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Commit 4aef6d44 authored by Stephan Philips's avatar Stephan Philips
Browse files

fix base class

parent 7bea0a60
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......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ sys.path.append("C:\\V2_code\\Qcodes")
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from segments import *
from segments.segments import segment_container
from keysight_fx import *
import uuid
import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_AWG as keysight_awg
import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_DIG as keysight_dig
# import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_AWG as keysight_awg
# import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_DIG as keysight_dig
......@@ -28,58 +28,34 @@ class pulselib:
def __init__(self):
# awg channels and locations need to be input parameters.
self.awg_channels = ['P1','P2','P3','P4','P5','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','G1','I_MW', 'Q_MW', 'M1', 'M2']
self.awg_channels_to_physical_locations = dict({'B0':('AWG1', 1),
'P1':('AWG1', 2),
'B1':('AWG1', 3),
'P2':('AWG1', 4),
'B2':('AWG2', 1),
'P3':('AWG2', 2),
'B3':('AWG2', 3),
'P4':('AWG2', 4),
'B4':('AWG3', 1),
'P5':('AWG3', 2),
'B5':('AWG3', 3),
'G1':('AWG3', 4),
'I_MW':('AWG4', 1),
'Q_MW':('AWG4', 2),
'M1':('AWG4', 3),
'M2':('AWG4', 4)})
self.awg_channels_kind = []
self.awg_virtual_channels = {'virtual_gates_names_virt' : ['vP1','vP2','vP3','vP4','vP5','vB0','vB1','vB2','vB3','vB4','vB5'],
'virtual_gates_names_real' : ['P1','P2','P3','P4','P5','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5'],
'virtual_gate_matrix' : np.eye(11)}
self.awg_virtual_channels['virtual_gate_matrix'][0,1] = 0.1
self.awg_virtual_channels['virtual_gate_matrix'][0,2] = 0.1
# Not implemented
self.awg_markers =['mkr1', 'mkr2', 'mkr3' ]
self.awg_markers_to_location = []
self.awg_channels = []
self.awg_channels_to_physical_locations = []
self.awg_virtual_channels = None
self.awg_IQ_channels = None
self.awg_devices = []
self.channel_delays = dict()
for i in self.awg_channels:
self.channel_delays[i] = 0
self.delays = []
self.convertion_matrix= []
self.segments_bin = segment_bin(self.awg_channels, self.awg_virtual_channels)
awg1 = keysight_awg.SD_AWG('awg1', chassis = 0, slot= 2, channels = 4, triggers= 8)
awg2 = keysight_awg.SD_AWG('awg2', chassis = 0, slot= 3, channels = 4, triggers= 8)
awg3 = keysight_awg.SD_AWG('awg3', chassis = 0, slot= 4, channels = 4, triggers= 8)
awg4 = keysight_awg.SD_AWG('awg4', chassis = 0, slot= 5, channels = 4, triggers= 8)
# Keysight properties.
self.backend = 'keysight'
self.awg = keysight_AWG(self.segments_bin, self.awg_channels_to_physical_locations, self.awg_channels, self.channel_delays)
self.segments_bin = None
self.sequencer = None
self.sequencer = sequencer(self.awg, self.channel_delays, self.segments_bin)
def define_channels(self, my_input):
define the channels and their location
my_input (dict): dict of the channel name (str) as key and name of the instrument (as given in add_awgs()) (str) and channel (int) as tuple (e.g. {'chan1' : ('AWG1', 1), ... })
self.awg_channels_to_physical_locations = my_input
self.awg_channels = my_input.keys()
for i in self.awg_channels:
self.channel_delays[i] = 0
def add_channel_delay(self, delays):
......@@ -103,7 +79,46 @@ class pulselib:
return 0
def add_awgs(self, name, awg):
self.awg.add_awg(name, awg)
add a awg to the library
name (str) : name you want to give to a peculiar AWG
awg (object) : qcodes object of the concerning AWG
self.awg_channels.append([name, awg])
def add_virtual_gates(self, virtual_gates):
define virtual gates for the gate set.
virtual_gates (dict): needs to have the following keys:
'virtual_gates_names_virt' : should constain a list with the channel names of the virtual gates
'virtual_gates_names_real' : should constain a list with the channel names of the read gates (should be as long as the virtual ones)
'virtual_gate_matrix' : numpy array representing the virtual gate matrix
self.awg_virtual_channels = virtual_gates
def update_virtual_gate_matrix(self, new_matrix):
raise NotImplemented
def add_IQ_virt_channels(self, IQ_virt_channels):
function to define virtual IQ channels (a channel that combined the I and Q channel for MW applications):
IQ_virt_channels (dict): a dictionary that needs to contain the following keys:
'vIQ_channels' : list of names of virtual IQ channels
'r_IQ_channels': list of list, where in each list the two reference channels (I and Q) are denoted (see docs for example).
