{numref}`Figure %s <Fig:Vectors:AdditionPlane>` shows how you can geometrically add two arrows in a plane. The image is a SVG image rendered in the browser.
{numref}`Figure %s <Fig:Vectors:AdditionPlane>` shows how you can geometrically add two arrows in a plane. The image is a SVG image rendered in the browser.
@@ -16,11 +16,22 @@ It is of course much nicer if you can interact with the image. One way of adding
@@ -16,11 +16,22 @@ It is of course much nicer if you can interact with the image. One way of adding
Geometrical interpretation of addition for three-dimensional vectors.
Geometrical interpretation of addition for three-dimensional vectors.
## Credits
## Credits
Applet developed by Beryl van Gelderen, integration of applet in Jupyter book by Julia van der Kris and Abel de Bruijn, all as part of the [open linear algebra book](https://dbalague.pages.ewi.tudelft.nl/openlabook/index.html) under development by [PRIME](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/eemcs/the-faculty/departments/applied-mathematics/education/prime/).
Vector applet developed by Beryl van Gelderen, integration of applet in Jupyter book by Julia van der Kris and Abel de Bruijn, all as part of the [open linear algebra book](https://dbalague.pages.ewi.tudelft.nl/openlabook/index.html) under development by [PRIME](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/eemcs/the-faculty/departments/applied-mathematics/education/prime/).
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## HTML files as applets
As we can now integrate other html files (with their own style sheets and JavaScript), the possibilities are endless. I can for example include this simple website on which you can practice your arithmetic.