"On this webpage, you will find information about the SQUID practicum (experimental lab) hosted by the Quantum Nanoscience (http://qn.tudelft.nl) website, run by the group of Prof. Gary Steele (http://steelelab.tudelft.nl). \n",
"On this webpage, you will find information about the 2nd year undergraduate SQUID practicum (experimental lab) hosted by the Quantum Nanoscience (http://qn.tudelft.nl) website, run by the group of Prof. Gary Steele (http://steelelab.tudelft.nl). \n",
"## General information\n",
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# TN2953-P SQUID Practicum Webpage
On this webpage, you will find information about the SQUID practicum (experimental lab) hosted by the Quantum Nanoscience (http://qn.tudelft.nl) website, run by the group of Prof. Gary Steele (http://steelelab.tudelft.nl).
On this webpage, you will find information about the 2nd year undergraduate SQUID practicum (experimental lab) hosted by the Quantum Nanoscience (http://qn.tudelft.nl) website, run by the group of Prof. Gary Steele (http://steelelab.tudelft.nl).
## General information
Read this first:
<ahref="Information%20about%20TN2513-P%20Squid%20Practicum.html">Information about TN2513-P Squid Practicum</a>
## Manual
The manual for this practicum, for reference when you are preparing for, and doing, the experiments:
Some guidelines and advice we have collected over the years:
<ahref="Report%20Writing%20Guidelines%20and%20Advice.html">Report Writing Guidelines and Advice</a>
*You can find the source code to these documents and our control software in the <a href=https://gitlab.tudelft.nl/python-for-applied-physics/rp-squid-python-code>public repository</a> in the TU Delft Gitlab.*
On this webpage, you will find information about the SQUID practicum (experimental lab) hosted by the Quantum Nanoscience (http://qn.tudelft.nl) website, run by the group of Prof. Gary Steele (http://steelelab.tudelft.nl).
On this webpage, you will find information about the 2nd year undergraduate SQUID practicum (experimental lab) hosted by the Quantum Nanoscience (http://qn.tudelft.nl) website, run by the group of Prof. Gary Steele (http://steelelab.tudelft.nl).