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Added config, toc, ex1, ex6 statphys, basic anim.

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# Book settings
# Learn more at
title: Open textbooks demonstration
author: Timon Idema
logo: tudelft.png
copyright: Delft University of Technology, CC BY-SA 4.0
# Only build files in the ToC to avoid building README, etc.
only_build_toc_files: true
# Force re-execution of notebooks on each build.
# See
execute_notebooks: force
# Define the name of the latex output file for PDF builds
targetname: book.tex
# Add a bibtex file so that we can create citations
- references.bib
# Sphinx, for html formatting. Needs checking version.
# Information about where the book exists on the web
url: # Online location of your book
# path_to_book: docs # Optional path to your book, relative to the repository root
branch: master # Which branch of the repository should be used when creating links (optional)
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use_issues_button: true
use_repository_button: true
hypothesis: true # Hypothesis for comments
_toc.yml 0 → 100644
# Table of contents
# Learn more at
format: jb-book
root: index
- caption: Demonstrating markdown files
numbered: True # Only applies to chapters in Part 1.
- file: content/Exercise_set_1
- caption: Demonstrating Jupyter notebooks
numbered: True
- file: content/Exercise_set_6
- file: content/Basic_animation_demo.ipynb
\ No newline at end of file
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
# Large numbers
Possible to add learning goals in an admonition box like this:
```{admonition} Learning goals
After reading this chapter, you will be able to
* ...
``` -->
## Probability
Imagine that we could label and track the oxygen molecules in the air,
and that we would label two of them inside a classroom. In the corner of
the classroom is a box with a volume of about $0.1\%$ of the total
volume of the room. After some time someone takes a snapshot of where
the molecules are at that point in time.
1. Assuming that the two molecules can be anywhere with equal
probability, what would be the probability that they would both be
inside the box?
2. What would be the probability that all the oxygen molecules would be
inside the box? (assume for simplicity that there are $10^{25}$
oxygen molecules in the room)
3. If the answer under b) was expressed as a fraction, then the
denominator should be a large number. Compare this number to the
total number of grains of sand on Earth ($\mathcal{O}(10^{18})$) and
the total number of elementary particles in the visible Universe
(roughly $10^{70}$ plus or minus a few orders of magnitude) and
4. Imagine that the distribution of oxygen molecules would completely
randomise every hour, would you be afraid that this situation would
occur during the lifetime of the universe? (around $10^{14}$ hours)
5. Even if the position of the molecules would randomize every
femtosecond, show that it would not matter for the previous answer.
6. A thousand proteins of a certain kind are located inside a cell.
What would be the probability that they would all be in a small
corner of the cell, with a volume of about $1\%$ of the total
volume, under the same assumptions as before? Which assumption would
be troublesome and why? (give at least two reasons)
## Probability density distributions
A person throws with a perfect dice, i.e. each possible outcome
$x \in \{1,2,\ldots ,6\}$ has probability $P(x)=\frac{1}{6}$.
1. Calculate the expectation value of the outcome $\mu$. What is the
most likely outcome? What is the standard deviation $\sigma$? What
is $\sigma/\mu$? Draw the distribution.
2. Do the same but now for two dice (so for $P(X_1+X_2 = y)$, where
$y\in \{2,3,\ldots,12\}$). Divide the standard deviation $\sigma_2$
by the standard deviation $\sigma$ for 1 dice, and check that the
number is close to $\sqrt{2}$.
3. Do the same as in b) but now for three dice. Be welcome to estimate
the standard deviation, instead of calculating it.
4. Do the same but now for $N=100$ dice. Determine the standard
deviation. A sketch of the distribution with the appropriate
standard deviation would suffice.
5. Do the same as in d) but now for $N=10^{12}$ dice.
## Orders of magnitude
1. Estimate the number of water molecules inside a cell. Be welcome to
pick convenient numbers, as long as the order of magnitude is
correct. (Computer simulations typically can handle several
thousands of particles, or an order of magnitude more if run on a
cluster for high-performance computation)
2. Estimate the number of cells inside the human body.
3. Estimate the number of lipid molecules inside a single cell
4. Estimate the number of microbes on our skin.
## Emergent behavior
Are the following phenomena emergent or not? If so, explain where they
come from (i.e. mention a lower level phenomenon / microscopic
mechanism, or multiple levels).
