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Commit 0bf36815 authored by TUD278427's avatar TUD278427
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parents 1673c837 13d8b008
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with 621 additions and 3 deletions
from dataclasses import dataclass
class column_prop:
field_name : str
data_type : str
null : str
key : str
default : str
extra : str
privileges : str = None
comment : str = None
__eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, string):
if self.field_name==other:
return True
raise ValueError("comparison not type {} not supported.".format(type(other)))
def checkTableExists(cursor, table_name):
check is a table exists in the db (expected to be selected before)
cursor ():
table_name (str) : name of the table to check
cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = %s", (table_name, ))
if cursor.fetchone()[0]:
return True
return False
def getColumnNames(cursor, table_name):
get call the column names out of the db
cursor ():
table_name (str) : name of the table to check
cursor.execute("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {}".format(table_name))
return cursor.fetchall()
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classes that automate the saving an collection of data of a parameter on the database
from qcodes import Parameter, Instrument
from dataclasses import dataclass
from core_tools.db_tools.db_help_funtions import checkTableExists, getColumnNames
import logging
class db_field:
name : Parameter
field_type : str
value : any = None
def define_table(cursor, table_name, fields):
define a paramter in the db, if does not exist, field are the field that are expected to be present.
cursor () : db cursor
table_name (str) : name of the table to write to the db (e.g. the insturment names which generaters the paramters)
fields (list<db_field>) : field to write
# check if instrument present / create db if needed
if not checkTableExists(cursor, table_name):
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE %s (snapshot_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,)", (table_name, ))'generated a new table in db, {}'.format(table_name))
# for every field, check if the column exists
def remove_table(cursor, param):
removes a table out of the db (if needed)
def write_to_db(cursor, param, fields):
perform a write if fuekd in the db
def get_snapshot_names(cursor, param, contains, N = 10):
get names of snapshots
def get_data(cursor, parameter, snapshot_id=-1):
get data by primary key, if -1, get latest entry
if __name__ == '__main__':
from qcodes.tests.instrument_mocks import DummyInstrument
import mysql.connector
dac = DummyInstrument('dac', gates=['ch1', 'ch2'])
# print(dac.print_readable_snapshot())
db = mysql.connector.connect(user='stephan', password='magicc',
## creating an instance of 'cursor' class which is used to execute the 'SQL' statements in 'Python'
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("USE testing")
print(checkTableExists(cursor, 'table_prim_key'))
print(getColumnNames(cursor, 'table_prim_key'))
\ No newline at end of file
import sqlite3
class data_mgr():
def __init__(self, cls_object, db_location):
cls_object (object) : calibration object
db_location (str) : location of the database
self.filename_db = db_location + '.sqlite'
self.table_name = cls_object.__class__.__name__
# self.set_param = cls_object.set_param
# self.get_param = cls_object.get_param
def __connect(self):
db = sqlite3.connect(self.filename_db)
cursor = db.cursor()
return db, cursor
def __exec_command(self,cmd):
Execute command in the database.
Args :
cmd (str) : command you want to execute in the database.
db, cursor = self.__connect()
def __query_db(self, cmd):
Aks for values in the database/execute command in the database.
cmd (str) : command you want to execute in the database.
Returns :
mydata (list<tuple>) : raw container with the data of your query
db, cursor = self.__connect()
mydata = cursor.fetchall()
return mydata
def update_table(self):
function that will construct if not already there the database where the data will be saved.
Note that is is no problem running this when no update is strictly needed (e.g. when you start up the module)
NOTE: that existing fields will not be updated. Use stash_table to rename it and create a new one if you want to do that.
# Get data that needs to be saved.
base_colomns = [('Time_human_readable','TEXT', 'a.u.')]
all_colls = base_colomns + self.calibration_params
# Connect to the database.
db, cursor = self.__connect()
# Check if table exists of data
cursor.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='%s'"% self.table_name)
exists = True if cursor.fetchall()[0][0]==1 else False
if not exists:
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE %s (time DOUBLE PRIMARY KEY)' %self.table_name)
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE %s (varname TEXT, unit TEXT)' %(self.table_name + '_units'))
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (self.table_name + '_units', 'time', 's'))
# Get current columns in the data base:
cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s')"%self.table_name)
db_colomn_info = cursor.fetchall()
db_colomn_names= [i[1].lower() for i in db_colomn_info]
# Check if all the wanted coloms are there (suppose users made up their mind about the datype they want to use...)
columms_to_add = [i for i in all_colls if i[0].lower() not in db_colomn_names]
# Add missing colomn to table
for i in columms_to_add:
cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN '%s' %s" % (self.table_name, i[0], i[1]))
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (self.table_name + '_units', i[0], i[2]))
# commit changes
# Close conn
def stash_table(self):
e.g. when you make a new sample.
