A pocketing pattern is a technique to make a double sided hole, in which items can be knitted inside the fabric. Items (sensors, cushioning, tubing etc) are inserted during a programmed machine stop. After this, the machine closes the double sided open tube on the top side, to form a closed-off pocket
The pocket uses a interlocking pattern to for the outside sides of the pocket (that are single walled fabric). The yarn alternates each stitch on either back and forth needle bed
The closed double sided, hollow pocket itself is formed by alternating a whole course (horizontal line); one course on the front bed is alternated with one whole course on the back needle bed. This way a hollow, vertical tube is formed. Closed off at the beginning and end, it form a closed off, hollow pocket
Pattern Drawing
-use either an existing interlock pattern
-or, start with a standard pattern and fill the field with a interlock pattern
Interlocking pattern
draw a colored shape for the pocket. Here an square pocket is drawn
colored square pocket
draw a few front/back stitches in two consecutive courses, inside the colored pocket
select the pocketing pattern, and with Ctrl+C and the maqic wand tool copy to all inside colored pocket
If successful, the interlock pattern (green) should transverse into the pocket pattern (red) at the edges
For all of the interlock area, the 'rear rack' setting should be changed from "N 0' to '# 0' (RMB on colomn to access the rear rack menu) on top (yellow) is the interlock area, with rear rack #0
additionally, adjust loop size/RS value if nessesarry
lastly, program a machine stop 3 courses before the end of the pocket. See: Insert a stop command in program