How to use this Wiki with Git
install Git
install a git graphical interface, for example TortoiseGit
clone the wiki to your local drive url =
use Typora to edit or make new pages
ADD git add * (to add all changes/new files to index)
COMMIT git commit -m "Commit message" (to actually commit these changes use)
PUSH git push origin master (to push it to the repository called 'master' here)
When making changes online, a resync of the local repository is required!
this can be done by git fetch or git sync in the TortoiseGit [todo:lookup git command for this]
How to generate a credential key, so that login is done automatically by tortoisegit:
install Microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager, use manual installation if Got is alerady installed download here:
To use: Right click → TortoiseGit → Settings → Git → Credential. Select Credential helper: wincred - this repository only. With the first push, the credentials are asked and stored
With problems: check if in windows credential manager the username is stored correctly (should be without