save to
heck if the table has the right entries.
time ="%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S")
db, cursor = self.__connect()
cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s"%(self.table_name, self.table_name + '_' + time))
cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s"%(self.table_name+ '_units', self.table_name + '_units' + '_' + time))
def delete_table(self):
Delete the current table.
db, cursor = self.__connect()
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s"% self.table_name)
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s"% (self.table_name + '_units'))
def get_all_parameter_names(self):
Get all the parameters that are currently in use. Note that SQLite is case insensitive.
db, cursor = self.__connect()
cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s')"%self.table_name)
db_colomn_info = cursor.fetchall()
db_colomn_names= [i[1].lower() for i in db_colomn_info]
return db_colomn_names
def save_calib_results(self, data_tuple):
saves the data_tuple to database, if you give a variable that not exist, this will will be discarded
TODO tell when people feed garbage.
data_tuple list<tuple<str, any>: input data for one row [(var_name, value)]
if type(data_tuple) != type(list()):
data_tuple = [data_tuple]
fields = self.get_all_parameter_names()
to_upload = []
for i in fields:
var_found = False
if i == 'time':
if i == 'time_human_readable':
for j in data_tuple:
if i == j[0].lower():
var_found = True
if var_found==False:
cmd = 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES ('%self.table_name
for i in to_upload:
cmd += str(i) + ','
cmd = cmd[:-1]
cmd += ')'
def get_parameter_latest(self, params, side_condition=None):
returns array with wanted params, if no params given, all parameters of the last calibration will be returned
params = string or array of strings containing the wanted parameter.
side_condition = tuple of values that should be set to a certain value (e.g)
return format:
list of dictionaries with field name, data and unit
Format of param input, return None if not found.
input_is_str= False
# safe typing
if type(params) != list:
params = [params]
input_is_str = True
# Construction of query
cmd = 'SELECT MAX(time), '
# param to select
for i in params:
cmd += i + ','
cmd = cmd[:-1] + ' FROM %s '%self.table_name
cmd += 'WHERE '
for i in params:
cmd += '%s IS NOT NULL AND '%i
if len(side_condition) != 0:
for i in side_condition:
if str(i[1]).lower() == 'null':
cmd += '%s IS %s and '%(i[0], i[1])
cmd += '%s = %s and '%(i[0], i[1])
cmd = cmd[:-4]
if input_is_str:
return self.__query_db(cmd)[0][1:][0]
return list(self.__query_db(cmd)[0][1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':
d = data_mgr('test', 'test/')
\ No newline at end of file
from calibration_data import data_mgr
class CalibrationError(Exception):
class dep_mgr():
dep = tuple()
def calibration_wrapper(cls, function):
def run_function(*args, **kwargs):
function(args, kwargs)
if cls._N_rep > cls._n:
run_function(args, kwargs)
raise CalibrationError
cls._N_rep = 0
cls._n = 0
return run_function
class calibration_generic():
def __init__(self):
self.update_interval = 0 # 0 for do not update
self.auto_update = False # automatically rerun the last calibration after the update intercal exceeded
self.prioritize = True # first calibration or first measurement
self.dependencies = dep_mgr()
self.data_mgr = data_mgr()
# iteration variables
self._N_rep = 0
self._n = 0
def get_data(self, parameters ,set_vals = dict()):
def save_data(self, set_vals):
def reiterate(self, N=1):
call this function in the
self._N_rep = N+1
self._n = 0
def ExampleCal(calibration_generic):
def __init__(self):
self.dependencies += my_cals.readout_of_dot_1
self.dependencies += (my_cals.readout_of_dot_2, my_cals.tc_res)
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from typing import Union
import numpy as np
class SampleLayoutField():
# formatter for a single field of the sample layout class
def __init__(self, std_field_name = '', input_names = tuple()):
std_field_name (str) : standard name to append before the input name
input_names (tuple<str>) : input names
self.variable_names = list()
self.std_field_name = '_' if std_field_name == '' else "_" + std_field_name + '_'
self += input_names
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Union[str, int, float].__args__):
return self + [other]
if isinstance(other, Union[list, tuple, np.ndarray, range].__args__):
for var in other:
self.variable_names += [self.std_field_name + str(var)]
return self
raise ValueError('type not recognized?')