1. Temperature
2. Brownian motion
3. The elasticity of a cell membrane
4. Cell division
5. Thoughts
6. Music
7. Awareness
## Useful notes and equations
A probability density function should be normalized:
\int \limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} P(x) dx = 1.
$$ (eq:pdf_normalized)
For simplicity we consider a probability density function of a single stochastic variable
$X$ with a continuous set of potential outcomes $X=x$, but it could be
generalized to multiple variables and discrete sets.
The $n^{\mathrm{th}}$ moment of this distribution is defined as
\langle x^n \rangle \equiv \int \limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} x^n P(x) dx.
$$ (eq:moments)
The first and second moment are particularly useful, and yield the mean
$\mu$ and the standard deviation $\sigma$ of the distribution,
\mu = \langle x \rangle
$$ (eq:mean)
\sigma = \sqrt{ \langle x^2 \rangle - \langle x \rangle^2 }.
$$ (eq:stdev)
The Fourier transform of $P$ is known as the characteristic function of
G(k) \equiv \int P(x) e^{ikx} dx,
$$ (eq:characteristic_function)
and the Taylor expansion of
$G(k)$ yields the moments of $P$. We will not use the characteristic
function in this course, although it is useful if one wants to derive
the central limit theorem, given below {cite:p}`van1992stochastic`.
### Central limit theorem (a short version)
Given that $P(x)$ has a mean $\mu$ and a standard deviation $\sigma$,
one can derive that the probability density function of the sum of many
outcomes of $X$ is a Gaussian distribution. Defining the sum of $n$
outcomes as $X_1+X_2+ \ldots + X_n = Y$, then
P(Y=y) \propto e^{-\frac{(y-n\mu)^2}{2n\sigma^2}}
$$ (eq:clt)
with standard
deviation $\sigma_y = \sqrt{n} \sigma$ and mean $\mu_y = n \mu$. This is
independent of the form of the distribution of $X$, as long as $n$ is
'large'. What is called large may depend somewhat on the distribution,
but usually, the number $10^{23}$ is more than sufficient.
property of $P(y)$ is that the standard deviation becomes negligible
compared to the mean, $\sigma_y / \mu_y \propto 1/\sqrt{n}$, such that a
sample of $Y=y$ will almost certainly have the mean value as the
outcome. This is one reason why the Gaussian distribution is so
extremely important in the field of statistics. It appears everywhere,
and tends to describe the properties of systems of many degrees of
freedom (the velocity distribution in a gas, density fluctuations in a
fluid, spatial fluctuations in a membrane, the 'shape' of a flexible
polymer &c.).
## References
:style: unsrt
:filter: docname in docnames
extension: .md
format_name: myst
format_version: 0.13
jupytext_version: 1.10.3
display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
language: python
name: python3
# Phase transitions
## Nucleation and growth
In the first half of the 18<sup>th</sup> century, the Swedish scientist
Anders Celsius developed a temperature scale that is now named after
him. Orginally he defined the boiling point of water at a pressure of 1
atm ($\approx 10^5 \;\mathrm{Pa}$) to be 0 degrees, and the freezing point to be
100 degrees. Shortly after, the scale was reversed by the French
scientist Christin, and independently by the Swedish botanist Carl
Linnaeus. The Celsius and Kelvin scale are essentially identical, in the
sense that a temperature difference of $1\;^\mathrm{o}\mathrm{C}$ is equal to a
difference of $1 \;\mathrm{K}$, except that the absolute values are shifted,
$0\;^\mathrm{o}\mathrm{C}=273.15 \;\mathrm{K}$.
During phase transitions such as freezing and boiling the molecules of a
substance radically change their configuration or density. These
transitions can be induced by a change in temperature or pressure, or by
external fields. During the process of freezing, the molecules in a
liquid phase lose their ability to diffuse and get trapped in an
ordered, crystalline lattice. This usually happens by a process called
\"nucleation and growth\" where a small nucleus of frozen molecules
grows larger and larger over time, after overcoming a \"nucleation
barrier\". To overcome this energy barrier, nuclei first need to grow
large enough by thermal fluctuations before they can grow spontaneously
(i.e. before growth leads to a lowering of the free energy). If the
temperature of the environment is not too low, the nucleation barrier
may be sufficiently high to prevent multiple nuclei overcoming the
nucleation barrier. In that case, the new phase will grow from a single
nucleus and may have a high degree of symmetry. On the other hand, if
multiple nuclei start growing at the same time, the resulting phase may
consist of many crystalline domains, separated by fault lines and
defects. For some applications, this may be highly desirable, while for
others it is not (see exercise). {numref}`liquid_crystal_domains` shows a
liquid crystal, frozen into different crystalline domains.
