" * What is a good way to model the hbar in order to understand how to optimise the coupling? \n",
"2. Theory on HBARs\n",
" * text: Some basic explanation of what they are\n",
" * Acoustic wave equation\n",
" * Derivation stress strain etc. \n",
" * Electromechanical coupling\n",
" * The Piezoelectric effect\n",
" * Direct piezoelectric effect\n",
" * Indirect piezoelectric effect\n",
" * Piezo-acoustic equations\n",
" * Deriving coupled equations\n",
" * Homogeneous case: can map to renormalised sound velocity\n",
" * Inhomogeneous case: not so easy \n",
" * Generalized eigenvalue problem \n",
"3. Methods: Finite difference methods (NOT THE SIMULATION RESULTS!!!) \n",
" * Acoustic wave model\n",
" * Homogeneous acoustic material\n",
" * Inhomogeneous material\n",
" * Piezo-acoustic model\n",
" * Coupled equations\n",
" * Inhomogeneity\n",
" * Matrices that result\n",
" * Solving in python: \n",
" * Construct matrices, use eig()\n",
" * Challenges not yet address: efficiency and sparse matrices, hard for generalised eig value problem, but for now we will not worry about efficiency\n",
" * Hermiticity + complex eigenvalues problem\n",
"3. Results (Physical interpretation of the simulations)\n",
" * Uniform acoustic wave model\n",
" * Plot a few Eigen modes, intepret what we see\n",
" * Plot dispersion relation, compare to analytical model\n",
" * Uniform piezo capacitor\n",
" * Should be the same, as discussed in theory\n",
" * Take braindead approach and solve with generalised eigvalue approach, does it work?\n",
" * Yes (if we don't make any mistakes)\n",
" * Non-uniform acoustic wave test case (50/50)\n",
" * Show simulations of a mixed 50% one material simulation\n",
" * Stiffness\n",
" * Density\n",
" * Stiffness and density\n",
" * Should be able to interpret this\n",
" * Different wavelength in the two regions\n",
" * Dispersion relation no longer linear? \n",
" * Confirm you get the right boundary conditions\n",
" * Non-unifrom piezoacoustic test case (50/50)\n",
" * Only piezo coefficient changes\n",
" * interpret\n",
" * Piezo and acoustic parameters change \n",
" * interpret\n",
" * 1D piezo-acoustic simulation of an hbar\n",
" * Full shebang (electrode - 1 um piezo - 500 um sapphire - electrode)\n",
" * Results\n",
" * Interpret\n",
" * With help from Gary & Jasper: estimate qubit coupling maybe\n",
" * Next step (see if we make it, otherwise outlook)\n",
" * Hbar with electrode under piezo: how much better? \n",