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Bart Roest / sand-engine
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterScripts to analyse Sand Engine morphology. Initially written for my master thesis.
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Bart Roest / Meetnet Vlaamse Banken
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterScripts to call the Meetnet Vlaamse Banken (Monitoring network Flemish banks) API from python.
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This contains codes and workflows for data analysis regarding SATAY experiments.
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Repository containing script for temperature measurements and Logged data for some tests.
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Matlab libraries for statistical analysis and plotting biomechanical data
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Complete magnetic tweezers setup code in LabView as used in the Nynke Dekker Lab (TUDelft, Netherlands), using qtrk for image processing.
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Fast spherical bead localization using C++/CUDA, Labview plugin provided.
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Tonal noise prediction of rotors with uniform inflow.
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Blade-element-momentum code for low-fidelity aerodynamic analysis for propulsive and regenerative propellers
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Anh Khoa Doan / PI-ESN
MIT LicenseThis repository contains the code and results related to the manuscript "Short- and long-term prediction of chaotic flows: A physics-constrained reservoir computing approach" by N.A.K. Doan, W. Polifke and L. Magri.
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This code provides a 2D parsimonious finite-difference model of human skin capturing the deformation of the skin, viscoelastic effects through the damper, and local friction behavior at the interface.
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citg / wavemodels / SWAN
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latera third-generation wave model
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citg / wavemodels / SWASH
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latera non-hydrostatic wave-flow model
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This space includes the relevant Matlab codes used for the PhD thesis of Fengqiao Zhang. All copyrights reserved.