@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ To send this command to the python kernel, there are several options. First, sel
When you run the cell, the code will be sent to the python kernel, which will translate your python command into a binary language your computer CPU understands, send it to the CPU, and read back the answer. If the code you run produces an "output", meaning that the kernel will send something back to you, then the output that your code produces will be displayed below the code cell in the "output" section of the code cell. This is a scheme of what this process looks like "behind the scenes":
After you have run the code cell, a number will appear beside your code cell. This number tell you in which order that piece of code was sent to the kernel. Because the kernel has a "memory", as you will see in the next section, this number can be useful so that you remember in which order the code cells in your notebook were executed.
@@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ For this, there is both a menubar "Kernel" at the top, along with two useful but
* "Stop": tells the kernel to abort trying to run the code it is working on, but does not erase its memory
* "Restart": "kill" the kernel (erasing its memory), and start a new one attached to the notebook.