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SageMath Containers that simplify my life. SageMath+Nbgrader+Rise+LaTeX+SageTeX
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DPF finds fair and optimal binary decision trees
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Book part of various mechanics courses https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/mechanics
Moved to GitHub: https://github.com/TeachBooks/Matrix-method-statics, https://teachbooks.github.io/Matrix-method-statics/ https://github.com/TeachBooks/Structural-Mechanics-4, https://teachbooks.github.io/Structural-Mechanics-4/
Archived 1Updated -
Moved to: https://github.com/TeachBooks/engineering-systems-optimization Book on optimization using python: https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/engineering-systems-optimization
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TU Delft Open: https://doi.org/10.59490/tb.89 Book: https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/risk-reliability
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A simple HTML page with information about previous years. Website updates with CI/CD Pipeline.
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Book describing how to use interactive textbooks, our extensions and our workflow https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/jupyter-book-manual
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Webapp to create an inventory of rock samples collected from a borehole. It used the RockIn Data Model to establish the relationship between samples.
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