{numref}`Figure %s <Fig:Vectors:AdditionPlane>` shows how you can geometrically add two arrows in a plane. The image is a SVG image rendered in the browser.
@@ -16,11 +16,22 @@ It is of course much nicer if you can interact with the image. One way of adding
Geometrical interpretation of addition for three-dimensional vectors.
## Credits
Applet developed by Beryl van Gelderen, integration of applet in Jupyter book by Julia van der Kris and Abel de Bruijn, all as part of the [open linear algebra book](https://dbalague.pages.ewi.tudelft.nl/openlabook/index.html) under development by [PRIME](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/eemcs/the-faculty/departments/applied-mathematics/education/prime/).
\ No newline at end of file
Vector applet developed by Beryl van Gelderen, integration of applet in Jupyter book by Julia van der Kris and Abel de Bruijn, all as part of the [open linear algebra book](https://dbalague.pages.ewi.tudelft.nl/openlabook/index.html) under development by [PRIME](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/eemcs/the-faculty/departments/applied-mathematics/education/prime/).
## HTML files as applets
As we can now integrate other html files (with their own style sheets and JavaScript), the possibilities are endless. I can for example include this simple website on which you can practice your arithmetic.