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Instead of looking at the notebooks directly, you may choose to browse the HTML book contained inside the `docs` folder. The book is automatically generated from the notebooks and includes all code chunks and their outputs. It is currently not possible to view the book online, but you can download the `docs/` folder and open the `index.html` file in your browser.
To reproduce the results, you need to install the package, which will automatically install all dependencies. Since the package is not publicly registered and you are looking at an anonymous repository that [cannot be cloned](https://anonymous.4open.science/faq#download), unfortunately, it is not possible to easily install the package and reproduce the results at this stage of the review process.
The `experiments/` folder contains separate Julia scripts for each dataset and a [run_experiments.jl](experiments/run_experiments.jl) that calls the individual scripts. You can either cun these scripts inside a Julia session or just use the command line to execute them as described in the following.
To run the notebooks and ensure that all package dependencies are installed, you need to clone this repo and open it on your device. The first cell in each notebook sets up the environment. You may have to [instantiate](https://pkgdocs.julialang.org/v1/api/#Pkg.instantiate) the local environment once. Should you prefer working with Jupyter notebooks instead of Quarto, you can easily [convert](https://quarto.org/docs/tools/vscode-notebook.html#converting-notebooks) them through a single command.