'LO_freq'(function/double) : local oscillating frequency of the source. Will be used to do automaticcally convert the freq a SSB signal.
self.awg_IQ_channels = IQ_virt_channels
def finish_init(self):
# function that finishes the initialisation
self.segments_bin = segment_bin(self.awg_channels, self.awg_virtual_channels, self.awg_IQ_channels)
self.awg = keysight_AWG(self.segments_bin, self.awg_channels_to_physical_locations, self.awg_channels, self.channel_delays)
for i in self.awg_devices:
self.awg.add_awg(i[0], i[1])
self.sequencer = sequencer(self.awg, self.channel_delays, self.segments_bin)
def mk_segment(self, name):
......@@ -129,16 +144,16 @@ class pulselib:
class segment_bin():
def __init__(self, channels, virtual_gate_matrix=None):
def __init__(self, channels, virtual_gate_matrix=None, IQ_virt_chan=None):
self.segment = []
self.channels = channels
self.virtual_gate_matrix = virtual_gate_matrix
self.IQ_virt_chan = IQ_virt_chan
def new(self,name):
if self.exists(name):
raise ValueError("sement with the name : % \n alreadt exists"%name)
self.segment.append(segment_container(name,self.channels, self.virtual_gate_matrix))
self.segment.append(segment_container(name,self.channels, self.virtual_gate_matrix, self.IQ_virt_chan))
return self.get_segment(name)
def get_segment(self, name):
......@@ -312,224 +327,67 @@ class sequencer():
return -delay + max_delay
p = pulselib()
p.sequencer = sequencer(p.awg, p.channel_delays, p.segments_bin)
seg = p.mk_segment('INIT')
awg1 = None
awg2 = None
awg3 = None
awg4 = None
# add to pulse_lib
# define channels
awg_channels_to_physical_locations = dict({'B0':('AWG1', 1), 'P1':('AWG1', 2),
'B1':('AWG1', 3), 'P2':('AWG1', 4),
'B2':('AWG2', 1), 'P3':('AWG2', 2),
'B3':('AWG2', 3), 'P4':('AWG2', 4),
'B4':('AWG3', 1), 'P5':('AWG3', 2),
'B5':('AWG3', 3), 'G1':('AWG3', 4),
'I_MW':('AWG4', 1), 'Q_MW':('AWG4', 2),
'M1':('AWG4', 3), 'M2':('AWG4', 4)})
# format : dict of channel name with delay in ns (can be posive/negative)
p.add_channel_delay({'I_MW':50, 'Q_MW':50, 'M1':20, 'M2':-25, })
awg_virtual_gates = {'virtual_gates_names_virt' :
'virtual_gates_names_real' :
'virtual_gate_matrix' : np.eye(11)
awg_IQ_channels = {'vIQ_channels' : ['qubit_1','qubit_2'],
'rIQ_channels' : [['I_MW','Q_MW'],['I_MW','Q_MW']],
'LO_freq' :[2e9, 1e9]
# do not put the brackets for the MW source
# e.g. MW_source.frequency
seg = p.mk_segment('INIT')
seg2 = p.mk_segment('Manip')
seg3 = p.mk_segment('Readout')
# seg.B4.add_block(0,10,1)
# seg.B4.wait(100)
# seg.B4.add_block(0,10,1)
# seg.B4.add_block(200,300,1)
seg.B0.add_block(0, 10, 1.5)
# seg.B0.add_block(10000, 10010, 1)
# seg.B0.add_block(10010, 10112, 0)
seg.B4.add_block(0, 10, -1.5)