def __radd__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
return_var = tuple()
for var in self.variable_names:
return_var += (other + var,)
return return_var
raise ValueError('type for adding not recognized. Only strings are supported')
class MyExampleSampleLayout():
def __init__(self):
self.qubits = SampleLayoutField('qubits')
self.qubit_pairs = SampleLayoutField()
self.res_barrier = SampleLayoutField()
self.n = SampleLayoutField()
self.SD = SampleLayoutField('SD')
self.qubits += range(1,6)
self.qubit_pairs += (12,23,34,45)
self.res_barrier += (1,2)
self.n += range(1,6)
self.SD += range(1,3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# example usage of layout class
SL = MyExampleSampleLayout()
print('FREQ' + SL.qubits)
print('J' + SL.qubit_pairs)
print('SD' + SL.SD)
print('tc_res' + SL.res_barrier)
from core_tools.sweeps.progressbar import progress_bar
from core_tools.sweeps.sweep_utility import KILL_EXP
def run_wrapper(run_function):
def run(*args, **kwargs):
args[0].n = progress_bar(args[0].n_tot)
returns = run_function(*args, **kwargs)
except KILL_EXP:
print('kill signal for the current experiment received.')
returns = None
args[0].n = 0
return returns
return run
class job_meta(type):
def __new__(cls,name, bases, dct):
if 'run' not in dct:
raise ValueError('Please define a run function in your job class.')
x = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) = run_wrapper(dct['run'])
x.n_tot = 0
x.n = 0
x.KILL = False
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
import time
class pulse_lib_sweep_virt(metaclass=job_meta):
def __init__(self, n_steps):
self.n_tot = n_steps
def run(self):
for i in range(self.n_tot):
self.n += 1
a = pulse_lib_sweep_virt(5)
a.KILL = True
b = pulse_lib_sweep_virt(5)
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from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any
import time
import threading, queue
from queue import PriorityQueue
class ExperimentJob:
priority: float
job: Any = field(compare=False)
def kill(self):
self.job.KILL = True
class queue_mgr():
def __init__(self):
self.q = PriorityQueue()
self.job_refs = list()
def worker():
while True:
n_jobs = self.q.qsize()
if n_jobs != 0:
print('{} items queued.'.format(n_jobs))
print('Starting new job.')
job_object = self.q.get()
if job_object.job.KILL != True:
print('an exception in the job occurred? Going to the next job.')
# 200ms sleep.
self.worker_thread = threading.Thread(target=worker, daemon=True).start()
def put(self, job):
put a job into the measurement queue
job (ExperimentJob) : job object
def kill(self, job):
kill a certain job that has been submitted to the queue
job (ExperimentJob) : job object
job.KILL = True
def killall(self):
kill all the jobs
for job in self.job_refs:
self.job_refs = []
def join(self):
def n_jobs(self):
return self.q.qsize()
if __name__ == '__main__':
from core_tools.sweeps.sweeps import do1D, do2D
import os
import qcodes as qc
from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.database import initialise_or_create_database_at
from qcodes.dataset.experiment_container import load_or_create_experiment
from qcodes.instrument.specialized_parameters import ElapsedTimeParameter
class MyCounter(qc.Parameter):
def __init__(self, name):
# only name is required
super().__init__(name, label='Times this has been read',
docstring='counts how many times get has been called '
'but can be reset to any integer >= 0 by set')
self._count = 0
# you must provide a get method, a set method, or both.
def get_raw(self):
self._count += 1
return self._count
def set_raw(self, val):
self._count = val
tutorial_db_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'linking_datasets_tutorial.db')
load_or_create_experiment('tutorial', 'no sample')
my_param = MyCounter('test_instr')
x = qc.Parameter(name='x', label='Voltage_x', unit='V',
set_cmd=None, get_cmd=None)
y = qc.Parameter(name='y', label='Voltage_y', unit='V',
set_cmd=None, get_cmd=None)
timer = ElapsedTimeParameter('time')
scan1 = do2D(x, 0, 20, 20, 0.0, y, 0, 80, 30, 0.1, my_param)
scan2 = do2D(x, 0, 20, 20, 0.0, timer, 0, 80, 30, .1, my_param)
scan3 = do1D(x, 0, 100, 50, 0.1 , my_param, reset_param=True)
q = queue_mgr()
job1 = ExperimentJob(1, scan1)
job2 = ExperimentJob(1, scan2)
job3 = ExperimentJob(1, scan3)
scan1 = do2D(x, 0, 20, 20, 0.0, y, 0, 80, 30, 0.1, my_param)
scan2 = do2D(x, 0, 20, 20, 0.0, timer, 0, 80, 30, .1, my_param)
job1 = ExperimentJob(1, scan1)
job2 = ExperimentJob(1, scan2)
\ No newline at end of file
from datetime import datetime
import threading as th
import time, logging, importlib, os, time
import inspect
import os
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime
class CalibrationMaster():
# Parent class for all the calibration classes.
......@@ -29,10 +30,9 @@ class CalibrationMaster():
self.my_database = None
def __connect(self):
# Get path where the database is saved.
module_location = inspect.getmodule(self).__file__
filename_db = os.path.splitext(module_location)[0] + '.sqlite'
# connect to your database
db = sqlite3.connect(filename_db)
cursor = db.cursor()
return db, cursor
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