2. Go through the installer and install the database.
3. Launch the psql program and make a database user and a database (press enter until the shell asks for the password configured in the installation). Type the following commands:
* CREATE USER myusername WITH PASSWORD 'mypasswd';
* CREATE DATABASE 'mydbname';
* GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE 'mydbname' TO 'myusername';
*\connect 'mydbname'
* GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO 'myusername';
Note: The last line is required since release 15 of Postgresql.
CREATE USER myusername WITH PASSWORD 'mypasswd';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE 'mydbname' TO 'myusername';
\connect 'mydbname'
GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO 'myusername';
*Note: The last line is required since release 15 of Postgresql.*
In case you are running along with a server set up, it is recommended to have 'mydbname' to be the same as the one on the server.
@@ -74,23 +75,19 @@ sudo apt install postgresql
Set up the datasbase, in your shell swich to the postgres user and run psql, e.g.,
sudo apt install postgresql
sudo su - postgres
Now, make the databases and users,
Then set up a database and related users:
Set up a database and related users:
CREATE USER myusername WITH PASSWORD 'mypasswd';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE 'mydbname' TO 'myusername';
\c mydbname
\connect mydbname
GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO 'myusername';
Note: The last line is required since release 15 of Postgresql. It must be executed on the new database.
*Note: The last line is required since release 15 of Postgresql. It must be executed on the new database.*
The default install of postgress does not allow external connections. We can adjest this by typing