```{figure} images/crystaldomains_white.svg
name: liquid_crystal_domains
width: 75%
Crystal domains of a liquid crystal. In each domain, the crystal structure
has a different orientation.
A phase transition can also happen by another type of process, where the
transition happens spontaneously, everywhere, and almost
instantaneously. This process has the fancy name of "spinodal
decomposition", and happens after one disturbs a supercooled phase.
This phenomenon is responsible for freezing rain. Under special weather
conditions, rain drops can be cooled below the freezing temperature of
water on their way to the earth's surface, and hit the ground before
they have the time to freeze via nucleation. The shockwave of the impact
is sufficient to start the phase transition at every point at the same
time, making the droplet freeze in an instant. This phenomenon may be
beautiful to behold, but can, understandably, also be a major
disturbance for traffic and infrastructure. In northern places where
this phenomenon is more common, it is feared by trees and electricity
In discussions about phase transitions, water seems a natural example,
because of its abundance and relevance for life, and our experience with
its behavior, but it has many exceptional properties that other
substances do not have, and some of them are still not understood. We
will skip that discussion for now.
1. Recipes usually recommend adding salt to boiling water before adding
pasta, to make the pasta less sticky. When one adds salt to boiling
water, it usually produces a short burst of bubbles. Why would this
2. Why is it important to "temper" chocolate (i.e. to cool it very
slowly below its freezing point)? Name at least two reasons.
3. What preparations are important if one wants to make a dessert with
supercooled water? Name at least three important measures.
4. Some types of frogs can freeze for an entire winter. About 70% of
the water in their body freezes completely. When the nights turn
colder, the frogs produce a special type of protein that regulates
the formation of ice crystals in their body, in places where water
is allowed to freeze. To prevent desiccation via osmosis, their body
also produces higher levels of glucose. Eventually their heartbeat
and breathing come to a complete standstill, and they are basically
dead, until spring returns.
Why is frost so harmful for other creatures? And why is frozen food
so soft? (this may be one of the reasons why one should not eat kale
before the first night of frost, as old wisdom says.)
5. The Gibbs free energy of a solid nucleus is approximated by
G = 4\pi R^2 \gamma - \frac{4\pi R^3}{3} \Delta G
with $R$ the
radius of the nucleus, $\gamma$ the surface tension between the
nucleus and the continuum phase, and $\Delta G$ the (free) energy
difference between the solid and liquid phase. Calculate how large a
nucleus needs to grow before it can grow spontaneously, in terms of
$\gamma$ and $\Delta G$. Call the corresponding critical radius
## Van der Waals fluids
This question will not be about "Van der Waals forces", a type of
interaction that acts between every type of atom and molecule, and tends
to be attractive. These forces make molecules attract each other, and
make nature at its smallest scales rather 'sticky'. The origin of these
forces is electromagnetic. Electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom
create temporal dipole moments, and these moments can couple to that of
other atoms. But let us not get into all the subtleties of these forces
(and there are quite a few).
```{figure} images/geckos.png
name: fig:gecko
A gecko can scale walls thanks to sticky Van der Waals forces. Their
feet have a lot of grooves to increase their surface area. Research
groups have tried to imitate their art to create 'spider man suits' for
human beings. Unfortunately, the ratio between our body weight and
surface area is not optimal for this ability.
Images by Verdian Chua on [Unsplash](
and Matt Reinbold on [Flickr](
Johannes van der Waals tried to understand why fluids can decide to
separate into two phases, a dense liquid phase, and a dilute gas phase.
He constructed a model, based on the ideal gas, but with two extra
modifications. One modification was to change the volume $V$ by
subtracting the volume occupied by the fluid (effectively giving the
particles a 'size' such that they can collide with each other), and the
other modification was to make the fluid cohesive (equivalent to adding
attractive forces between the particles). His model predicted that such
fluids can phase separate, if the temperature is sufficiently low, and
that there is a 'critical temperature' and 'critical density' where the
fluid is just about to separate. This exercise will guide you through
his model. James Clerk Maxwell was so curious to learn about his work
and his thesis in particular, that he decided to learn Dutch.
