Jupyter Books are created from pages written in MarkDown or Jupyter Notebooks. In this session, we’ll help you get started with MarkDown, which is easy to learn, and show you how to set up your first Jupyter Book. The book can be created from scratch or based on material you already have.
To be able to participate, please bring a laptop.
## Swimming in the “Copyright lake”
**Paschalis Kontanas & Jacqueline Michielen**
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## The Jupyter Book Publication Process at TU Delft
**Thom Groen**
In this session Thom Groen (Open Interactive Textbooks project co-lead) will walk you through the publication process of publishing your Jupyter Book through the TU Delft library. He will share best practices, what to look out for and show off the guiding materials the project team has created in order to make this process as smooth as possible.
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In this session Thom Groen (Open Interactive Textbooks project co-lead) will walk you through the publication process of publishing your Jupyter Book through the TU Delft library. He will share best practices, what to look out for and show off the guiding materials the project team has created in order to make this process as smooth as possible.
## Creating student-activating books: don’t forget the teachers!
**Robert Lanzafame & Tom van Woudenberg (CEG faculty)**
Robert and Tom draw on recent experience making student-activating textbooks: with teams from 1 to 20 contributors! Their philosophy is to make it possible, practical and fun for all teachers, regardless of experience. The presentation will focus on design and implementation of teaching materials, and an innovative feature supporting Python computation in a web-browser---immediately! Time is reserved for a discussion and small demonstration: you might even have your own online book by the end!