# amp = np.linspace(0,1,50)
# period = 1000
# t = 0
# for i in range(50):
# seg.B4.add_block(t, t+period, amp[i])
# t+= period
# seg.B4.repeat(5)
# amp = np.linspace(0,1,50)
# period = 1000*50
# t = 0
# for i in range(50):
# seg.I_MW.add_block(t, t+period, amp[i])
# t+= period
# seg.G1.add_block(100, 130, 1)
# seg.M2.add_block(100, 130, 1)
# seg.B0.add_block(20,205,1)
# seg.B0.add_block(205,285,-1)sd
# seg.B0.add_block(20,205,1)
# seg.B0.add_block(20,50000,1)
# segs = [seg.B0, seg.P1, seg.B1, seg.P2]
# amp = 0.25
# for i in segs:
# i.add_pulse([[0,-amp]])
# # i.add_block(20,25, -amp + 3)
# # i.add_block(60,65, -amp + 2)
# # i.add_block(100,105, -amp + 1)
# # i.add_block(140,145, -amp + 0.5)
# # i.add_block(180,185, -amp + 0.2)
# t = 10
# for j in range(1,50):
# i.add_block(t,t+j*2,amp)
# t = t+j*2
# t = t + 50
# i.add_pulse([[10000,-amp]])
# amp = 1
# seg.P1.add_pulse([
# [0,-amp],
# [10,amp],
# [9000,amp],
# [9000,-amp],
# [14000,-amp]])
# seg.B4.add_pulse([
# [0,-amp],
# [10,amp],
# [9000,amp],
# [9000,-amp],
# [14000,-amp]])
# t = 0
# amp = 0.1
# seg.B4.add_pulse([
# [0,-amp]])
# for i in range(1,50):
# seg.B4.add_block(t,t+i*2,amp)
# t = t+i*2
# t = t + 50
# t = 0
# seg.P1.add_pulse([
# [0,-amp]])
# for i in range(1,50):
# seg.P1.add_block(t,t+i*2,amp)
# t = t+i*2
# t = t + 50
# seg.B4.add_pulse([
# [0,-1.5],
# [40,-1.5],
# [40,1.5],
# [80,0],
# [80,-0.75],
# [90,-0.75]])
# seg.B4.add_block(100,110,-0.75+0.15)
# seg.B4.add_block(120,130,-0.75+0.1)
# seg.B4.add_block(140,150,-0.75+0.05)
# seg.B4.add_pulse([
# [200,0],
# [210,1],
# [210,-0.2],
# [240,0],
# [275,1.3],
# [275,-0.75],
# [300,-0.75],
# [300,-0.5],
# [310,-0.5],
# [310,0]])
# seg.B4.add_block(10,20000,0.3)
# seg.P5.add_block(10,20000,-0.3)
# seg.B5.add_block(10,20000,-0.3)
# seg.G1.add_block(10,20000,0.3)
# append functions?
# seg.P1.add_block(2,5,-1)
# seg.P1.add_pulse([[100,0.5]
# ,[800,0.5],
# [1400,0]])
# seg.B2.add_block(2,5,-1)
# seg.B2.add_pulse([[20,0],[30,0.5], [30,0]])
# seg.B2.add_block(40,70,1)
# seg.B2.add_pulse([[70,0],
# [80,0],
# [150,0.5],
# [150,0]])
# seg.B4.add_block(2,5,1)
# seg.B4.add_block(2,10,1)
# seg.M2.wait(50)
# seg.M2.plot_sequence()
# seg.B0.repeat(20)
# seg.B0.wait(20)
# print(seg.B0.my_pulse_data)
# seg.reset_timevoltage_range_reset_needed()
# seg.B2.add_block(30,60,1)
# seg.B2.add_block(400,800,0.5)
# seg.B2.add_block(1400,1500,0.5)
# seg.B1.plot_sequence()
# seg.M2.add_pulse([[20,0.2],[30,0]])
# seg.M2.add_block(30,60,1)
# seg.M2.wait(2000)
# seg.M2.add_block(90,120,1)
# seg.M2.plot_sequence()
# seg.M2.add_block(400,800,0.5)
# seg.M2.add_block(1400,1500,0.5)
# seg2.B2.add_block(30,60,0)
# seg2.B2.add_block(400,2000,0.1)
# seg2.P1.add_block(30,60,0)
# seg2.P1.add_block(400,800,0.5)
# seg2.B0.add_block(30,60,0.1)
# seg2.B0.add_block(400,800,0.1)
# seg2.B0.wait(2000)
# seg3.B5.add_block(30,600,0.1)
# seg3.B5.wait(2000)
SEQ = [['INIT', 1, 0]]
p.add_sequence('mysequence', SEQ)
SEQ2 = [['INIT', 1, 0], ['Manip', 1, 0], ['Readout', 1, 0] ]
