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# Other:
# Tex
## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files:
## Intermediate documents:
# these rules might exclude image files for figures etc.
# *.ps
# *.eps
# *.pdf
## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber):
## Build tool auxiliary files:
## Build tool directories for auxiliary files
# latexrun
## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages:
# algorithms
# achemso
# amsthm
# beamer
# changes
# comment
# cprotect
# elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals)
# endnotes
# fixme
# feynmf/feynmp
# glossaries
# uncomment this for glossaries-extra (will ignore makeindex's style files!)
# *.ist
# gnuplot
# gnuplottex
# gregoriotex
# htlatex
# hyperref
# knitr
# TODO Uncomment the next line if you use knitr and want to ignore its generated tikz files
# *.tikz
# listings
# luatexja-ruby
# makeidx
# minitoc
# minted
# morewrites
# newpax
# nomencl
# pax
# pdfpcnotes
# sagetex
# scrwfile
# svg
# sympy
# pdfcomment
# pythontex