```{table} Second moment of the area for some common cross-sectional shapes. ```{table} Second moment of the area for some common cross-sectional shapes.
:name: table:areasecondmoment :name: table:areasecondmoment2
| Shape | Second moment of the area | | Shape | Second moment of the area |
| :--- | :--: | | :--- | :--: |
| Massive cylinder, radius&nbsp;$R$ | $\frac{\pi}{4} R^4$ | | Massive cylinder, radius&nbsp;$R$ | $\frac{\pi}{4} R^4$ |
# Inteactive images
## SVG
{numref}`Figure %s <Fig:Vectors:AdditionPlane>` shows how you can geometrically add two arrows in a plane. The image is a SVG image rendered in the browser.
```{figure} images/Fig-Vectors-AdditionPlane.svg
:name: Fig:Vectors:AdditionPlane
Geometrical interpretation of addition in the plane.
## Applet
It is of course much nicer if you can interact with the image. One way of adding interactivity in the browser is through applets.
:url: vectors/3Daddition
:fig: images/Fig-Vectors-3Daddition.svg
Geometrical interpretation of addition for three-dimensional vectors.
## Credits
Applet developed by Beryl van Gelderen, integration of applet in Jupyter book by Julia van der Kris and Abel de Bruijn, all as part of the [open linear algebra book]( under development by [PRIME](
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