# p.add_sequence('mysequence2', SEQ2)
# p.start_sequence('mysequence2')
# insert in the begining of a segment
# seg.insert_mode()
# seg.clear()
# # class channel_data_obj():
# # #object containing the data for a specific channels
# # #the idea is that all the data is parmeterised and will be constuceted whenever the function is called.
# # self.my_data_array = np.empty()
# # add_data
# # class block_pulses:
# # # class to make block pulses
# # how to do pulses
# # -> sin?
# # -> pulses?
# # -> step_pulses
# # p = pulselin()
# # seg = pulselib.mk_segment('manip')
# # seg.p1.add_pulse(10,50, 20, prescaler= '1')
# # seg.p3.add_pulse(12,34, 40,)
# # seg.k2.add_pulse_advanced([pulse sequence])
# # seg.add_np(array, tstart_t_stop
# # seg.p5.add_sin(14,89, freq, phase, amp)
# # pulse
# import datetime
# print(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))
\ No newline at end of file
# B0 is the barrier 0 channel
# adds a linear ramp from 10 to 20 ns with amplitude of 5 to 10.
# add a block pulse of 2V from 40 to 70 ns, to whaterver waveform is already there
# just waits (e.g. you want to ake a segment 50 ns longer)
# resets time back to zero in segment. Al the commannds we run before will be put at a negative time.
# this pulse will be placed directly after the wait()
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import numpy as np
import datetime
from copy import deepcopy, copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_AWG as keysight_awg
import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_DIG as keysight_dig
# import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_AWG as keysight_awg
# import qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.SD_common.SD_DIG as keysight_dig
import sys
sys.path.append("C:/Program Files (x86)/Keysight/SD1/Libraries/Python/")
import keysightSD1
# import keysightSD1
import time as tt
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class keysight_AWG():
self.vpp_max = 3 #Volt
# init HVI object
self.HVI = keysightSD1.SD_HVI()
# self.HVI = keysightSD1.SD_HVI()
# setting for the amount of voltage you can be off from the optimal setting for a channels
# e.g. when you are suppose to input
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ class keysight_AWG():
# Make sure you start with a empty memory
# Make sure we are applying the correct pulse correction
# awg.awg.FPGAload(r"C:\Users\LocalAdmin\Downloads\square_test\firmware_BaseBandPulses_Tap15_4CH_3_73.sbp"))
self.awg[name] = awg
self.awg_memory[name] =self.maxmem
File added
No preview for this file type
File added
No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import numpy as np
import copy
import segments_c_func as seg_func
import segments.segments_c_func as seg_func
class pulse_data():
import segments_base as seg_base
import segments_IQ as seg_IQ
import segments_std as seg_std
import segments.segments_base as seg_base
import segments.segments_IQ as seg_IQ
import segments.segments_std as seg_std
import numpy as np
import datetime
......@@ -151,10 +151,3 @@ class segment_container():
def clear_chache():
awg_IQ_channels = {'vIQ_channels' : ['qubit_1','qubit_2'],
'rIQ_channels' : [['I','Q'],['I','Q']],
'LO_freq' :[2e9, 1e9]
# do not put the brackets for the MW source
......@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ As data format we will use a class to store
import numpy as np
import datetime
from segments_base import segment_single, last_edited
from data_handling_functions import loop_controller, linspace
from data_classes import IQ_data
from segments.segments_base import segment_single, last_edited
from segments.data_handling_functions import loop_controller, linspace
from segments.data_classes import IQ_data
import numpy as np
import datetime
from data_handling_functions import loop_controller, linspace, get_union_of_shapes, update_dimension
from data_classes import pulse_data
from segments.data_handling_functions import loop_controller, linspace, get_union_of_shapes, update_dimension
from segments.data_classes import pulse_data
from segments_c_func import py_calc_value_point_in_between
from segments.segments_c_func import py_calc_value_point_in_between
import copy
def last_edited(f):
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