Van der Waals modified the free energy of an ideal gas
F_\mathrm{id} = k_\mathrm{B}TN \left( \ln{\frac{N}{V}} - 1 \right)
F_\mathrm{VdW} = k_\mathrm{B}TN \left( \ln{\frac{N}{V - bN}} - 1 \right) - a \frac{N^2}{V}.
The second term, containing the parameter $a$, represents cohesion. One
can see that this term lowers the free energy as the density gets
larger. In the first term, the volume is adapted by a parameter $bN$,
where $b$ represents the size of a particle.
1. The pressure can be calculated by the fundamental relation
p = - \frac{\partial F}{\partial V}.
Calculate the pressure of
the ideal gas and of a Van der Waals fluid.
2. Plot the ideal gas pressure and that of a van der Waals fluid as a
function of density $\rho = \frac{N}{V}$, for two values of
$a$: $a=0$ and $a>0$. You can
use graphic calculators, Wolfram Alpha, or any tool you like, or
just the mental skills. You can set $k_\mathrm{B}T$ to 1 if you
3. In the previous question, you may have noticed that the pressure may
decrease with density, if $a$ is sufficiently large. What does this
mean? (Try to imagine what would happen if a small fluctuation in
density would occur.)
4. If the pressure as a function of density has maxima and minima, it
is a sign that the fluid may separate into two phases. One condition
for phase coexistence is that the pressures of the two phases need
to be the same (this comes down to Newton's first law) Sketch o new
plot $p$ vs. $\rho$ (with sufficiently large $a$) and indicate the
interval of densities where you could expect a phase coexistence.
5. The other condition for phase coexistence is that the chemical
potentials of the two phases need to be the same;
\mu = \frac{\partial F}{\partial N}.
Calculate the chemical potential of the ideal gas and of a Van der Waals fluid.
6. Plot the chemical potential of the ideal gas and that of a van der
Waals fluid as a function of density, for two values of $a$: $a=0$
and $a>0$. If you used a computational tool to generate the graph of
$p$ vs. $\rho$, use the same value of $a$ to calculate the chemical
7. Is there an interval where you could expect a phase coexistence, if
you look at the graph of the chemical potential vs. density?
There is a clever method to check whether a fluid will phase
separate, and if so, what the two coexisting densities will be.
Those two densities should have the same pressure and chemical
8. First let us introduce the free energy density $f$, defined as
$f\equiv \frac{F}{V}$. Show that
f_\mathrm{VdW} = k_\mathrm{B}T\rho \left( \ln{\frac{\rho}{1-b\rho}} -1 \right) - a \rho^2.
9. From the definition of $f = \frac{F}{V}$, derive that
\mu = \frac{\partial f}{\partial \rho}
$$ (eq:mu_rho)
p = \rho \frac{\partial f}{\partial \rho} - f.
$$ (eq:p_rho)
Hint: it
may be useful to substitute $F=Vf$, and to use the chain rule
\frac{\partial}{\partial V} = \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial V}\frac{\partial}{\partial \rho}
to derive the equations.
10. If you would plot $f$ as a function of density, the graph may look
something like {numref}`fig:free_energy_density`, depending on the value of $a$.
Then, if you would put your ruler against the graph, to draw a
straight line connecting two points with the same slope, by a
straight line with the same slope, you would get the black line
shown in {numref}`fig:free_energy_density`. Using equations {eq}`eq:mu_rho`
and {eq}`eq:p_rho`, argue that the two points, $\rho_1$ and
$\rho_2$ have the same pressures and chemical potentials.
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: [hide-input, remove-output]
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from myst_nb import glue
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# Global parameters
kbt = 1 # --> all energy (f, a, ...) in units of k_B T
linear_coefficient = 2.5 # add a term linear in rho to f_vdw for a nicer plot
# this linear term has no impact on the conditions for phase coexistence
# Colors
grey = '#eeeeee' # light grey fill
line = '#e96868' # red line
nucleatn_color = '#6a8ba4' # dark blue for nucleation&growth
spinodal_color = '#BBDEF0' # light blue for spinodal decomposition
def f_vdw(rho, a, b):
Calculates the free energy density for a Van der Waals fluid.
return kbt*rho*(np.log(rho/(1-b*rho)) - 1) - a*rho**2 + linear_coefficient*kbt*rho
def f_vdw_prime(rho, a, b):
Calculates the derivative w.r.t. the density rho of the free energy
density of a VdW fluid.
return kbt*np.log(rho/(1-b*rho)) + kbt*b*rho/(1-b*rho) - 2*a*rho + linear_coefficient*kbt
def conditions_for_coexistence(x, a, b):
Function that should be zero when phases coexist. A vector with
one element mu1 - mu2, and one element p1 - p2.
rho1 = x[0]
rho2 = x[1]
mu1 = f_vdw_prime(rho1, a, b)
mu2 = f_vdw_prime(rho2, a, b)
f1 = f_vdw(rho1, a, b)
f2 = f_vdw(rho2, a, b)
mu_deficit = mu1 - mu2
p_deficit = rho1*mu1 - f1 - rho2*mu2 + f2
return [mu_deficit, p_deficit]
def f_mix(rho_av, a, b):
Free energy density for a mixture of gas (density rho1) and liquid (density
rho2). The gas and liquid densities (rho1 and rho2) are found numerically.
rhosol = fsolve(conditions_for_coexistence, x0=[0.05, 0.7], args=(a,b))
rho1 = rhosol[0]
rho2 = rhosol[1]
return f_vdw(rho1, a, b) + (f_vdw(rho2, a, b) - f_vdw(rho1, a, b))/(rho2-rho1) * (rho_av - rho1)
## Prepare all the graphs that are to be plotted
# Define the range of densities to plot
rho = np.linspace(0.001, 0.95, 1000)
# Set the parameters a and b
a = 4
b = 1
# Find the densities at which the gas and liquid phases coexist by solving
# numerically. If you use different a and b you might need to change the
# guesses, x0.
rhosol = fsolve(conditions_for_coexistence, x0=[0.05, 0.8], args=(a,b))
## Make the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4))
# Put axes on the zeros
# Remove label at 0.0
ax.set_xticks([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8])
# Plot the graphs
ax.plot(rho, f_vdw(rho, a, b), color=line)
ax.plot(rho, f_mix(rho, a, b), 'k')
# Create markers rho1 and rho2
rho1_marker_y = np.linspace(0, f_vdw(rhosol[0], a, b), 10)
rho1_marker_x = np.ones(rho1_marker_y.shape)*rhosol[0]
ax.plot(rho1_marker_x, rho1_marker_y, 'k--')
rho2_marker_y = np.linspace(0, f_vdw(rhosol[1], a, b), 10)
rho2_marker_x = np.ones(rho2_marker_y.shape)*rhosol[1]
ax.plot(rho2_marker_x, rho2_marker_y, 'k--')
ax.text(rhosol[0], 0.01, r'$\rho_1$')
ax.text(rhosol[1], 0.01, r'$\rho_2$')
# Labels
ax.set_xlabel(r'density $\rho$'), ax.set_ylabel(r'free energy density $f$')
# Limits
ax.set_xlim([0, rho[-1]])
ax.set_ylim([-0.4, 0.05])
# Save graph to load in figure later (special Jupyter Book feature)
glue("free_energy_density", fig, display=False)
```{glue:figure} free_energy_density
:name: "fig:free_energy_density"
The free energy density (blue curve), with a "common tangent construction"
(black straight line), connecting two points with the same slope, by a straight
line with the same slope.
The region in between these two points is 'unstable'. If you would
prepare a system with an intermediate density, it could separate
into the two coexisting densities, found in the previous question.
{numref}`fig:free_energy_density_again` shows that the free
energy of a phase separated system is lower than that of a
homogeneous system, if the average density of the phase-separated mixture is
$\rho_1<\rho_\mathrm{average}<\rho_2$ [^1].
However, to separate
completely, a homogeneous system may have to overcome an energy
barrier to do so. This happens in the regime where $f$ is convex
(the second derivative is positive). In that regime, small
fluctuations in the density have a higher free energy than the
homogeneous phase (draw a straight line between two points on a
convex curve to see how that works).
But when $f$ is concave,
any tiny fluctuation will lower the free energy, and the separation
would occur spontaneously. This happens during "spinodal
decomposition", e.g. when you disturb a supercooled liquid.
{numref}`fig:free_energy_density_separation_regimes` shows the
regimes where these processes take place. Usually it is the
temperature that induces a transition. By lowering the temperature,
the parameter $a/k_\mathrm{B}T$ increases, and the free
energy curve changes. If you want to supercool a liquid, it is
advisable to do it quickly, in a clean bottle, to prevent the
nucleation process, and to cool it fast to a low temperature
($<-18^\mathrm{o}$C) to make sure that the water ends up in the
highly unstable regime (blue shaded region in
{numref}`fig:free_energy_density_separation_regimes`). Any tiny
perturbation will then initiate the separation process.
At the bottom of this page, you can find an interactive plot for the
free energy density where you can vary the parameter $a$.
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: [hide-input, remove-output]
fig2, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4))
# Put axes on the zeros
# Remove label at 0.0
ax.set_xticks([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8])
# Grey area
ax.fill([rhosol[0], rhosol[0], rhosol[1], rhosol[1]],
[0, -0.4, -0.4, 0],
# Plot the graphs
ax.plot(rho, f_vdw(rho, a, b), color=line, label='homogeneous density')
ax.plot(rho, f_mix(rho, a, b), 'k', label='phase separated')
# Create markers for rho1 and rho2
ax.scatter(rhosol[0], 0, color='k', marker='|', zorder=10)
ax.scatter(rhosol[1], 0, color='k', marker='|', zorder=10)
ax.text(rhosol[0], 0.01, r'$\rho_1$', zorder=10)
ax.text(rhosol[1], 0.01, r'$\rho_2$', zorder=10)
# Create markers for rho_average
rhoavg = 0.3
rhoavg_marker_y = np.linspace(0, f_mix(rhoavg, a, b), 10)
rhoavg_marker_x = np.ones(rho1_marker_y.shape)*rhoavg
ax.plot(rhoavg_marker_x, rhoavg_marker_y, 'k--')
fmix_at_rhoavg = f_mix(rhoavg, a, b)
fvdw_at_rhoavg = f_vdw(rhoavg, a, b)
hline_x = np.linspace(0, rhoavg, 10)
mix_hline_y = np.ones(hline_x.shape)*fmix_at_rhoavg
vdw_hline_y = np.ones(hline_x.shape)*fvdw_at_rhoavg
ax.plot(hline_x, mix_hline_y, 'k--')
ax.plot(hline_x, vdw_hline_y, '--', color=line)
ax.text(rhoavg, 0.01, r'$\rho_\mathrm{average}$')
# Labels
ax.set_xlabel(r'density $\rho$'), ax.set_ylabel(r'free energy density $f$')
# Limits
ax.set_xlim([0, rho[-1]])
ax.set_ylim([-0.4, 0.05])
# Legend
# Save graph to load in figure later (special Jupyter Book feature)
glue("free_energy_density_again", fig2, display=False)
```{glue:figure} free_energy_density_again
:name: fig:free_energy_density_again
The free energy density of a homogeneous system (blue curve) plotted
against the density, and
of a phase separated system (points on the black line, in between
$\rho_1$ and $\rho_2$), plotted against its mean density $\rho_\mathrm{average}$.
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: [hide-input, remove-output]
def f_vdw_doubleprime(rho, a, b):
Calculates the second derivative of the free energy density for a
Van der Waals fluid.
return kbt/(rho*(1-b*rho)) + kbt*b/(1-b*rho)**2 - 2*a
## Find points where the second derivative is zero.
rho_turningpoints = fsolve(f_vdw_doubleprime, x0=[0.1, 0.5], args=(a,b))
fig3, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4))
# Put axes on the zeros
# Remove label at 0.0
ax.set_xticks([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8])
# Fill areas
ax.fill([rhosol[0], rhosol[0], rho_turningpoints[0], rho_turningpoints[0]],
[0, -0.4, -0.4, 0],
label='Nucleation and growth (energy barrier)')
ax.fill([rho_turningpoints[0], rho_turningpoints[0], rho_turningpoints[1], rho_turningpoints[1]],
[0, -0.4, -0.4, 0],
label='Spinodal decomposition (spontaneous)')
ax.fill([rho_turningpoints[1], rho_turningpoints[1], rhosol[1], rhosol[1]],
[0, -0.4, -0.4, 0],
# Plot the graphs
ax.plot(rho, f_vdw(rho, a, b), color=line)
ax.plot(rho, f_mix(rho, a, b), 'k')
# Create markers for rho1 and rho2
ax.scatter(rhosol[0], 0, color='k', marker='|', zorder=10)
ax.scatter(rhosol[1], 0, color='k', marker='|', zorder=10)
ax.text(rhosol[0], 0.01, r'$\rho_1$', zorder=10)
ax.text(rhosol[1], 0.01, r'$\rho_2$', zorder=10)
# Labels
ax.set_xlabel(r'density $\rho$'), ax.set_ylabel(r'free energy density $f$')
# Limits
ax.set_xlim([0, rho[-1]])
ax.set_ylim([-0.4, 0.05])
ax.legend(loc='lower left')
# Save graph to load in figure later (special Jupyter Book feature)
glue("free_energy_density_separation_regimes", fig3, display=False)
```{glue:figure} free_energy_density_separation_regimes
:name: fig:free_energy_density_separation_regimes
The regimes where spontaneous separation occurs (light blue shading) and
where an energy barrier has to be overcome (dark blue shading).
At the bottom of this page, there is an interactive figure where you
can vary the parameter $a$.
11. **Bonus question**: Calculate the critical density and critical
temperature of a Van der Waals fluid, in terms of $a$ and $b$. The
critical temperature is the temperature at which the fluid is about
to separate. {numref}`fig:free_energy_density` and
{numref}`fig:free_energy_density_separation_regimes` are well
below the critical temperature, because there is a large density
regime, where the system will phase separate. To find these critical
values, you need to check for the point where the second derivative
of $f$ vanishes (i.e. where $f$ is no longer convex), and where also
the third derivative vanishes (i.e. $f$ remains convex, except at
one point, where the second derivative is zero). If you would draw
the free energy at this temperature, you would see that $f$ would
look like a straight line, over a large interval of densities. That
is why the density fluctuates so easily in a fluid close to the
critical point. Any linear combination of densities in this interval
will have the same free energy. These fluctuations make the fluid
opaque, and extend over all length scales.
If you solved this question: congratulations! Five bonus points will
be added.
[^1]: There is "simple algebra" that can support this statement, but
it is skipped for now
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: [remove-input]
import plotly.graph_objects as go
range_a = np.arange(27.0/8.0, 5, 0.1)
## Create plot
fig = go.Figure()
base_traces = 0 # Number of traces that are always visible
# Add traces, one for each slider step
for a in range_a:
rhosol = fsolve(conditions_for_coexistence, x0=[0.05, 0.7], args=(a,b))
rho_turningpoints = fsolve(f_vdw_doubleprime, x0=[0.1, 0.5], args=(a,b))
x=[rhosol[0], rhosol[0], rho_turningpoints[0], rho_turningpoints[0]],
y=[0, -1, -1, 0],
name='nucleation and growth',
x=[rho_turningpoints[1], rho_turningpoints[1], rhosol[1], rhosol[1]],
y=[0, -1, -1, 0],
name='nucleation and growth',
x=[rho_turningpoints[0], rho_turningpoints[0], rho_turningpoints[1], rho_turningpoints[1]],
y=[0, -1, -1, 0],
name='spinodal decomposition',
y=f_vdw(rho, a, b),
name='VdW fluid'))
y=f_mix(rho, a, b),
name='phase separated'))
traces_per_step = 5 # Number of traces per value of a
# Show the traces for one value of a when loading the plot (initial setup)
active_a_index = 5
for i in range(traces_per_step):
curr_idx = int(base_traces + active_a_index*traces_per_step + i)[curr_idx].visible = True
# Create and add slider
steps = []
for i in range(0, range_a.shape[0]):
visarray = [False] * len(
visarray[0:base_traces] = [True] * base_traces
curr_idx = int(base_traces + i * traces_per_step)
next_idx = int(base_traces + (i+1) * traces_per_step)
visarray[curr_idx:next_idx] = [True] * traces_per_step
step = dict(
args=[{"visible": visarray}],
label=round(range_a[i], 1)
sliders = [dict(
currentvalue={"prefix": "a/b: "},
fig.update_xaxes(title_text=r'density $\rho$', range=[rho[0], rho[-1]])
# Update yaxis properties
fig.update_yaxes(title_text=r'free energy density $f$', range=[-1, 0])
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